Interface Call.Listener

Enclosing class:

public static interface Call.Listener
Call.Listener interface defines a set of callbacks for events related to call.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • onConnectFailure

      void onConnectFailure(@NonNull Call call, @NonNull CallException callException)
      The call failed to connect.

      Calls that fail to connect will result in onConnectFailure(Call, CallException) and always return a CallException providing more information about what failure occurred.

      call - An object model representing a call that failed to connect.
      callException - CallException that describes why the connect failed.
    • onRinging

      void onRinging(@NonNull Call call)
      Emitted once before the onConnected(Call) callback. If answerOnBridge is true, this represents the callee being alerted of a call.

      The Call.getSid() is now available.

      call - An object model representing a call.
    • onConnected

      void onConnected(@NonNull Call call)
      The call has connected.
      call - An object model representing a call.
    • onReconnecting

      void onReconnecting(@NonNull Call call, @NonNull CallException callException)
      The call starts reconnecting.

      Reconnect is triggered when a network change is detected and Call is already in Call.State.CONNECTED state. If the call is in Call.State.CONNECTING or in Call.State.RINGING when network change happened the SDK will continue attempting to connect, but a reconnect event will not be raised.

      call - An object model representing a call.
      callException - CallException that describes the reconnect reason. This would have one of the two possible values with error codes 53001 "Signaling connection disconnected" and 53405 "Media connection failed".
    • onReconnected

      void onReconnected(@NonNull Call call)
      The call is reconnected.
      call - An object model representing a call.
    • onDisconnected

      void onDisconnected(@NonNull Call call, @Nullable CallException callException)
      The call was disconnected.

      A call can be disconnected for the following reasons:

      • A user calls `disconnect()` on the `Call` object.
      • The other party disconnects or terminates the call.
      • An error occurs on the client or the server that terminates the call.

      If the call ends due to an error the `CallException` is non-null. If the call ends normally `CallException` is null.

      call - An object model representing a call.
      callException - CallException that caused the call to disconnect.
    • onCallQualityWarningsChanged

      default void onCallQualityWarningsChanged(@NonNull Call call, @NonNull Set<Call.CallQualityWarning> currentWarnings, @NonNull Set<Call.CallQualityWarning> previousWarnings)
      Emitted when network quality warnings have changed for the Call.

      The trigger conditions for the Call.CallQualityWarnings are defined as below:

      1. Call.CallQualityWarning.WARN_HIGH_RTT - Round Trip Time (RTT) > 400 ms for 3 out of last 5 samples.
      2. Call.CallQualityWarning.WARN_HIGH_JITTER - Jitter > 30 ms for 3 out of last 5 samples.
      3. Call.CallQualityWarning.WARN_HIGH_PACKET_LOSS - Packet loss > 1% in 3 out of last 5 samples.
      4. Call.CallQualityWarning.WARN_LOW_MOS - Mean Opinion Score (MOS) < 3.5 for 3 out of last 5 samples.
      5. Call.CallQualityWarning.WARN_CONSTANT_AUDIO_IN_LEVEL ` - Audio input level is unchanged for 10 seconds and call is not in muted state.
      The two sets help to determine what warnings have changed since the last callback was received.
      call - An object model representing a call.
      currentWarnings - A Set that contains the current Call.CallQualityWarnings.
      previousWarnings - A Set that contains the previous Call.CallQualityWarnings.