TVILocalAudioTrack Class Reference

Inherits from TVIAudioTrack : TVITrack : NSObject
Declared in TVILocalAudioTrack.h


TVILocalAudioTrack represents an audio track where the content is captured from your device’s audio subsystem.


A unique identifier for the TVILocalAudioTrack.

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nonnull) NSString *trackId


The trackId is generated by the Client. The Server assigns a SID for the track publication.

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The TVIAudioOptions that were provided when the track was added to TVILocalMedia.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) TVIAudioOptions *options

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Indicates if the track content is enabled.

@property (nonatomic, assign, getter=isEnabled) BOOL enabled


It is possible to enable and disable local tracks. The results of this operation are signaled to other Participants in the same Room. When an audio track is disabled, silence is sent in place of normal audio.

Declared In


– init

Developers shouldn’t initialize this class directly.

- (null_unspecified instancetype)init


Use track or trackWithOptions:enabled:name: to create a TVILocalAudioTrack.

Declared In


+ track

Creates a TVILocalAudioTrack with the default settings.

+ (nullable instancetype)track

Return Value

A Track which is ready to be shared with Participants in a Room, or nil if an error occurs.


This method uses the default TVIAudioOptions, and produces an enabled Track. If you are using a custom TVIAudioDevice which doesn’t support audio capturing then attempting to create a TVILocalAudioTrack will cause an exception to be thrown.

Declared In


+ trackWithOptions:enabled:name:

Creates a TVILocalAudioTrack with TVIAudioOptions and an enabled setting.

+ (nullable instancetype)trackWithOptions:(nullable TVIAudioOptions *)options enabled:(BOOL)enabled name:(nullable NSString *)name



An instance of TVIAudioOptions to configure the Track.


Determines if the Track is enabled at creation time.


The Track name.

Return Value

A Track which is ready to be shared with Participants in a Room, or nil if an error occurs.


This method allows you to provide specific TVIAudioOptions, and produce a disabled Track if you wish. If you are using a custom TVIAudioDevice which doesn’t support audio capturing then attempting to create a TVILocalAudioTrack will cause an exception to be thrown.

Declared In
