Package tvi.webrtc

Interface VideoEncoderFactory.VideoEncoderSelector

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface VideoEncoderFactory.VideoEncoderSelector
    • Method Detail

      • onCurrentEncoder

        void onCurrentEncoder​(VideoCodecInfo info)
        Called with the VideoCodecInfo of the currently used encoder.
      • onAvailableBitrate

        VideoCodecInfo onAvailableBitrate​(int kbps)
        Called with the current available bitrate. Returns null if the encoder selector prefers to keep the current encoder or a VideoCodecInfo if a new encoder is preferred.
      • onResolutionChange

        default VideoCodecInfo onResolutionChange​(int widht,
                                                  int height)
        Called every time the encoder input resolution change. Returns null if the encoder selector prefers to keep the current encoder or a VideoCodecInfo if a new encoder is preferred.
      • onEncoderBroken

        VideoCodecInfo onEncoderBroken()
        Called when the currently used encoder signal itself as broken. Returns null if the encoder selector prefers to keep the current encoder or a VideoCodecInfo if a new encoder is preferred.