TVIAudioController(CallKit) Category Reference

Declared in TVIAudioController.h


CallKit specific additions. You should not call these methods unless your app is using CallKit.

– configureAudioSession:

Configures, but does not activate the AVAudioSession.

- (void)configureAudioSession:(TVIAudioOutput)audioOutput



The audio output.


If you are using CallKit, you must call this API before reporting a new incoming/outgoing call to CallKit or in CXProviderDelegate’s provider:performStartCallAction: or provider:performAnswerCallAction:. If you are not using CallKit then this method will be invoked on your behalf by the SDK.

Declared In


– startAudio

Starts the audio device.

- (BOOL)startAudio

Return Value

YES if the starting audio succeeds, and NO if it fails.


If you are using CallKit, you must call this API on CXProviderDelegate’s provider:didActivateAudioSession:. and hold action provider:performSetHeldCallAction: method. If you are not using CallKit then this method will be invoked on your behalf by the SDK.

Declared In


– stopAudio

Stops the audio device.

- (void)stopAudio


If you are using CallKit, you must call this API on CXProviderDelegate’s providerDidReset:, unhold action provider:performSetHeldCallAction: and provider:performEndCallAction: method. If you are not using CallKit then this method will be invoked on your behalf by the SDK.

Declared In
