TVORemoteAudioTrackStats Class Reference

Inherits from TVORemoteTrackStats : TVOBaseTrackStats : NSObject
Declared in TVORemoteAudioTrackStats.h


TVORemoteAudioTrackStats represents stats about a remote audio track.


Audio output level.

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSUInteger audioLevel

Declared In



Packet jitter measured in milliseconds.

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSUInteger jitter

Declared In



The Mean Opinion Score (MOS). This is a measure of the call audio quality.

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) double mos


The Mean Opinion Score (MOS) represents the call audio quality where a score of 5 represents the best audio possible, for example, real world face to face speech, and 1 represents audio quality that is unintelligible. Typically, a score of 3.5 or below for a few seconds becomes annoying to the user. The score is calculated using Vincenty’s formulae once per second and uses jitter, rtt, and packet loss values to perform the calculation. The following table describes how MOS relates to quality:

MOS RangePerceived Quality
>= 4.2Excellent
4.1 - 4.2Great
3.7 - 4.0Good
3.1 - 3.6Almost unintelligible
< 3.1Degraded/Unacceptable

Declared In


– init

Developers shouldn’t initialize this class directly.

- (null_unspecified instancetype)init


Remote audio track stats cannot be created explicitly.

Declared In
