  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

A Player controls the playback of a live stream.


  • EventEmitter
    • Player



Readonly Static captureRejectionSymbol

captureRejectionSymbol: typeof captureRejectionSymbol

Static captureRejections

captureRejections: boolean

Sets or gets the default captureRejection value for all emitters.

Static defaultMaxListeners

defaultMaxListeners: number

Readonly Static errorMonitor

errorMonitor: typeof errorMonitor

This symbol shall be used to install a listener for only monitoring 'error' events. Listeners installed using this symbol are called before the regular 'error' listeners are called.

Installing a listener using this symbol does not change the behavior once an 'error' event is emitted, therefore the process will still crash if no regular 'error' listener is installed.



  • get availableQualities(): Quality[]
  • Array of available Quality objects from the loaded source, or empty if none are currently available. The qualities will be available after the Player transitions to the State.Ready state. Note that this set will contain only qualities capable of being played on the current device and not all those present in the source stream.

    Returns Quality[]


  • get duration(): number
  • The playback duration in seconds. The duration is Infinity if the media is a live stream. A Player.Event.DurationChanged is emitted whenever the playback duration changes.

    Returns number


  • get isMuted(): boolean
  • set isMuted(shouldMute: boolean): void
  • Whether the Player is muted. You can also mute the Player by setting it to true, or unmute by setting it to false. Updating this property has no effect once the Player transitions to the Player.State.Ended state.

    Returns boolean

  • Whether the Player is muted. You can also mute the Player by setting it to true, or unmute by setting it to false. Updating this property has no effect once the Player transitions to the Player.State.Ended state.


    • shouldMute: boolean

    Returns void


  • get liveLatency(): number
  • For a live stream, the latency to the source in seconds.

    Returns number


  • get position(): number
  • The playback position in seconds.

    Returns number




  • The media statistics of the Player's live stream.

    Returns Stats


  • get streamerSid(): string


  • get videoElement(): HTMLVideoElement
  • The HTMLVideoElement used to play back the live stream.

    Returns HTMLVideoElement



  • get volume(): number
  • The Player's volume level in the range [0.0, 1.0].

    Returns number

Static isHighLatencyReductionEnabled

  • get isHighLatencyReductionEnabled(): boolean
  • set isHighLatencyReductionEnabled(isEnabled: boolean): void
  • Whether high latency reduction is enabled for all Player instances. This is set to true by default. When set to true, the Player SDK will periodiocally inspect player.liveLatency and perform the following when high latency is observed:

    1. If the live latency is between 3 and 5 seconds, the Player will increase the playback rate to a value that should not be perceptible to a user. The increased playback rate will allow the Player to catch up to the live source, and will be reverted once the live latency drops below 3 seconds. Application of this strategy may result in audio pitch distortion.

    2. If the live latency is greater than or equal to 5 seconds, the Player will seek ahead to near the end of the Player's buffered content. The user will notice skips in the media content when this strategy is applied.

    Returns boolean

  • Sets whether high latency reduction is enabled for all Player instances. When set to true, the Player SDK will periodiocally inspect player.liveLatency and perform the following when high latency is observed:

    1. If the live latency is between 3 and 5 seconds, the Player will increase the playback rate to a value that should not be perceptible to a user. The increased playback rate will allow the Player to catch up to the live source, and will be reverted once the live latency drops below 3 seconds. Application of this strategy may result in audio pitch distortion.

    2. If the live latency is greater than or equal to 5 seconds, the Player will seek ahead to near the end of the Player's buffered content. The user will notice skips in the media content when this strategy is applied.


    • isEnabled: boolean

    Returns void

Static isSupported

  • get isSupported(): boolean
  • Whether the SDK supports the browser. The SDK only supports browsers which are capable of running WebAssembly (WASM).

    Returns boolean

Static logLevel

Static telemetry

  • A Telemetry provides facilities for subscribing to event and metric data collected by the SDK.

    Returns Telemetry

Static version

  • get version(): string
  • The SDK version.

    Returns string



  • addListener(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): Player
  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol
    • listener: (...args: any[]) => void
        • (...args: any[]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns Player


  • attach(videoElement: HTMLVideoElement): Player
  • Set an HTMLVideoElement to play back the live stream. For iOS browsers, please enable inline playback before attaching the HTMLVideoElement.

    const videoElement = document.querySelector('div#container > video');
    videoElement.playsInline = true;


    • videoElement: HTMLVideoElement

      The HTMLVideoElement to be used to play back the live stream

    Returns Player


  • Disconnect from the live stream. The Player will transition to the terminal Player.State.Ended state, release all resources related to the playback of the live stream, and stop emitting events.

    Returns Player


  • emit(event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean
  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol
    • Rest ...args: any[]

    Returns boolean


  • eventNames(): (string | symbol)[]
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • listenerCount(event: string | symbol): number
  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol

    Returns number


  • listeners(event: string | symbol): Function[]
  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol

    Returns Function[]


  • off(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): Player
  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol
    • listener: (...args: any[]) => void
        • (...args: any[]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns Player



  • once(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): Player
  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol
    • listener: (...args: any[]) => void
        • (...args: any[]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns Player




  • prependListener(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): Player
  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol
    • listener: (...args: any[]) => void
        • (...args: any[]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns Player


  • prependOnceListener(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): Player
  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol
    • listener: (...args: any[]) => void
        • (...args: any[]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns Player


  • rawListeners(event: string | symbol): Function[]
  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol

    Returns Function[]


  • removeAllListeners(event?: string | symbol): Player
  • Parameters

    • Optional event: string | symbol

    Returns Player


  • removeListener(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): Player
  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol
    • listener: (...args: any[]) => void
        • (...args: any[]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns Player


  • seekTo(position: number): Player
  • Instruct the Player to seek to a specified time in the stream and begins playing media in that position. The player state might change to buffering if there is not enough buffered content in the specified position. This method is asynchronous and a Player.Event.SeekCompleted is emitted upon completion. This is only supported for recorded media and will emit a Player.Error if invoked on a live media.




    • position: number

    Returns Player


  • setMaxListeners(n: number): Player
  • Parameters

    • n: number

    Returns Player


  • setVolume(level: number): Player

Static connect

  • Connect to a live stream.


    Player.Error or TypeError


    • token: string

      The access token used to connect to the live stream

    • options: Options

      The options for creating a Player

    Returns Promise<Player>

Static listenerCount

  • listenerCount(emitter: EventEmitter, event: string | symbol): number
  • deprecated

    since v4.0.0


    • emitter: EventEmitter
    • event: string | symbol

    Returns number

Static on

  • on(emitter: EventEmitter, event: string): AsyncIterableIterator<any>
  • Parameters

    • emitter: EventEmitter
    • event: string

    Returns AsyncIterableIterator<any>

Static once

  • once(emitter: NodeEventTarget, event: string | symbol): Promise<any[]>
  • once(emitter: DOMEventTarget, event: string): Promise<any[]>
  • Parameters

    • emitter: NodeEventTarget
    • event: string | symbol

    Returns Promise<any[]>

  • Parameters

    • emitter: DOMEventTarget
    • event: string

    Returns Promise<any[]>

Static setLogLevel

  • Set the SDK's log level.


    Returns void

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