Interface PreflightTest.Listener

Enclosing class:

public static interface PreflightTest.Listener
  • Method Details

    • onPreflightConnected

      void onPreflightConnected(@NonNull PreflightTest preflightTest)
      Raised when the preflight test successfully connects to Twilio backend. Preflight test state is `kConnected` at this point
      preflightTest - an object representing the test
    • onPreflightCompleted

      void onPreflightCompleted(@NonNull PreflightTest preflightTest, @NonNull org.json.JSONObject report)
      Raised when the preflight test is completed successfully
      preflightTest - an object representing the test
      report - preflight report as a JSONObject defined by the PreflightReport Schema.
      This schema refers to different sub-schemas for the various metrics and events it reports. The schemas for these individual metrics and events can be found at:

      Aggregate Stats - Schema
      Network Stats - Schema
      Time Measurement Stats - Schema
      Network Timing Stats - Schema
      Warning Stats - Schema
      Warning Cleared Stats - Schema
      Ice Candidate Stats - Schema
      Selected Ice Candidate Pair Stats - Schema
      Media Sample Stats - Schema

    • onPreflightFailed

      void onPreflightFailed(@NonNull PreflightTest preflightTest, @NonNull CallException error)
      Raised when the preflight test fails
      preflightTest - an object representing the test
      error - CallException that describes why the test failed.
    • onPreflightWarning

      void onPreflightWarning(@NonNull PreflightTest preflightTest, @NonNull Set<Call.CallQualityWarning> currentWarnings, @NonNull Set<Call.CallQualityWarning> previousWarnings)
      Raised when call quality warning or Audio level warning is received or cleared during the test. From the current warnings and previous warnings set, it can be determined which warning was raised or cleared.
      preflightTest - an object representing the test
      currentWarnings - set of current warnings.
      previousWarnings - set of previous warnings.
    • onPreflightSample

      void onPreflightSample(@NonNull PreflightTest preflightTest, @NonNull org.json.JSONObject sample)
      Raised when the test Call receives a WebRTC stats report and a stats sample is generated. The callback is raised every second.
      preflightTest - an object representing the test
      sample - The latest Stats Sample as a JSONObject defined by the StatsSample Schema.