Package tvi.webrtc

Class LibaomAv1Decoder

    • Constructor Detail

      • LibaomAv1Decoder

        public LibaomAv1Decoder()
    • Method Detail

      • createNativeVideoDecoder

        public long createNativeVideoDecoder()
        Description copied from interface: VideoDecoder
        The decoder implementation backing this interface is either 1) a Java decoder (e.g., an Android platform decoder), or alternatively 2) a native decoder (e.g., a software decoder or a C++ decoder adapter). For case 1), createNativeVideoDecoder() should return zero. In this case, we expect the native library to call the decoder through JNI using the Java interface declared below. For case 2), createNativeVideoDecoder() should return a non-zero value. In this case, we expect the native library to treat the returned value as a raw pointer of type webrtc::VideoDecoder* (ownership is transferred to the caller). The native library should then directly call the webrtc::VideoDecoder interface without going through JNI. All calls to the Java interface methods declared below should thus throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
        Specified by:
        createNativeVideoDecoder in interface VideoDecoder
        Specified by:
        createNativeVideoDecoder in class WrappedNativeVideoDecoder