TVIVideoRenderer Protocol Reference

Conforms to NSObject
Declared in TVIVideoRenderer.h


TVIVideoRenderers render frames from video tracks.

– renderFrame: required method

Render an individual frame.

- (void)renderFrame:(nonnull TVIVideoFrame *)frame



The frame to be rendered.


Your renderer is required to support frames in the format TVIPixelFormatYUV420PlanarFullRange. You should strongly reference (retain) the TVIVideoFrame before this call returns if you want to render it later. Frames are delivered to your renderer at or near their presentation timestamps.

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– updateVideoSize:orientation: required method

Informs your renderer that the size and/or orientation of the video stream is about to change.

- (void)updateVideoSize:(CMVideoDimensions)videoSize orientation:(TVIVideoOrientation)orientation



The new dimensions for the video stream.


The new orientation of the video stream. Always TVIVideoOrientationUp unless you opt into orientation support.


Expect the next delivered frame to have the new size and/or orientation.

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A list of the optional pixel formats that the renderer supports in addition to TVIPixelFormatYUV420PlanarFullRange.

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nonnull) NSArray<NSNumber*> *optionalPixelFormats


Allows your renderer to declare support for the optional TVIPixelFormat types that it can handle. Any source format defined in TVIPixelFormat can be converted to TVIPixelFormatYUV420PlanarFullRange. If an optional format is not supported then a format conversion is performed before delivering frames to the renderer.

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– invalidateRenderer

Informs your renderer that it is no longer being used and allows you to perform any cleanup necessary if you wish to reuse the renderer with another video track.

- (void)invalidateRenderer


If implemented, this method will be called when removing the renderer during the invocation of [TVIVideoTrack removeRenderer:]. This method will be invoked on the thread in which [TVIVideoTrack removeRenderer:] was called. When your Client is unsubscribed from a TVIRemoteVideoTrack you are given the opportunity to remove your renderer. If the rendered is not removed manually, this method will automatically be called after the unsubscribedFromVideoTrack:publication:forParticipant: delegate method has been invoked.

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