
Interface Options

Options that can be passed to the AudioHelper constructor


  • Options



Optional AudioContext

AudioContext: typeof AudioContext

A custom replacement for the AudioContext constructor.

Optional audioContext

audioContext: AudioContext

An existing AudioContext instance to use.

Optional enabledSounds

enabledSounds: Record<ToggleableSound, boolean>

A Record of sounds. This is modified by reference, and is used to maintain backward-compatibility. This should be removed or refactored in 2.0. TODO: Remove / refactor in 2.0. (CLIENT-5302)

Optional enumerateDevices

enumerateDevices: any

Overrides the native MediaDevices.enumerateDevices API.

Optional mediaDevices

mediaDevices: MediaDevicesLike

A custom MediaDevices instance to use.

Optional setSinkId

setSinkId: undefined | function

A custom setSinkId function to use.

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