
Enumeration WarningName

All of the expected warnings raised by the diagnostics tests. A warning-cleared event is raised if there is an active warning and if the criteria of the warning are no longer met.


test.on(AudioInputTest.Events.Warning, (warningName: WarningName) => {
 console.log(`Warning detected: ${warningName}`);

test.on(AudioInputTest.Events.WarningCleared, (warningName: WarningName) => {
 console.log(`Warning cleared: ${warningName}`);


Enumeration members

Enumeration members


LowAudioLevel: = "low-audio-level"

Raised by the AudioInputTest when the volume events recorded are both low and constant. The criteria for raising this warning are:

  • If there are at least three seconds worth of audio samples.
  • The standard deviation of those samples is less than 1% of the max possible volume value (255).
  • The average of those samples is less than 1% of the max possible volume value (255).


LowBitrate: = "low-bitrate"

Raised by the MediaConnectionBitrateTest when the recorded bitrates are consistently lower than a certain threshold. The criteria for raising this warning are:

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