Interface LocalParticipant.Listener

    • Method Detail

      • onAudioTrackPublicationFailed

        void onAudioTrackPublicationFailed​(@NonNull
                                           LocalParticipant localParticipant,
                                           LocalAudioTrack localAudioTrack,
                                           TwilioException twilioException)
        This method notifies the listener that the LocalParticipant failed to publish a LocalAudioTrack to a Room.
        localParticipant - The local participant that failed to publish the audio track.
        localAudioTrack - The local audio track that could not be published.
        twilioException - An exception explaining why the local participant failed to publish the local audio track.
      • onVideoTrackPublicationFailed

        void onVideoTrackPublicationFailed​(@NonNull
                                           LocalParticipant localParticipant,
                                           LocalVideoTrack localVideoTrack,
                                           TwilioException twilioException)
        This method notifies the listener that the LocalParticipant failed to publish a LocalVideoTrack to a Room.
        localParticipant - The local participant that failed to publish the video track.
        localVideoTrack - The local video track that could not be published.
        twilioException - An exception explaining why the local participant failed to publish the local video track.
      • onDataTrackPublished

        void onDataTrackPublished​(@NonNull
                                  LocalParticipant localParticipant,
                                  LocalDataTrackPublication localDataTrackPublication)
        This method notifies the listener that a LocalDataTrack has been shared to a Room.
        localParticipant - The local participant that published the data track.
        localDataTrackPublication - The published local data track.
      • onDataTrackPublicationFailed

        void onDataTrackPublicationFailed​(@NonNull
                                          LocalParticipant localParticipant,
                                          LocalDataTrack localDataTrack,
                                          TwilioException twilioException)
        This method notifies the listener that the LocalParticipant failed to publish a LocalDataTrack to a Room.
        localParticipant - The local participant that failed to publish the data track.
        localDataTrack - The local data track that could not be published.
        twilioException - An exception explaining why the local participant failed to publish the local data track.