TVOCallOptions Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in TVOCallOptions.h


Represents options available when connecting to a Call. Normally, this class is not used directly. See TVOConnectOptions or TVOCAcceptOptions for example usage.


The queue where the Call and associated classes will invoke delegate methods.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) dispatch_queue_t delegateQueue


All delegate methods are performed on this queue. Any TVOCall instance which is created with these options will maintain a strong reference to the queue until it is destroyed. The default value of nil indicates that the main dispatch queue will be used.

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A custom ICE configuration used to connect to a Call.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) TVOIceOptions *iceOptions

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The collection of preferred audio codecs.

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nonnull) NSArray<TVOAudioCodec*> *preferredAudioCodecs


The list specifies which audio codecs will be preferred when negotiating audio between participants. The preferences are applied in the order found in the list starting with the most preferred audio codec to the least preferred audio codec. Audio codec preferences are not guaranteed to be satisfied because not all participants are guaranteed to support all audio codecs. TVOOpusCodec is the default audio codec if no preferences are set.

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Enables Differentiated Services Field Code Point (DSCP) with Expedited Forwarding (EF).

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL enableDscp


DSCP is enabled by default.

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Enable gathering of ICE candidates on “any address” ports. When this flag is set, ports not bound to any specific network interface will be used, in addition to normal ports bound to the enumerated interfaces. This flag may need to be set to support certain network configurations (e.g. some VPN implementations) where ports are not bound to specific interfaces. Setting this flag means that additional candidates might need to be gathered and evaluated, which could lead to slower ICE connection times for regular networks.

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL enableIceGatheringOnAnyAddressPorts

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The TVOCallMessageDelegate for TVOCallMessage related updates.

@property (nonatomic, weak, readonly, nullable) id<TVOCallMessageDelegate> callMessageDelegate

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The TVOAudioOptions that can be applied to underlying media streams or audio processing.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) TVOAudioOptions *audioOptions

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– init

Developers shouldn’t initialize this class directly.

- (null_unspecified instancetype)init


Use the TVOConnectOptions or TVOAcceptOptions builder method instead.

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