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ABGRToI420(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
Converts ABGR little endian (rgba in memory) to I420.
ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ACCESS_TOKEN_GRANTS_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ACCESS_TOKEN_HEADER_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ACCESS_TOKEN_ISSUER_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ACCESS_TOKEN_NOT_YET_VALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ACCESS_TOKEN_SIGNATURE_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
active - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
activeCandidatePair - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Identify whether the candidate pair is active.
activeResetSrtpParams - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
ADAPTER_TYPE_ANY - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
adapterType - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
adaptOutputFormat(int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
Calling this function will cause frames to be scaled down to the requested resolution.
adaptOutputFormat(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
Same as above, but allows setting two different target resolutions depending on incoming frame orientation.
adaptOutputFormat(VideoSource.AspectRatio, Integer, VideoSource.AspectRatio, Integer, Integer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
Same as above, with even more control as each constraint is optional.
addFrame() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraStatistics
addFrameListener(EglRenderer.FrameListener, float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Register a callback to be invoked when a new video frame has been received.
addFrameListener(EglRenderer.FrameListener, float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Register a callback to be invoked when a new video frame has been received.
addFrameListener(EglRenderer.FrameListener, float, RendererCommon.GlDrawer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Register a callback to be invoked when a new video frame has been received.
addFrameListener(EglRenderer.FrameListener, float, RendererCommon.GlDrawer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Register a callback to be invoked when a new video frame has been received.
addFrameListener(EglRenderer.FrameListener, float, RendererCommon.GlDrawer, boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Register a callback to be invoked when a new video frame has been received.
addIceCandidate(IceCandidate) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
addMediaRecorderToCamera(MediaRecorder, CameraVideoCapturer.MediaRecorderHandler) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer
addPreservedTrack(VideoTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
address - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.IPAddress
addSample(int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics.HistogramInfo
addSink(AudioSink) - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioTrack
Adds a sink to the Track.
addSink(AudioSink) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrack
Adds a sink to the Track.
addSink(VideoSink) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrack
addSink(VideoSink) - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrack
addSink(VideoSink) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTrack
Add a video sink to receive frames from the video track.
addSink(VideoSink) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoTrack
Adds a VideoSink to the track.
addStream(MediaStream) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Adds a new MediaStream to be sent on this peer connection.
addTrack(AudioTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
addTrack(MediaStreamTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Adds a new media stream track to be sent on this peer connection, and returns the newly created RtpSender.
addTrack(MediaStreamTrack, List<String>) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
addTrack(VideoTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
addTransceiver(MediaStreamTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Creates a new RtpTransceiver and adds it to the set of transceivers.
addTransceiver(MediaStreamTrack.MediaType) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
addTransceiver(MediaStreamTrack.MediaType, RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
addTransceiver(MediaStreamTrack, RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
ALL - com.twilio.video.IceTransportPolicy
All transports will be used.
ALL - com.twilio.video.LogLevel
ALL - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.CandidateNetworkPolicy
ALL - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceTransportsType
allocate(int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
Allocates an empty I420Buffer suitable for an image of the given dimensions.
allowCodecSwitching - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
and(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.Predicate
Returns a composed predicate that represents a short-circuiting logical AND of this predicate and another.
ANSWER - tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type
apply(Camera.Parameters) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.CameraParameterUpdater
Invoked when camera parameters are available for modification.
apply(CaptureRequest.Builder) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.CaptureRequestUpdater
Invoked when the CaptureRequest is available for modification.
applyFrameAdaptationParameters(VideoFrame, VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor
Applies the frame adaptation parameters to a frame.
applyTransformMatrix(Matrix, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
Create a new TextureBufferImpl with an applied transform matrix and a new size.
applyZOrder(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoView
Controls placement of the video render relative to other surface.
ASPECT_BALANCED - com.twilio.video.VideoScaleType
A combination of fit and fill.
ASPECT_FILL - com.twilio.video.VideoScaleType
Video is scaled to fill entire view and preserve aspect ratio.
ASPECT_FIT - com.twilio.video.VideoScaleType
Video is scaled to fit size of view while maintaining aspect ratio.
AspectRatio(int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource.AspectRatio
AUDIO_RECORD_START_EXCEPTION - tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordStartErrorCode
AUDIO_RECORD_START_STATE_MISMATCH - tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordStartErrorCode
AUDIO_SAMPLE_MONO - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioFormat
AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_16000 - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioFormat
AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_24000 - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioFormat
AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_32000 - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioFormat
AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_44100 - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioFormat
AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_48000 - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioFormat
AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_8000 - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioFormat
AUDIO_SAMPLE_STEREO - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioFormat
AUDIO_TRACK_KIND - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
AUDIO_TRACK_START_EXCEPTION - tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackStartErrorCode
AUDIO_TRACK_START_STATE_MISMATCH - tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackStartErrorCode
AudioCodec - Class in com.twilio.video
Abstract base class for audio codecs.
AudioCodec(String) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.AudioCodec
AudioDecoderFactoryFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Implementations of this interface can create a native webrtc::AudioDecoderFactory.
AudioDevice - Interface in com.twilio.video
AudioDevice interface allows developers to inject custom audio device capturer and audio device renderer of audio by replacing the default device used by the SDK.
AudioDeviceCapturer - Interface in com.twilio.video
AudioDeviceCapturer interface provides the mechanism to define a custom audio device capturer.
AudioDeviceContext - Class in com.twilio.video
An AudioDeviceContext is a context to the audio device used by the SDK.
audioDeviceExecuteWorkerBlock(AudioDeviceContext, Runnable) - Static method in interface com.twilio.video.AudioDevice
A utility method to execute a runnable on the media engine's worker thread asynchronously.
audioDeviceFormatChanged(AudioDeviceContext) - Static method in interface com.twilio.video.AudioDevice
This method should be called any time the capturing or rendering format changes.
AudioDeviceModule - Interface in tvi.webrtc.audio
This interface is a thin wrapper on top of a native C++ webrtc::AudioDeviceModule (ADM).
audioDeviceReadRenderData(AudioDeviceContext, ByteBuffer) - Static method in interface com.twilio.video.AudioDevice
This method needs to be called by AudioDeviceRenderer to pull renderable audio data from the media engine.
AudioDeviceRenderer - Interface in com.twilio.video
AudioDeviceRenderer interface provides the mechanism to define a custom audio device renderer.
audioDeviceWriteCaptureData(AudioDeviceContext, ByteBuffer) - Static method in interface com.twilio.video.AudioDevice
This method needs to be called by AudioDeviceCapturer implementation to provide captured data to the media engine.
AudioEncoderFactoryFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Implementations of this interface can create a native webrtc::AudioEncoderFactory.
AudioFormat - Class in com.twilio.video
AudioFormat describes 16-bit signed Linear Pulse Code Modulation (LPCM) audio.
AudioFormat(int, int) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.AudioFormat
audioJitterBufferFastAccelerate - Variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions
audioJitterBufferFastAccelerate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
audioJitterBufferFastAccelerate(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions.Builder
Enables fast accelerate mode of jitter buffer.
audioJitterBufferMaxPackets - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
audioLevel - Variable in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrackStats
Audio input level
audioLevel - Variable in class com.twilio.video.RemoteAudioTrackStats
Audio output level
AudioOptions - Class in com.twilio.video
Represents options when adding a LocalAudioTrack.
AudioOptions.Builder - Class in com.twilio.video
Builds new AudioOptions.
AudioProcessingFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Factory for creating webrtc::AudioProcessing instances.
AudioSamples(int, int, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioSamples
AudioSink - Interface in com.twilio.video
AudioSink consumes raw audio content from a AudioTrack.
audioSinks - Variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioTrack
AudioSource - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ AudioSourceInterface.
AudioSource(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.AudioSource
AudioTrack - Class in com.twilio.video
AudioTrack - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ AudioTrackInterface
AudioTrack(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.AudioTrack
AudioTrackPublication - Interface in com.twilio.video
A published audio track represents an audio track that has been shared with a Room.
audioTracks - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
audioTracks(List<LocalAudioTrack>) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
Audio tracks that will be published upon connection.
AUTO - com.twilio.video.ClientTrackSwitchOffControl
In this mode, the SDK determines whether RemoteVideoTracks should be switched off based on VideoSink attachment and View visibility.
AUTO - com.twilio.video.VideoContentPreferencesMode
The SDK specifies content preferences based on video view size.
autoGainControl - Variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions
autoGainControl(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions.Builder
Adjust the sensitivity of the local mic dynamically.
automaticResizeOn - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
availableIncomingBitrate - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Available bitrate for all the incoming RTP streams using this candidate pair measured in bits per second (excluding IP TCP/UDP headers).
availableOutgoingBitrate - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Available bitrate for all the outgoing RTP streams using this candidate pair measured in bits per second (excluding IP TCP/UDP headers).


BALANCED - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.BundlePolicy
BALANCED - tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.DegradationPreference
Degrade a balance of framerate and resolution.
bandwidthProfile(BandwidthProfileOptions) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
Configure how the available downlink bandwidth is shared among the RemoteVideoTracks you have subscribed to in a Group or Small-Group Room.
BandwidthProfileMode - Enum in com.twilio.video
BandwidthProfileMode specifies how RemoteVideoTrack(s) TrackPriority values are mapped to bandwidth allocation in Group Rooms.
BandwidthProfileOptions - Class in com.twilio.video
BandwidthProfileOptions enables you to configure how available bandwidth is shared among the Tracks in a Group Room.
BandwidthProfileOptions() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.BandwidthProfileOptions
Construct instance with SDK defaults.
BandwidthProfileOptions(VideoBandwidthProfileOptions) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.BandwidthProfileOptions
Construct instance with provided VideoBandwidthProfileOptions
BaseTrackStats - Class in com.twilio.video
binary - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Buffer
Indicates whether |data| contains UTF-8 text or "binary data" (i.e.
bitMask - Variable in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
BitrateAllocation(int[][]) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.BitrateAllocation
Initializes the allocation with a two dimensional array of bitrates.
bitratePriority - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
bitratesBbs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.BitrateAllocation
bucketCount - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics.HistogramInfo
buffer - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
Buffer(ByteBuffer, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Buffer
bufferedAmount() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
Return the number of bytes of application data (UTF-8 text and binary data) that have been queued using SendBuffer but have not yet been transmitted to the network.
build() - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions.Builder
build() - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
Builds ConnectOptions object.
build() - Method in class com.twilio.video.DataTrackOptions.Builder
Builds the data track options.
build() - Method in class com.twilio.video.IceOptions.Builder
build() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder
builder() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions
builder() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
builder() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
builder(Context) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule
builder(Context) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions
builder(String) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
builder(List<String>) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
builder(PeerConnection.Observer) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionDependencies
Builder() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.DataTrackOptions.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.IceOptions.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder
Builder(String) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
BuiltinAudioDecoderFactoryFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
Creates a native webrtc::AudioDecoderFactory with the builtin audio decoders.
BuiltinAudioDecoderFactoryFactory() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.BuiltinAudioDecoderFactoryFactory
BuiltinAudioEncoderFactoryFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
This class creates a native webrtc::AudioEncoderFactory with the builtin audio encoders.
BuiltinAudioEncoderFactoryFactory() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.BuiltinAudioEncoderFactoryFactory
bundlePolicy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
bytesReceived - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Total number of payload bytes received on this candidate pair (excluding headers or padding).
bytesReceived - Variable in class com.twilio.video.RemoteTrackStats
Total number of bytes received
bytesSent - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Total number of payload bytes sent on this candidate pair (excluding headers or padding).
bytesSent - Variable in class com.twilio.video.LocalTrackStats
Total number of bytes sent for this SSRC


CalledByNative - Annotation Type in tvi.webrtc
CalledByNative is used by the JNI generator to create the necessary JNI bindings and expose this method to native code.
CalledByNativeUnchecked - Annotation Type in tvi.webrtc
CalledByNativeUnchecked is used to generate JNI bindings that do not check for exceptions.
CallSessionFileRotatingLogSink - Class in tvi.webrtc
CallSessionFileRotatingLogSink(String, int, Logging.Severity) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.CallSessionFileRotatingLogSink
CAMERA_FROZE - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer.Exception
CAMERA_SWITCH_FAILED - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer.Exception
Camera1Capturer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Camera1Capturer(String, CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
Camera1Enumerator - Class in tvi.webrtc
Camera1Enumerator() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator
Camera1Enumerator(boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator
Camera1Session - Class in tvi.webrtc
Camera2Capturer - Class in com.twilio.video
The Camera2Capturer class is used to provide video frames for a LocalVideoTrack from the provided Camera2Capturer.cameraId.
Camera2Capturer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Camera2Capturer(Context, String) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer
Constructs a Camera2Capturer instance.
Camera2Capturer(Context, String, Camera2Capturer.Listener) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer
Constructs a Camera2Capturer instance.
Camera2Capturer(Context, String, CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Capturer
Camera2Capturer.Exception - Exception in com.twilio.video
Camera2Capturer exception class.
Camera2Capturer.Exception.Code - Annotation Type in com.twilio.video
Camera2Capturer.Listener - Interface in com.twilio.video
Interface that provides events and errors related to Camera2Capturer.
Camera2Enumerator - Class in tvi.webrtc
Camera2Enumerator(Context) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator
Camera2Session - Class in tvi.webrtc
CameraCapturer - Class in com.twilio.video
The CameraCapturer class is used to provide video frames for a LocalVideoTrack from a given CameraCapturer.cameraId.
CameraCapturer(Context, String) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
Constructs a CameraCapturer instance.
CameraCapturer(Context, String, CameraCapturer.Listener) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
Constructs a CameraCapturer instance.
CameraCapturer.Error - Annotation Type in com.twilio.video
CameraCapturer.Listener - Interface in com.twilio.video
Interface that provides events and errors related to CameraCapturer.
CameraEnumerationAndroid - Class in tvi.webrtc
CameraEnumerationAndroid() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid
CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat - Class in tvi.webrtc
CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange - Class in tvi.webrtc
CameraEnumerator - Interface in tvi.webrtc
CameraParameterUpdater - Interface in com.twilio.video
Interface for updating Camera.Parameters on a CameraCapturer.
CameraSession - Interface in tvi.webrtc
CameraSession.CreateSessionCallback - Interface in tvi.webrtc
CameraSession.Events - Interface in tvi.webrtc
CameraSession.FailureType - Enum in tvi.webrtc
CameraStatistics(SurfaceTextureHelper, CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraStatistics
CameraVideoCapturer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Base interface for camera1 and camera2 implementations.
CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Camera events handler - can be used to be notifed about camera events.
CameraVideoCapturer.CameraStatistics - Class in tvi.webrtc
Helper class to log framerate and detect if the camera freezes.
CameraVideoCapturer.CameraSwitchHandler - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Camera switch handler - one of these functions are invoked with the result of switchCamera().
CameraVideoCapturer.MediaRecorderHandler - Interface in tvi.webrtc
candidateNetworkPolicy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
CandidatePairChangeEvent - Class in tvi.webrtc
Representation of a change in selected ICE candidate pair.
candidateType - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidateStats
Candidate type.
canInsertDtmf() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DtmfSender
canonicalForm() - Method in enum tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type
capabilities - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
Capabilities(boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Capabilities
CAPTURE_REQUEST_UPDATE_FAILED - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer.Exception
capturedFrameRate - Variable in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrackStats
Captured frame rate
captureDimensions - Variable in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrackStats
Captured frame dimensions
CaptureFormat(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
CaptureFormat(int, int, CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
CaptureRequestUpdater - Interface in com.twilio.video
Interface for updating the CaptureRequest of a Camera2Capturer.
CapturerObserver - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for observering a capturer.
captureTimeMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
captureTimeNs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
CELLULAR - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
CELLULAR_2G - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
CELLULAR_3G - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
CELLULAR_4G - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
CELLULAR_5G - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
certificate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
certificate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtcCertificatePem
PEM string representation of the certificate.
changeCaptureFormat(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.VideoCapturer
changeCaptureFormat(int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
changeCaptureFormat(int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
Changes output video format.
changeCaptureFormat(int, int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoCapturer
CHECKING - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
checkNoGLES2Error(String) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.GlUtil
CIF_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
CIF (352 x 288) resolution in 1.22:1 aspect ratio
CIF_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
CIF_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
clearImage() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Post a task to clear the surface to a transparent uniform color.
clearImage() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Post a task to clear the SurfaceView to a transparent uniform color.
clearImage(float, float, float, float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Post a task to clear the surface to a specific color.
clientTrackSwitchOffControl(ClientTrackSwitchOffControl) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder
Configure how RemoteVideoTracks are switched on and off based on the provided ClientTrackSwitchOffControl.
ClientTrackSwitchOffControl - Enum in com.twilio.video
Configures the mode for switching off/on subscribed RemoteVideoTracks based on the subscriber's rendering environment.
clockRate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Codec
close() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
Close the channel.
close() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
CLOSED - tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.State
CLOSED - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
CLOSED - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
CLOSED - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
CLOSING - tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.State
codec - Variable in class com.twilio.video.BaseTrackStats
Name of codec used for this track
codecs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters
CodecSpecificInfo() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfo
CodecSpecificInfoH264() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfoH264
CodecSpecificInfoVP8() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfoVP8
CodecSpecificInfoVP9() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfoVP9
COLLABORATION - com.twilio.video.BandwidthProfileMode
This mode is for use cases where some RemoteVideoTrack(s) are more prioritized over others.
com.twilio.video - package com.twilio.video
combinedAudioVideoBwe - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
COMPLETE - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceGatheringState
COMPLETED - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
CONFIG_PIXEL_BUFFER - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
CONFIG_PIXEL_RGBA_BUFFER - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
CONFIG_PLAIN - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
CONFIG_RECORDABLE - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
CONFIG_RGBA - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
configBuilder() - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
ConfigBuilder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.EglBase.ConfigBuilder
CONFIGURATION_ACQUIRE_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
CONFIGURATION_ACQUIRE_TURN_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
configureCaptureRequestBuilder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Session
Configures a CaptureRequest.Builder with optimal settings for capturing video frames.
connect(Context, ConnectOptions, Room.Listener) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.Video
Connect to a Room with specified options.
CONNECTED - com.twilio.video.Participant.State
The Participant has connected to signaling
CONNECTED - com.twilio.video.Room.State
CONNECTED - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
CONNECTED - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
CONNECTING - com.twilio.video.Participant.State
The Participant is connecting to signaling.
CONNECTING - com.twilio.video.Room.State
CONNECTING - tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.State
CONNECTING - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
CONNECTION_2G - tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_3G - tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_4G - tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_5G - tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_BLUETOOTH - tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_ETHERNET - tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_NONE - tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_UNKNOWN - tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_UNKNOWN_CELLULAR - tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_VPN - tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_WIFI - tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
connectionState() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
ConnectOptions - Class in com.twilio.video
Represents options when connecting to a Room.
ConnectOptions.Builder - Class in com.twilio.video
Build new ConnectOptions.
consentRequestsReceived - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Total number of connectivity check retransmissions sent.
consentRequestsSent - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Total number of consent requests received.
consentResponsesReceived - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Total number of consent responses received.
consentResponsesSent - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Total number of consent responses sent.
continualGatheringPolicy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
convert(VideoFrame.TextureBuffer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvConverter
Converts the texture buffer to I420.
convertMatrixFromAndroidGraphicsMatrix(Matrix) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon
Converts android.graphics.Matrix to a float[16] matrix array.
convertMatrixToAndroidGraphicsMatrix(float[]) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon
Converts a float[16] matrix array to android.graphics.Matrix.
copyPlane(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
Helper method for copying a single colour plane.
CORE - com.twilio.video.LogModule
create() - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Helper function for creating a plain root context.
create(Context) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.LocalDataTrack
Creates a local data track with no name and DataTrackOptions.DEFAULT_DATA_TRACK_OPTIONS.
create(Context, boolean) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrack
Creates an audio track.
create(Context, boolean, AudioOptions) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrack
Creates an audio track.
create(Context, boolean, AudioOptions, String) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrack
Creates an audio track.
create(Context, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrack
Creates an audio track.
create(Context, boolean, VideoCapturer) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrack
Creates a local video track.
create(Context, boolean, VideoCapturer, VideoFormat) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrack
Creates a local video track.
create(Context, boolean, VideoCapturer, VideoFormat, String) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrack
Creates a local video track.
create(Context, boolean, VideoCapturer, String) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrack
Creates a local video track.
create(Context, DataTrackOptions) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.LocalDataTrack
Creates a local data track with no name and provided data track options.
create(String, EglBase.Context) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Same as above with alignTimestamps set to false and yuvConverter set to new YuvConverter.
create(String, EglBase.Context, boolean) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Same as above with yuvConverter set to new YuvConverter.
create(String, EglBase.Context, boolean, YuvConverter) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Create a SurfaceTextureHelper without frame ref monitor.
create(String, EglBase.Context, boolean, YuvConverter, SurfaceTextureHelper.FrameRefMonitor) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Construct a new SurfaceTextureHelper sharing OpenGL resources with |sharedContext|.
create(CameraSession.CreateSessionCallback, CameraSession.Events, boolean, Context, SurfaceTextureHelper, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Session
create(CameraSession.CreateSessionCallback, CameraSession.Events, Context, CameraManager, SurfaceTextureHelper, String, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Session
create(EglBase.Context) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Helper function for creating a plain context, sharing data with |sharedContext|.
create(EglBase.Context, int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Create a new context with the specified config attributes, sharing data with |sharedContext|.
create(NetworkChangeDetector.Observer, Context) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetectorFactory
createAnswer(SdpObserver, MediaConstraints) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
createAudioDeviceModule() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Construct an AudioDeviceModule based on the supplied arguments.
createAudioSource(MediaConstraints) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createAudioTrack(String, AudioSource) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createCameraSession(CameraSession.CreateSessionCallback, CameraSession.Events, Context, SurfaceTextureHelper, String, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
createCameraSession(CameraSession.CreateSessionCallback, CameraSession.Events, Context, SurfaceTextureHelper, String, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Capturer
createCapturer(String, CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator
createCapturer(String, CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator
createCapturer(String, CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerator
createConfigAttributes() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglBase.ConfigBuilder
createCryptoOptions() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Builder
createDataChannel(String, DataChannel.Init) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
createDecoder(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SoftwareVideoDecoderFactory
createDecoder(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoderFactory
createDecoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoDecoderFactory
createDecoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SoftwareVideoDecoderFactory
createDecoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoderFactory
Creates a decoder for the given video codec.
createDummyPbufferSurface() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
createEgl10(int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Explicitly create a root EGl 1.0 context with the specified config attributes.
createEgl10(EGLContext, int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Explicitly create a root EGl 1.0 context with the specified config attributes and shared context.
createEgl10(EglBase10.Context, int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Explicitly create a root EGl 1.0 context with the specified config attributes and shared context.
createEgl14(int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Explicitly create a root EGl 1.4 context with the specified config attributes.
createEgl14(EGLContext, int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Explicitly create a root EGl 1.4 context with the specified config attributes and shared context.
createEgl14(EglBase14.Context, int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Explicitly create a root EGl 1.4 context with the specified config attributes and shared context.
createEglSurface(SurfaceTexture) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
createEglSurface(Surface) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
createEncodedImage() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
createEncoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
createEncoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoEncoderFactory
createEncoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SoftwareVideoEncoderFactory
createEncoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFactory
Creates an encoder for the given video codec.
createFloatBuffer(float[]) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.GlUtil
createIceServer() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder
createInitializationOptions() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions.Builder
createLocalMediaStream(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createNative() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.AudioProcessingFactory
Dynamically allocates a webrtc::AudioProcessing instance and returns a pointer to it.
createNative() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.FecControllerFactoryFactoryInterface
Dynamically allocates a webrtc::FecControllerFactory instance and returns a pointer to it.
createNativeAudioDecoderFactory() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.AudioDecoderFactoryFactory
Returns a pointer to a webrtc::AudioDecoderFactory.
createNativeAudioDecoderFactory() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.BuiltinAudioDecoderFactoryFactory
createNativeAudioEncoderFactory() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.AudioEncoderFactoryFactory
Returns a pointer to a webrtc::AudioEncoderFactory.
createNativeAudioEncoderFactory() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.BuiltinAudioEncoderFactoryFactory
createNativeNetEqFactory() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetEqFactoryFactory
Returns a pointer to a webrtc::NetEqFactory.
createNativeNetworkControllerFactory() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkControllerFactoryFactory
Dynamically allocates a webrtc::NetworkControllerFactory instance and returns a pointer to it.
createNativeNetworkStatePredictorFactory() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkStatePredictorFactoryFactory
Dynamically allocates a webrtc::NetworkStatePredictorFactory instance and returns a pointer to it.
createNativePeerConnection() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NativePeerConnectionFactory
Create a new webrtc::jni::OwnedPeerConnection instance and returns a pointer to it.
createNativePeerConnectionObserver(PeerConnection.Observer) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
createNativeVideoDecoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp8Decoder
createNativeVideoDecoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp9Decoder
createNativeVideoDecoder() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder
The decoder implementation backing this interface is either 1) a Java decoder (e.g., an Android platform decoder), or alternatively 2) a native decoder (e.g., a software decoder or a C++ decoder adapter).
createNativeVideoDecoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoderFallback
createNativeVideoDecoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoDecoder
createNativeVideoEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp8Encoder
createNativeVideoEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp9Encoder
createNativeVideoEncoder() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
The encoder implementation backing this interface is either 1) a Java encoder (e.g., an Android platform encoder), or alternatively 2) a native encoder (e.g., a software encoder or a C++ encoder adapter).
createNativeVideoEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFallback
createNativeVideoEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
createOffer(SdpObserver, MediaConstraints) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
createPbufferSurface(int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
createPeerConnection(List<PeerConnection.IceServer>, MediaConstraints, PeerConnection.Observer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createPeerConnection(List<PeerConnection.IceServer>, PeerConnection.Observer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createPeerConnection(PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration, MediaConstraints, PeerConnection.Observer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createPeerConnection(PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration, PeerConnection.Observer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createPeerConnection(PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration, PeerConnectionDependencies) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createPeerConnectionDependencies() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionDependencies.Builder
createPeerConnectionFactory() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
createSender(String, String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Creates an RtpSender without a track.
createSurface(SurfaceTexture) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
createSurface(Surface) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
createTextureBufferWithModifiedTransformMatrix(TextureBufferImpl, boolean, int) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession
createVideoSource(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
Same as above with alignTimestamps set to true.
createVideoSource(boolean, boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
Create video source with given parameters.
createVideoTrack(String, VideoSource) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
cropAndScale(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.twilio.video.Rgba8888Buffer
cropAndScale(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
cropAndScale(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV12Buffer
cropAndScale(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV21Buffer
cropAndScale(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
cropAndScale(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.Buffer
Crops a region defined by |cropx|, |cropY|, |cropWidth| and |cropHeight|.
cropAndScaleI420(VideoFrame.I420Buffer, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
cropHeight - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
cropWidth - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
cropX - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
cropY - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
cryptoOptions - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
Defines advanced optional cryptographic settings related to SRTP and frame encryption for native WebRTC.
CryptoOptions - Class in tvi.webrtc
CryptoOptions defines advanced cryptographic settings for native WebRTC.
CryptoOptions.Builder - Class in tvi.webrtc
CryptoOptions.SFrame - Class in tvi.webrtc
Options to be used when the FrameEncryptor / FrameDecryptor APIs are used.
CryptoOptions.Srtp - Class in tvi.webrtc
SRTP Related Peer Connection Options.
currentRoundTripTime - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Latest round trip time measured in seconds.


data - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Buffer
The underlying data.
DataChannel - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ DataChannelInterface.
DataChannel(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
DataChannel.Buffer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of C++ DataBuffer.
DataChannel.Init - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for WebIDL RTCDataChannel.
DataChannel.Observer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Java version of C++ DataChannelObserver.
DataChannel.State - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Keep in sync with DataChannelInterface::DataState.
DataTrack - Class in com.twilio.video
Base representation of LocalDataTrack and RemoteDataTrack.
DataTrack(boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.DataTrack
DataTrackOptions - Class in com.twilio.video
Represents options when creating LocalDataTracks.
DataTrackOptions.Builder - Class in com.twilio.video
Build new DataTrackOptions.
DataTrackPublication - Interface in com.twilio.video
A published data track represents a data track that has been shared with a Room.
dataTracks(List<LocalDataTrack>) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
Data tracks that will be published upon connection.
DEBUG - com.twilio.video.LogLevel
decode(EncodedImage, VideoDecoder.DecodeInfo) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder
Request the decoder to decode a frame.
decode(EncodedImage, VideoDecoder.DecodeInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoDecoder
DecodeInfo(boolean, long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.DecodeInfo
DEFAULT_DATA_TRACK_OPTIONS - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.DataTrackOptions
Default data track options.
DEFAULT_MAX_PACKET_LIFE_TIME - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.DataTrackOptions
Default value for max packet life time.
DEFAULT_MAX_RETRANSMITS - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.DataTrackOptions
Default value for max retransmits
DefaultAudioDevice - Class in com.twilio.video
By default, the Video SDK uses DefaultAudioDevice to capture and render audio.
DefaultAudioDevice() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.DefaultAudioDevice
DefaultVideoDecoderFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
Helper class that combines HW and SW decoders.
DefaultVideoDecoderFactory(EglBase.Context) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoDecoderFactory
Create decoder factory using default hardware decoder factory.
DefaultVideoEncoderFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
Helper class that combines HW and SW encoders.
DefaultVideoEncoderFactory(EglBase.Context, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
DefaultVideoEncoderFactory(EglBase.Context, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Create encoder factory using default hardware encoder factory.
DefaultVideoEncoderFactory(EglBase.Context, Properties) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
degradationPreference - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters
When bandwidth is constrained and the RtpSender needs to choose between degrading resolution or degrading framerate, degradationPreference indicates which is preferred.
deleted - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidateStats
The candidate is no longer active.
description - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription
destroy() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector
detachCurrent() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
DETECTED - com.twilio.video.TrackSwitchOffMode
In this mode, Tracks are switched off only when network congestion is detected.
dimensions - Variable in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrackStats
Sent frame dimensions
dimensions - Variable in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrackStats
Received frame dimensions
dimensions - Variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoFormat
DISABLED - com.twilio.video.TrackSwitchOffMode
In this mode, Tracks are never switched off.
DISABLED - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TcpCandidatePolicy
DISABLED - tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.DegradationPreference
Does not degrade resolution or framerate.
disableEncryption - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Options
disableFpsReduction() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
disableFpsReduction() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
disableFpsReduction() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
disableIpv6 - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
disableIPv6OnWifi - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
disableNetworkMonitor - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Options
disconnect() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Room
Disconnects from the room.
DISCONNECTED - com.twilio.video.Participant.State
The Participant has disconnected from signaling.
DISCONNECTED - com.twilio.video.Room.State
DISCONNECTED - tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.FailureType
DISCONNECTED - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
DISCONNECTED - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
dispose() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer
dispose() - Method in class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
dispose() - Method in class com.twilio.video.ScreenCapturer
dispose() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.VideoCapturer
This method provides an optional step to perform a final cleanup.
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CallSessionFileRotatingLogSink
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
Dispose of native resources attached to this channel.
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DtmfSender
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaSource
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Free native resources associated with this PeerConnection instance.
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Call disconnect() to stop receiving frames.
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TimestampAligner
Dispose native timestamp aligner.
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TurnCustomizer
dispose() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoCapturer
Perform any final cleanup here.
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoTrack
dominantSpeakerPriority(TrackPriority) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder
Set the minimum TrackPriority of the Dominant Speaker's RemoteVideoTracks.
drawFrame(VideoFrame, RendererCommon.GlDrawer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
drawFrame(VideoFrame, RendererCommon.GlDrawer, Matrix) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
drawFrame(VideoFrame, RendererCommon.GlDrawer, Matrix, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
drawOes(int, float[], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.GlDrawer
Functions for drawing frames with different sources.
drawRgb(int, float[], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.GlDrawer
drawTexture(RendererCommon.GlDrawer, VideoFrame.TextureBuffer, Matrix, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
Draws a VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.
drawYuv(int[], float[], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.GlDrawer
drop - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
dtmf() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
DtmfSender - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ DtmfSenderInterface.
DtmfSender(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DtmfSender
duration() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DtmfSender


ECDSA - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.KeyType
echoCancellation - Variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions
echoCancellation(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions.Builder
Attempts to filter away the output signal from later inbound pickup.
EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
EGL_RECORDABLE_ANDROID - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
EglBase - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Holds EGL state and utility methods for handling an egl 1.0 EGLContext, an EGLDisplay, and an EGLSurface.
EglBase.ConfigBuilder - Class in tvi.webrtc
EglBase.Context - Interface in tvi.webrtc
EglBase10 - Interface in tvi.webrtc
EGL 1.0 implementation of EglBase.
EglBase10.Context - Interface in tvi.webrtc
EglBase14 - Interface in tvi.webrtc
EGL 1.4 implementation of EglBase.
EglBase14.Context - Interface in tvi.webrtc
EglRenderer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Implements VideoSink by displaying the video stream on an EGL Surface.
EglRenderer(String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Standard constructor.
EglRenderer(String, VideoFrameDrawer) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
EglRenderer.ErrorCallback - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Callback for clients to be notified about errors encountered during rendering.
EglRenderer.FrameListener - Interface in tvi.webrtc
EmptyFrame - tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.FrameType
enable() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics
enable(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrack
Sets the state of the local audio track.
enable(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrack
Sets the state of the local video track.
enableAutomaticSubscription(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
Toggles automatic track subscription.
enableCpuOveruseDetection - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
enabled() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
ENABLED - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TcpCandidatePolicy
enableDominantSpeaker(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
Enable reporting of a Room's dominant speaker.
enableDscp - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
enableDtlsSrtp - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
enableIceGatheringOnAnyAddressPorts(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
Enable gathering of ICE candidates on "any address" ports.
enableInsights(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
Enable sending stats data to Insights.
enableNetworkQuality(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
Enable or disable the Network Quality API.
enablePlayback(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteAudioTrack
Enables playback of remote audio track.
enableRtpDataChannel - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
encode(VideoFrame, VideoEncoder.EncodeInfo) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Requests the encoder to encode a frame.
encode(VideoFrame, VideoEncoder.EncodeInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
encodedHeight - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
EncodedImage - Class in tvi.webrtc
An encoded frame from a video stream.
EncodedImage.Builder - Class in tvi.webrtc
EncodedImage.FrameType - Enum in tvi.webrtc
encodedWidth - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
EncodeInfo(EncodedImage.FrameType[]) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.EncodeInfo
Encoding(String, boolean, Double) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
encodingParameters(EncodingParameters) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
Set EncodingParameters for audio and video tracks shared to a Room.
EncodingParameters - Class in com.twilio.video
Defines audio and video encoding parameters.
EncodingParameters(int, int) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.EncodingParameters
encodings - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters
ENDED - tvi.webrtc.MediaSource.State
ENDED - tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.State
equals(Object) - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.twilio.video.BandwidthProfileOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.twilio.video.DataTrackOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.twilio.video.EncodingParameters
equals(Object) - Method in class com.twilio.video.IceOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoContentPreferences
equals(Object) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoFormat
equals(Object) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
equals(Object) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange
equals(Object) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
equals() checks sdpMid, sdpMLineIndex, and sdp for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair
equals(Object) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
equals(Object) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
ERR_PARAMETER - tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
ERR_REQUEST_SLI - tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
ERR_SIZE - tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
ERROR - com.twilio.video.LogLevel
ERROR - tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.FailureType
ERROR - tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
ERROR_CAMERA_FREEZE - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
ERROR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_NOT_GRANTED - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
ERROR_CAMERA_SERVER_STOPPED - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
ERROR_CAMERA_SWITCH_FAILED - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
ERROR_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SOURCE - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
estimatedDisconnectedTimeMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CandidatePairChangeEvent
An estimate from the ICE stack on how long it was disconnected before changing to the new candidate pair in this event.
ETHERNET - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType


FAILED - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
FAILED - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
FALLBACK_SOFTWARE - tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
FATAL - com.twilio.video.LogLevel
FecControllerFactoryFactoryInterface - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Factory for creating webrtc::FecControllerFactory instances.
fieldTrialsFindFullName(String) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
FileVideoCapturer - Class in tvi.webrtc
FileVideoCapturer(String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
forceFrame() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Forces a frame to be produced.
FrameAdaptationParameters(int, int, int, int, int, int, long, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
FrameDecryptor - Interface in tvi.webrtc
The FrameDecryptor interface allows Java API users to provide a pointer to their native implementation of the FrameDecryptorInterface.
FrameEncryptor - Interface in tvi.webrtc
The FrameEncryptor interface allows Java API users to provide a pointer to their native implementation of the FrameEncryptorInterface.
framerate - Variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoFormat
framerate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
frameRate - Variable in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrackStats
Sent frame rate
frameRate - Variable in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrackStats
Received frame rate
FramerateRange(int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange
frameSize() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
frameSize(int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
frameSizePixels - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
Maximum size of video frame, in pixels, the bitrate limits are intended for.
frameType - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
frameTypes - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.EncodeInfo
fromCanonicalForm(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type


G722Codec - Class in com.twilio.video
ITU-T standard 7 kHz Wideband audio codec.
G722Codec() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.G722Codec
GATHER_CONTINUALLY - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.ContinualGatheringPolicy
GATHER_ONCE - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.ContinualGatheringPolicy
GATHERING - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceGatheringState
generateCertificate() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RtcCertificatePem
Generate a new RtcCertificatePem with the default settings of KeyType = ECDSA and expires = 30 days.
generateCertificate(long) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RtcCertificatePem
Generate a new RtcCertificatePem with a custom expires and the default setting of KeyType = ECDSA.
generateCertificate(PeerConnection.KeyType) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RtcCertificatePem
Generate a new RtcCertificatePem with a custom KeyType and the default setting of expires = 30 days.
generateCertificate(PeerConnection.KeyType, long) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RtcCertificatePem
Generate a new RtcCertificatePem with a custom KeyType and a custom expires.
generateTexture(int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.GlUtil
Generate texture with standard parameters.
getActiveNetworkList() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector
getAndReset() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics
getAttribLocation(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlShader
getAudioDevice() - Static method in class com.twilio.video.Video
Returns the AudioDevice.
getAudioFormat() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioSamples
getAudioTrack() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.AudioTrackPublication
LocalAudioTrackPublication and RemoteAudioTrackPublication extend AudioTrackPublication and each interface implements getAudioTrack with different nullability behavior.
getAudioTrack() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrackPublication
Unlike AudioTrackPublication or RemoteAudioTrackPublication this AudioTrack is guaranteed to be non null.
getAudioTrack() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteAudioTrackPublication
Returns the base audio track object of the published remote audio track.
getAudioTracks() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Returns read-only list of audio track publications.
getAudioTracks() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Participant
Returns AudioTrackPublications of participant.
getAudioTracks() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant
Returns read-only list of audio track publications.
getBuffer() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
getCamera() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Session
Get the camera object.
getCameraId() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer
Returns the currently set camera ID.
getCameraId() - Method in class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
Returns the currently set cameraID.
getCaptureFormat() - Method in class com.twilio.video.ScreenCapturer
getCaptureFormat() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.VideoCapturer
getCaptureFormat() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Session
Get the current capture format.
getCapturerFormat() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.AudioDeviceCapturer
Returns the format of the audio that will be captured.
getCapturerFormat() - Method in class com.twilio.video.DefaultAudioDevice
This method is a no-op that returns null.
getCapturerObserver() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
getCertificate() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
getChannelCount() - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioFormat
Returns the number of channels in the audio stream.
getChannelCount() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioSamples
getClientTrackSwitchOffControl() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions
getClosestSupportedFramerateRange(List<CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange>, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid
getClosestSupportedSize(List<Size>, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid
getCname() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Rtcp
getCode() - Method in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
getCurrentConnectionType() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector
getCurrentDirection() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The current_direction attribute indicates the current direction negotiated for this transceiver.
getData() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Rgba8888Buffer
Returns the raw frame buffer data.
getData() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioSamples
getDataTrack() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.DataTrackPublication
LocalDataTrackPublication and RemoteDataTrackPublication extend DataTrackPublication and each interface implements getDataTrack with different nullability behavior.
getDataTrack() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalDataTrackPublication
Unlike DataTrackPublication or RemoteDataTrackPublication this DataTrack is guaranteed to be non null.
getDataTrack() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteDataTrackPublication
getDataTracks() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Returns read-only list of data track publications.
getDataTracks() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Participant
Returns DataTrackPublications of participant.
getDataTracks() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant
Returns read-only list of data track publications.
getDataU() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getDataU() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.I420Buffer
Returns a direct ByteBuffer containing U-plane data.
getDataV() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getDataV() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.I420Buffer
Returns a direct ByteBuffer containing V-plane data.
getDataY() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getDataY() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.I420Buffer
Returns a direct ByteBuffer containing Y-plane data.
getDeviceNames() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator
getDeviceNames() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator
getDeviceNames() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerator
getDeviceOrientation(Context) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession
getDirection() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The direction attribute indicates the preferred direction of this transceiver, which will be used in calls to CreateOffer and CreateAnswer.
getDisplaySize(float, float, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon
Calculate display size based on minimum fraction of the video that must remain visible, video aspect ratio, and maximum display size.
getDisplaySize(RendererCommon.ScalingType, float, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon
Calculate display size based on scaling type, video aspect ratio, and maximum display size.
getDominantSpeaker() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Room
Returns the dominant speaker of the Room.
getDominantSpeakerPriority() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions
getEglBaseContext() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
getEnableAes128Sha1_32CryptoCipher() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Srtp
getEnableEncryptedRtpHeaderExtensions() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Srtp
getEnableGcmCryptoSuites() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Srtp
getEncoderSelector() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFactory
Returns a VideoEncoderSelector if implemented by the VideoEncoderFactory, null otherwise.
getEncrypted() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.HeaderExtension
getExplanation() - Method in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
getFrameBufferId() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlTextureFrameBuffer
Gets the OpenGL frame buffer id.
getFrameSizePixels() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
getGlTarget() - Method in enum tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.Type
getHandler() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Retrieve the handler that calls onFrame().
getHeaderExtensions() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters
getHeight() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Rgba8888Buffer
Returns the frame height.
getHeight() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlTextureFrameBuffer
getHeight() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getHeight() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV12Buffer
getHeight() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV21Buffer
getHeight() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
getHeight() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.Buffer
getIceCandidatePairStats() - Method in class com.twilio.video.StatsReport
Returns stats for all ice candidate pairs in the peer connection.
getIceCandidateStats() - Method in class com.twilio.video.StatsReport
Returns stats for individual ice candidates in the peer connection
getIceServers() - Method in class com.twilio.video.IceOptions
getIceTransportPolicy() - Method in class com.twilio.video.IceOptions
getId() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
getId() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStats
getId() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.HeaderExtension
getIdentity() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Returns the identity of the local participant.
getIdentity() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Participant
Returns participant identity.
getIdentity() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant
Returns the identity of the remote participant.
getImplementationName() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder
Should return a descriptive name for the implementation.
getImplementationName() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Should return a descriptive name for the implementation.
getImplementationName() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoDecoder
getImplementationName() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
getImplementations() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFactory
Enumerates the list of supported video codecs that can also be tagged with implementation information.
getKey() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair
getLayoutMatrix(boolean, float, float) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon
Returns layout transformation matrix that applies an optional mirror effect and compensates for video vs display aspect ratio.
getLocalAudioTrack() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrackPublication
Returns the published local audio track.
getLocalAudioTracks() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Returns read-only list of local audio track publications.
getLocalAudioTrackStats() - Method in class com.twilio.video.StatsReport
Returns stats for all local audio tracks in the peer connection.
getLocalDataTrack() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalDataTrackPublication
Returns the published local data track.
getLocalDataTracks() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Returns read-only list of local data track publications.
getLocalDescription() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
getLocalParticipant() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Room
Returns the current local participant.
getLocalVideoTrack() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrackPublication
Returns the published local video track.
getLocalVideoTracks() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Returns read-only list of local video track publications.
getLocalVideoTrackStats() - Method in class com.twilio.video.StatsReport
Returns stats for all local video tracks in the peer connection.
getLogData(String) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.CallSessionFileRotatingLogSink
getLogLevel() - Static method in class com.twilio.video.Video
Gets the logging level for messages logged by the Video SDK.
getMaxBitrateBps() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
getMaxPacketLifeTime() - Method in class com.twilio.video.DataTrack
Returns the maximum period of time in milliseconds in which retransmissions will be sent.
getMaxRetransmits() - Method in class com.twilio.video.DataTrack
Returns the maximum number of times to transmit a message before giving up.
getMaxSubscriptionBitrate() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions
Get the max subscription bitrate in Kilobits per second (Kbps) specified by VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder.maxSubscriptionBitrate(Long).
getMaxTracks() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions
Get the max tracks specified by VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder.maxTracks(Long) (long)}.
getMediaProjection() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
getMediaRegion() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Room
Returns the region where media is processed.
getMediaType() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
Media type of the transceiver.
getMembers() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStats
Returns map of member names to values.
getMid() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The mid attribute is the mid negotiated and present in the local and remote descriptions.
getMinBitrateBps() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
getMinStartBitrateBps() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
getMirror() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
Returns whether or not this view is mirroring video.
getMirror() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoView
Returns whether or not this view is mirroring video.
getMode() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions
getModuleLogLevel(LogModule) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.Video
Returns the logging level for messages logged by the specified LogModule.
getName() - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioCodec
Returns the string representation of the audio codec.
getName() - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioTrack
Returns the audio track name.
getName() - Method in class com.twilio.video.DataTrack
Returns the data track name.
getName() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrack
Returns the local audio track name.
getName() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalDataTrack
Returns the local data track name.
getName() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrack
Returns the local video track name.
getName() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Room
Returns the name of the current room.
getName() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Track
Return track name.
getName() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoCodec
Returns the string representation of the video codec.
getName() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTrack
Returns the video track name.
getNative() - Method in enum tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.FrameType
getNativeAudioDeviceModulePointer() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.audio.AudioDeviceModule
Returns a C++ pointer to a webrtc::AudioDeviceModule.
getNativeAudioDeviceModulePointer() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule
getNativeAudioDeviceModulePointer() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.LegacyAudioDeviceModule
getNativeEglContext() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase.Context
Returns an EGL context that can be used by native code.
getNativeFrameDecryptor() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.FrameDecryptor
getNativeFrameEncryptor() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.FrameEncryptor
getNativeMediaSource() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaSource
Returns a pointer to webrtc::MediaSourceInterface.
getNativeOwnedFactoryAndThreads() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
Returns a pointer to the native OwnedFactoryAndThreads object
getNativePeerConnection() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Returns a pointer to the native webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface.
getNativePeerConnectionFactory() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
Returns a pointer to the native webrtc::PeerConnectionFactoryInterface.
getNetworkQualityLevel() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Returns the LocalParticipant's Network Quality Level.
getNetworkQualityLevel() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Participant
Returns the participant's Network Quality Level.
getNetworkQualityLevel() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant
Returns the RemoteParticipant's Network Quality Level.
getNumber() - Method in enum tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
getNumCapturedFrames() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
getOpenGlesVersionFromConfig(int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
getParameters() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver
getParameters() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
getPeerConnectionId() - Method in class com.twilio.video.StatsReport
Returns the id of peer connection related to this report.
getPrefersLateDecoding() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder
The decoder should return true if it prefers late decoding.
getPrefersLateDecoding() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoDecoder
getPriority() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrackPublication
Returns the TrackPriority of the published local audio track.
getPriority() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalDataTrackPublication
Returns the TrackPriority of the published local data track.
getPriority() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalTrackPublicationOptions
The TrackPriority to be used when publishing a local track.
getPriority() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrackPublication
Returns the TrackPriority of the published local video track.
getPriority() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrack
Get the subscriber's TrackPriority for this RemoteVideoTrack.
getPublishPriority() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteAudioTrackPublication
Returns the TrackPriority set by the publisher for the corresponding RemoteAudioTrack.
getPublishPriority() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteDataTrackPublication
Returns the TrackPriority set by the publisher for the corresponding RemoteDataTrack.
getPublishPriority() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrackPublication
Returns the TrackPriority set by the publisher for the corresponding RemoteVideoTrack.
getRawContext() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase10.Context
getRawContext() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase14.Context
getReceiver() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The receiver attribute exposes the RtpReceiver corresponding to the RTP media that may be received with the transceiver's mid.
getReceivers() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Gets all RtpReceivers associated with this peer connection.
getReducedSize() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Rtcp
getRemoteAudioTrack() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteAudioTrackPublication
Returns the published remote audio track.
getRemoteAudioTracks() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant
Returns read-only list of remote audio track publications.
getRemoteAudioTrackStats() - Method in class com.twilio.video.StatsReport
Returns stats for all remote audio tracks in the peer connection.
getRemoteDataTrack() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteDataTrackPublication
Returns the published remote data track.
getRemoteDataTracks() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant
Returns a read-only list of remote data track publications.
getRemoteDescription() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
getRemoteParticipants() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Room
Returns all currently connected participants.
getRemoteVideoTrack() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrackPublication
getRemoteVideoTracks() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant
Returns read-only list of remote video track publications.
getRemoteVideoTrackStats() - Method in class com.twilio.video.StatsReport
Returns stats for all remote video tracks in the peer connection.
getRenderDimensions() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions
Get the render dimensions specified by VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder.renderDimensions(Map).
getRenderDimensions() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoContentPreferences
getRendererFormat() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.AudioDeviceRenderer
Returns the format of the audio that will be rendered.
getRendererFormat() - Method in class com.twilio.video.DefaultAudioDevice
This method is a no-op that returns null.
getRequireFrameEncryption() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.SFrame
getResolutionBitrateLimits() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Returns the list of bitrate limits.
getRotatedHeight() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
getRotatedWidth() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
getRotation() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
Rotation of the frame in degrees.
getRtcp() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters
getRtcTimeNanos() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.TimestampAligner
Wrapper around rtc::TimeNanos().
getSampleRate() - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioFormat
Returns the sample rate of the audio stream.
getSampleRate() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioSamples
getScalingSettings() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Any encoder that wants to use WebRTC provided quality scaler must implement this method.
getScalingSettings() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
getSender() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The sender attribute exposes the RtpSender corresponding to the RTP media that may be sent with the transceiver's mid.
getSenders() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Gets all RtpSenders associated with this peer connection.
getSFrame() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions
getSid() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Returns the SID of the local participant.
getSid() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Participant
Returns unique identifier of a participant.
getSid() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteAudioTrack
Returns the remote audio track's server identifier.
getSid() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteDataTrack
Returns the remote data track's server identifier.
getSid() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant
Returns the SID of a remote participant.
getSid() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrack
Returns the remote video track's server identifier.
getSid() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Room
Returns the SID of the current room.
getSignalingRegion() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Where the LocalParticipant's signaling traffic enters and exits Twilio's communications cloud.
getSinks() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTrack
The list of sinks receiving video from this video track.
getSrtp() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions
getState() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Returns participant state.
getState() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Participant
Returns participant state.
getState() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant
Returns participant state.
getState() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Room
Returns the current room state.
getStats(StatsListener) - Method in class com.twilio.video.Room
Retrieve stats for all media tracks and notify StatsListener via calling thread.
getStats(RTCStatsCollectorCallback) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Gets stats using the new stats collection API, see webrtc/api/stats/.
getStats(StatsObserver, MediaStreamTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
getStatsMap() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStatsReport
getStreams() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
getStrideU() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getStrideU() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.I420Buffer
getStrideV() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getStrideV() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.I420Buffer
getStrideY() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getStrideY() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.I420Buffer
getSum() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.BitrateAllocation
Gets the total bitrate allocated for all layers.
getSupportedCodecs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoDecoderFactory
getSupportedCodecs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
getSupportedCodecs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoEncoderFactory
getSupportedCodecs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SoftwareVideoDecoderFactory
getSupportedCodecs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SoftwareVideoEncoderFactory
getSupportedCodecs() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoderFactory
Enumerates the list of supported video codecs.
getSupportedCodecs() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFactory
Enumerates the list of supported video codecs.
getSupportedFormats(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator
getSupportedFormats(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator
getSupportedFormats(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerator
getSurfaceTexture() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Retrieve the underlying SurfaceTexture.
getTextureId() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlTextureFrameBuffer
Gets the OpenGL texture id.
getTextureId() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
getTextureId() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer
getTimestampNs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
Timestamp of the frame in nano seconds.
getTimestampUs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStats
getTimestampUs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStatsReport
getToI420Handler() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
getTrackName() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrackPublication
Returns the name of the local audio track.
getTrackName() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalDataTrackPublication
Returns the name of the local data track.
getTrackName() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrackPublication
Returns the name of the local video track.
getTrackName() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteAudioTrackPublication
Returns the name of the published audio track.
getTrackName() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteDataTrackPublication
Returns the name of the published data track.
getTrackName() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrackPublication
Returns the name of the published video track.
getTrackName() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.TrackPublication
Returns the name of the published track.
getTrackSid() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrackPublication
Returns the local audio track's server identifier.
getTrackSid() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalDataTrackPublication
Returns the local data track's server identifier.
getTrackSid() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrackPublication
Returns the local video track's server identifier.
getTrackSid() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteAudioTrackPublication
Returns the remote audio track's server identifier.
getTrackSid() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteDataTrackPublication
Returns the remote data track's server identifier.
getTrackSid() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrackPublication
Returns the remote video track's server identifier.
getTrackSid() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.TrackPublication
Returns the track's server identifier.
getTrackSwitchOffMode() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions
getTransceivers() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Gets all RtpTransceivers associated with this peer connection.
getTransformMatrix() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
getTransformMatrix() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer
Retrieve the transform matrix associated with the frame.
getType() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStats
getType() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
getType() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer
getUniformLocation(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlShader
getUnscaledHeight() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
Returns the height of the texture in memory.
getUnscaledWidth() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
Returns the width of the texture in memory.
getUri() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.HeaderExtension
getValue() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair
getVersion() - Static method in class com.twilio.video.Video
Returns the version of the Video SDK.
getVideoBandwidthProfileOptions() - Method in class com.twilio.video.BandwidthProfileOptions
Get the video options specified in the BandwidthProfileOptions constructor.
getVideoCapturer() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrack
Returns the VideoCapturer associated with this video track.
getVideoContentPreferencesMode() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions
getVideoFormat() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrack
Returns the video track's VideoFormat.
getVideoScaleType() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
Returns the current VideoScaleType.
getVideoScaleType() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoView
Returns the current VideoScaleType.
getVideoSource() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrack
Returns the VideoSource associated with this video track.
getVideoTrack() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrackPublication
Unlike VideoTrackPublication or RemoteVideoTrackPublication this VideoTrack is guaranteed to be non null.
getVideoTrack() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrackPublication
Returns the base video track object of the published remote video track.
getVideoTrack() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.VideoTrackPublication
LocalVideoTrackPublication and RemoteVideoTrackPublication extend VideoTrackPublication and each interface implements getVideoTrack with different nullability behavior.
getVideoTracks() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Returns read-only list of video track publications.
getVideoTracks() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Participant
Returns VideoTrackPublications of participant.
getVideoTracks() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant
Returns read-only list of video track publications.
getWidth() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Rgba8888Buffer
Returns the frame width.
getWidth() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlTextureFrameBuffer
getWidth() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getWidth() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV12Buffer
getWidth() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV21Buffer
getWidth() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
getWidth() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.Buffer
Resolution of the buffer in pixels.
getYuvConverter() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
GlOutOfMemoryException(String) - Constructor for exception tvi.webrtc.GlUtil.GlOutOfMemoryException
GlRectDrawer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Simplest possible GL shader that just draws frames as opaque quads.
GlRectDrawer() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.GlRectDrawer
GlShader - Class in tvi.webrtc
GlShader(String, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.GlShader
GlTextureFrameBuffer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Helper class for handling OpenGL framebuffer with only color attachment and no depth or stencil buffer.
GlTextureFrameBuffer(int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.GlTextureFrameBuffer
Generate texture and framebuffer resources.
GlUtil - Class in tvi.webrtc
Some OpenGL static utility functions.
GlUtil.GlOutOfMemoryException - Exception in tvi.webrtc
GRID - com.twilio.video.BandwidthProfileMode
This mode is for use cases where all the subscribed RemoteVideoTrack(s) are equally important.


H264_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE_3_1 - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264_CONSTRAINED_HIGH_3_1 - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264_FMTP_LEVEL_ASYMMETRY_ALLOWED - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264_FMTP_PACKETIZATION_MODE - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264_FMTP_PROFILE_LEVEL_ID - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264_LEVEL_3_1 - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264_PROFILE_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264_PROFILE_CONSTRAINED_HIGH - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264Codec - Class in com.twilio.video
Block-oriented motion-compensation-based video compression standard.
H264Codec() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.H264Codec
handle - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation
HardwareVideoDecoderFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
Factory for Android hardware VideoDecoders.
HardwareVideoDecoderFactory() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoDecoderFactory
HardwareVideoDecoderFactory(EglBase.Context) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoDecoderFactory
Creates a HardwareVideoDecoderFactory that supports surface texture rendering.
HardwareVideoDecoderFactory(EglBase.Context, Predicate<MediaCodecInfo>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoDecoderFactory
Creates a HardwareVideoDecoderFactory that supports surface texture rendering.
HardwareVideoEncoderFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
Factory for android hardware video encoders.
HardwareVideoEncoderFactory(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoEncoderFactory
HardwareVideoEncoderFactory(EglBase.Context, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoEncoderFactory
Creates a HardwareVideoEncoderFactory that supports surface texture encoding.
HardwareVideoEncoderFactory(EglBase.Context, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoEncoderFactory
Creates a HardwareVideoEncoderFactory that supports surface texture encoding.
HardwareVideoEncoderFactory(EglBase.Context, boolean, boolean, Predicate<MediaCodecInfo>, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoEncoderFactory
Creates a HardwareVideoEncoderFactory that supports surface texture encoding.
hashCode() - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.twilio.video.BandwidthProfileOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.twilio.video.DataTrackOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.twilio.video.EncodingParameters
hashCode() - Method in class com.twilio.video.IceOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoContentPreferences
hashCode() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
hashCode() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoFormat
hashCode() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange
hashCode() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
hashCode() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
hashCode() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair
hashCode() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
hashCode() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
hasSurface() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
HAVE_LOCAL_PRANSWER - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
HAVE_REMOTE_PRANSWER - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
HD_1080P_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
HD Widescreen 1080P (1920 x 1080) resolution
HD_1080P_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
HD_1080P_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
HD_540P_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
HD 540P (960 x 540) resolution
HD_540P_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
HD_540P_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
HD_720P_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
HD 720P (1280 x 720) resolution
HD_720P_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
HD_720P_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
HD_960P_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
HD 960P (1280 x 960) resolution
HD_960P_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
HD_960P_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
HD_S1080P_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
HD Standard 1080P (1440 x 1080) resolution
HD_S1080P_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
HD_S1080P_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
height - Variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
height - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
height - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.Settings
height - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
height - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource.AspectRatio
high - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
HIGH - com.twilio.video.TrackPriority
highpassFilter - Variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions
highpassFilter(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions.Builder
Remove background noise of lower frequencies.
HistogramInfo(int, int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.Metrics.HistogramInfo
hostname - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer


I420Copy(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
Helper method for copying I420 to tightly packed destination buffer.
I420Copy(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
I420Rotate(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
Helper method for rotating I420 to tightly packed destination buffer.
I420Rotate(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
I420ToNV12(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
Helper method for copying I420 to tightly packed NV12 destination buffer.
I420ToNV12(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
iceBackupCandidatePairPingInterval - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
IceCandidate - Class in tvi.webrtc
Representation of a single ICE Candidate, mirroring IceCandidateInterface in the C++ API.
IceCandidate(String, int, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
IceCandidatePairState - Enum in com.twilio.video
ICE candidate pair state as defined in RFC 5245.
IceCandidatePairStats - Class in com.twilio.video
Statistics of ICE candidate pair as defined in Identifiers for WebRTC's Statistics API.
iceCandidatePoolSize - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
IceCandidateStats - Class in com.twilio.video
Statistics of ICE candidate as defined in Identifiers for WebRTC's Statistics API
IceCandidateStats(String, boolean, String, int, String, String, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.IceCandidateStats
iceCheckIntervalStrongConnectivityMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
iceCheckIntervalWeakConnectivityMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
iceCheckMinInterval - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
iceConnectionReceivingTimeout - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
iceConnectionState() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
iceGatheringState() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
iceOptions(IceOptions) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
Custom ICE configuration used to connect to a Room.
IceOptions - Class in com.twilio.video
IceOptions specifies custom media connectivity configurations.
IceOptions.Builder - Class in com.twilio.video
IceServer - Class in com.twilio.video
IceServer is a single STUN or TURN server.
IceServer(String) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.IceServer
IceServer(String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
IceServer(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.IceServer
IceServer(String, String, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
IceServer(String, String, String, PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
IceServer(String, String, String, PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
iceServers - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
iceServers(Set<IceServer>) - Method in class com.twilio.video.IceOptions.Builder
Set of IceServer objects to be used during connection establishment.
iceTransportPolicy(IceTransportPolicy) - Method in class com.twilio.video.IceOptions.Builder
The transport policy to use.
IceTransportPolicy - Enum in com.twilio.video
IceTransportPolicy specifies which ICE transports to allow.
iceTransportsType - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
iceUnwritableMinChecks - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
iceUnwritableTimeMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
id - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Init
id - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport
id() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
id() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
id() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver
id() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
imageFormat - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
INACTIVE - tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection
INFO - com.twilio.video.LogLevel
init(EglBase.Context, int[], RendererCommon.GlDrawer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Same as above with usePresentationTimeStamp set to false.
init(EglBase.Context, int[], RendererCommon.GlDrawer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
init(EglBase.Context, int[], RendererCommon.GlDrawer, boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Initialize this class, sharing resources with |sharedContext|.
init(EglBase.Context, RendererCommon.RendererEvents) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Initialize this class, sharing resources with |sharedContext|.
init(EglBase.Context, RendererCommon.RendererEvents, int[], RendererCommon.GlDrawer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
Initialize this class, sharing resources with |sharedContext|.
init(EglBase.Context, RendererCommon.RendererEvents, int[], RendererCommon.GlDrawer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Initialize this class, sharing resources with |sharedContext|.
Init() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Init
initDecode(VideoDecoder.Settings, VideoDecoder.Callback) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder
Initializes the decoding process with specified settings.
initDecode(VideoDecoder.Settings, VideoDecoder.Callback) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoDecoder
initEncode(VideoEncoder.Settings, VideoEncoder.Callback) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Initializes the encoding process.
initEncode(VideoEncoder.Settings, VideoEncoder.Callback) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
initialize(PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
Loads and initializes WebRTC.
initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper, Context, CapturerObserver) - Method in class com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer
initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper, Context, CapturerObserver) - Method in class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper, Context, CapturerObserver) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ScreenCapturer
initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper, Context, CapturerObserver) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper, Context, CapturerObserver) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper, Context, CapturerObserver) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoCapturer
This function is used to initialize the camera thread, the android application context, and the capture observer.
initializeCallbackBuffer(CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat, Camera) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Session
Initialize the camera callback buffer.
initializeFieldTrials(String) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
INITIALIZING - tvi.webrtc.MediaSource.State
insertDtmf(String, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DtmfSender
Queues a task that sends the provided DTMF tones.
interToneGap() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DtmfSender
ip - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidateStats
IP address of the candidate.
IPAddress(byte[]) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.IPAddress
ipAddresses - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation
IsacCodec - Class in com.twilio.video
Internet speech audio codec.
IsacCodec() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.IsacCodec
isBackFacing(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator
isBackFacing(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator
isBackFacing(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerator
isBuiltInAcousticEchoCancelerSupported() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule
Returns true if the device supports built-in HW AEC, and the UUID is approved (some UUIDs can be excluded).
isBuiltInNoiseSuppressorSupported() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule
Returns true if the device supports built-in HW NS, and the UUID is approved (some UUIDs can be excluded).
isDtxEnabled() - Method in class com.twilio.video.OpusCodec
Reports whether DTX is enabled or not.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioTrack
Check if this audio track is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.twilio.video.DataTrack
Check if this data track is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrack
Check if the local audio track is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalDataTrack
isEnabled() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrack
Check if the local video track is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Track
Checks if the track is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTrack
Check if this video track is enabled.
isFrontFacing(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator
isFrontFacing(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator
isFrontFacing(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerator
isHardwareEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp8Encoder
isHardwareEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp9Encoder
isHardwareEncoder() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Returns true if the encoder is backed by hardware.
isHardwareEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFallback
isHardwareEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
isMissingFrames - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.DecodeInfo
isOrdered() - Method in class com.twilio.video.DataTrack
Returns true if data track guarantees in-order delivery of messages.
isPlaybackEnabled() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteAudioTrack
Check if playback on the remote audio track is enabled.
isRecording() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Room
Returns whether any media in the Room is being recorded.
isReliable() - Method in class com.twilio.video.DataTrack
Returns true if the data track guarantees reliable transmission of messages.
isRemote - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidateStats
True indicates remote candidate and false indicates local candidate.
isScreencast() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer
Indicates that the camera2 capturer is not a screen cast.
isScreencast() - Method in class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
Indicates that the camera capturer is not a screen cast.
isScreencast() - Method in class com.twilio.video.ScreenCapturer
Indicates that the screen capturer is a screencast.
isScreencast() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
isScreencast() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
isScreencast() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoCapturer
isStopped() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The stopped attribute indicates that the sender of this transceiver will no longer send, and that the receiver will no longer receive.
isSupported(Context) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer
Indicates if Camera2Capturer is compatible with device.
isSupported(Context) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator
Checks if API is supported and all cameras have better than legacy support.
isSwitchedOff() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrack
Return whether the track is switched off.
isTextureInUse() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
isTrackEnabled() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrackPublication
Check if local audio track is enabled.
isTrackEnabled() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalDataTrackPublication
Check if local data track is enabled.
isTrackEnabled() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrackPublication
Check if local video track is enabled.
isTrackEnabled() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteAudioTrackPublication
Check if remote audio track is enabled.
isTrackEnabled() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteDataTrackPublication
Returns true if the published data track is enabled or false otherwise.
isTrackEnabled() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrackPublication
Returns true if the published video track is enabled or false otherwise.
isTrackEnabled() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.TrackPublication
Returns true of track is enabled and false if not.
isTrackSubscribed() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteAudioTrackPublication
Check if the remote audio track is subscribed to by the LocalParticipant.
isTrackSubscribed() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteDataTrackPublication
Check if the remote data track is subscribed to by the LocalParticipant.
isTrackSubscribed() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrackPublication
Check if the remote video track is subscribed to by the LocalParticipant.


JavaAudioDeviceModule - Class in tvi.webrtc.audio
AudioDeviceModule implemented using android.media.AudioRecord as input and android.media.AudioTrack as output.
JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordErrorCallback - Interface in tvi.webrtc.audio
JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordStartErrorCode - Enum in tvi.webrtc.audio
JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordStateCallback - Interface in tvi.webrtc.audio
Called when audio recording starts and stops.
JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioSamples - Class in tvi.webrtc.audio
Contains audio sample information.
JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackErrorCallback - Interface in tvi.webrtc.audio
JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackStartErrorCode - Enum in tvi.webrtc.audio
JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackStateCallback - Interface in tvi.webrtc.audio
Called when audio playout starts and stops.
JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder - Class in tvi.webrtc.audio
JavaAudioDeviceModule.SamplesReadyCallback - Interface in tvi.webrtc.audio
Called when new audio samples are ready.
JavaI420Buffer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Implementation of VideoFrame.I420Buffer backed by Java direct byte buffers.
jitter - Variable in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrackStats
Packet jitter measured in milliseconds
jitter - Variable in class com.twilio.video.RemoteAudioTrackStats
Packet jitter measured in milliseconds
JniCommon - Class in tvi.webrtc
Class with static JNI helper functions that are used in many places.
JniCommon() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.JniCommon


KEEP_FIRST_READY - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PortPrunePolicy
keyType - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
KeyValuePair(String, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair
kind() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack


label() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
lastDataReceivedMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CandidatePairChangeEvent
LegacyAudioDeviceModule - Class in tvi.webrtc.audio
LegacyAudioDeviceModule() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.audio.LegacyAudioDeviceModule
LEVEL_EXCEEDED - tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
LibvpxVp8Decoder - Class in tvi.webrtc
LibvpxVp8Decoder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp8Decoder
LibvpxVp8Encoder - Class in tvi.webrtc
LibvpxVp8Encoder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp8Encoder
LibvpxVp9Decoder - Class in tvi.webrtc
LibvpxVp9Decoder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp9Decoder
LibvpxVp9Encoder - Class in tvi.webrtc
LibvpxVp9Encoder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp9Encoder
listenForBytebufferFrames() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Session
Start listening for frames captured to a buffer.
listenForTextureFrames() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Session
Start listening for frames captured to a surface texture.
LIVE - tvi.webrtc.MediaSource.State
LIVE - tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.State
load(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NativeLibraryLoader
Loads a native library with the given name.
local - Variable in class com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityConfiguration
The NetworkQualityVerbosity for the Local Participant.
local - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CandidatePairChangeEvent
LocalAudioTrack - Class in com.twilio.video
Represents a local audio source.
LocalAudioTrackPublication - Class in com.twilio.video
A local audio track publication represents a LocalAudioTrack that has been shared to a Room.
LocalAudioTrackStats - Class in com.twilio.video
localCandidateId - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Unique identifier of the underlying local candidate associated with this candidate pair.
localCandidateIp - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
IP address of local candidate.
LocalDataTrack - Class in com.twilio.video
A data track represents a unidirectional data source that can be used to send messages to participants of a Room.
LocalDataTrackPublication - Class in com.twilio.video
A local data track publication represents a LocalDataTrack that has been shared to a Room.
LocalParticipant - Class in com.twilio.video
Represents the local participant of a Room you are connected to.
LocalParticipant.Listener - Interface in com.twilio.video
Interface that provides LocalParticipant events.
LocalTrackPublicationOptions - Class in com.twilio.video
Options that can be specified when publishing a local track.
LocalTrackPublicationOptions() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.LocalTrackPublicationOptions
LocalTrackPublicationOptions(TrackPriority) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.LocalTrackPublicationOptions
LocalTrackStats - Class in com.twilio.video
LocalTrackStats(String, int, String, String, double, long, int, long) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.LocalTrackStats
LocalVideoTrack - Class in com.twilio.video
A local video track that receives video frames from a VideoCapturer or VideoCapturer.
LocalVideoTrackPublication - Class in com.twilio.video
A local video track publication represents a LocalVideoTrack that has been shared to a Room.
LocalVideoTrackStats - Class in com.twilio.video
lock - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
LogLevel - Enum in com.twilio.video
Log levels for the SDK
LogModule - Enum in com.twilio.video
Modules that can be logged in the SDK
LOOPBACK - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
lossNotification - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Capabilities
The remote side has support for the loss notification RTCP feedback message format, and will be sending these feedback messages if necessary.
low - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
LOW - com.twilio.video.TrackPriority
LOW_COST - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.CandidateNetworkPolicy


MAINTAIN_FRAMERATE - tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.DegradationPreference
Degrade resolution in order to maintain framerate.
MAINTAIN_RESOLUTION - tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.DegradationPreference
Degrade framerate in order to maintain resolution.
makeCurrent() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
mandatory - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints
MANUAL - com.twilio.video.ClientTrackSwitchOffControl
In this mode, the application requests that specific RemoteVideoTracks be switched off or on using the RemoteVideoTrack.switchOff()/RemoteVideoTrack.switchOn() methods on the RemoteVideoTrack.
MANUAL - com.twilio.video.VideoContentPreferencesMode
The application specifies the content preferences for individual tracks using RemoteVideoTrack.setContentPreferences(VideoContentPreferences)
map - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics
max - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange
max - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics.HistogramInfo
maxAudioBitrate - Variable in class com.twilio.video.EncodingParameters
Maximum audio send bitrate in Kilobits per second (Kbps).
maxBitrateBps - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
maxBitrateBps - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
Recommended maximum bitrate.
MAXBUNDLE - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.BundlePolicy
MAXCOMPAT - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.BundlePolicy
maxFramerate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
maxFramerate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
maxIPv6Networks - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
maxPacketLifeTime(int) - Method in class com.twilio.video.DataTrackOptions.Builder
Maximum retransmit time in milliseconds.
maxRetransmits - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Init
maxRetransmits(int) - Method in class com.twilio.video.DataTrackOptions.Builder
Maximum number of retransmitted messages.
maxRetransmitTimeMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Init
maxSubscriptionBitrate(Long) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder
Set the maximum downlink video bandwidth in Kilobits per second (Kbps).
maxTracks(Long) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder
This property is deprecated in favor of ClientTrackSwitchOffControl. Attempting to set maxTracks when ClientTrackSwitchOffControl is already set will throw an exception.
maxVideoBitrate - Variable in class com.twilio.video.EncodingParameters
Maximum video send bitrate in Kilobits per second (Kbps).
measure(int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.VideoLayoutMeasure
MEDIA_CLIENT_LOCAL_DESC_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
MEDIA_CLIENT_REMOTE_DESC_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
MEDIA_CONNECTION_ERROR_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
MEDIA_DATA_TRACK_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
MEDIA_DTLS_TRANSPORT_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
MEDIA_ICE_RESTART_NOT_ALLOWED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
MEDIA_NO_SUPPORTED_CODEC_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
MEDIA_SERVER_LOCAL_DESC_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
MEDIA_SERVER_REMOTE_DESC_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO - tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.MediaType
MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO - tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.MediaType
MediaConstraints - Class in tvi.webrtc
Description of media constraints for MediaStream and PeerConnection.
MediaConstraints() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints
MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair - Class in tvi.webrtc
Simple String key/value pair.
MediaSource - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ MediaSourceInterface.
MediaSource(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.MediaSource
MediaSource.State - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Tracks MediaSourceInterface.SourceState
MediaStream - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ MediaStreamInterface.
MediaStream(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
MediaStreamTrack - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ MediaStreamTrackInterface.
MediaStreamTrack(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
MediaStreamTrack.MediaType - Enum in tvi.webrtc
MediaStreamTrack.State - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Tracks MediaStreamTrackInterface.TrackState
MEMORY - tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
Metrics - Class in tvi.webrtc
Metrics.HistogramInfo - Class in tvi.webrtc
Class holding histogram information.
min - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange
min - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics.HistogramInfo
minBitrateBps - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
minBitrateBps - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
Recommended minimum bitrate.
minStartBitrateBps - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
Recommended minimum bitrate to start encoding.
mode(BandwidthProfileMode) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder
Set how RemoteVideoTracks TrackPriority values are mapped to bandwidth allocation in Group Rooms.
MUTED - tvi.webrtc.MediaSource.State


name - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
name - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation
name - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Codec
name - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport.Value
name - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
name(String) - Method in class com.twilio.video.DataTrackOptions.Builder
Data track name.
NAME - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.G722Codec
NAME - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.H264Codec
NAME - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.IsacCodec
NAME - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.OpusCodec
NAME - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.PcmaCodec
NAME - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.PcmuCodec
NAME - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.Vp8Codec
NAME - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.Vp9Codec
nativeAddRef(long) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.JniCommon
Functions to increment/decrement an rtc::RefCountInterface pointer.
nativeAllocateByteBuffer(int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.JniCommon
nativeFreeByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.JniCommon
NativeLibraryLoader - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for loading native libraries.
NativePeerConnectionFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Factory for creating webrtc::jni::OwnedPeerConnection instances.
nativeReleaseRef(long) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.JniCommon
negate() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.Predicate
Returns a predicate that represents the logical negation of this predicate.
NEGOTIATE - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RtcpMuxPolicy
negotiated - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Init
NetEqFactoryFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Implementations of this interface can create a native webrtc::NetEqFactory.
NETWORK_QUALITY_LEVEL_FIVE - com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityLevel
The Network Quality is Excellent.
NETWORK_QUALITY_LEVEL_FOUR - com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityLevel
The Network Quality is Very Good.
NETWORK_QUALITY_LEVEL_ONE - com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityLevel
The Network Quality is Very Bad.
NETWORK_QUALITY_LEVEL_THREE - com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityLevel
The Network Quality is Good.
NETWORK_QUALITY_LEVEL_TWO - com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityLevel
The Network Quality is Bad.
NETWORK_QUALITY_LEVEL_UNKNOWN - com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityLevel
The Network Quality Level cannot be determined or the Network Quality API has not been enabled.
NETWORK_QUALITY_LEVEL_ZERO - com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityLevel
The network connection has failed
NETWORK_QUALITY_VERBOSITY_MINIMAL - com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityVerbosity
Reports only the NetworkQualityLevel for the Participant.
NETWORK_QUALITY_VERBOSITY_NONE - com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityVerbosity
Nothing is reported for the Participant.
NetworkChangeDetector - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for detecting network changes
NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType - Enum in tvi.webrtc
NetworkChangeDetector.IPAddress - Class in tvi.webrtc
NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of NetworkMonitor.NetworkInformation
NetworkChangeDetector.Observer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Observer interface by which observer is notified of network changes.
NetworkChangeDetectorFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
NetworkControllerFactoryFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Factory for creating webrtc::NetworkControllerFactory instances.
networkIgnoreMask - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Options
NetworkInformation(String, NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType, NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType, long, NetworkChangeDetector.IPAddress[]) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation
networkPreference - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
networkPriority - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
networkQualityConfiguration(NetworkQualityConfiguration) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
Sets the verbosity level for network quality information returned by the Network Quality API.
NetworkQualityConfiguration - Class in com.twilio.video
NetworkQualityConfiguration allows you to specify verbosity levels of Network Quality information returned by the Network Quality API.
NetworkQualityConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityConfiguration
Creates a NetworkQualityConfiguration object with the default values, NetworkQualityVerbosity.NETWORK_QUALITY_VERBOSITY_MINIMAL for the Local Participant and NetworkQualityVerbosity.NETWORK_QUALITY_VERBOSITY_NONE for the Remote Participants.
NetworkQualityConfiguration(NetworkQualityVerbosity, NetworkQualityVerbosity) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityConfiguration
Creates a NetworkQualityConfiguration object with the provided NetworkQualityVerbosity levels.
NetworkQualityLevel - Enum in com.twilio.video
Twilio's Video SDKs, where possible, attempt to calculate a singular Network Quality Level describing the quality of a Participant's connection to a Room.
NetworkQualityVerbosity - Enum in com.twilio.video
The verbosity level of Network Quality information for a Participant.
NetworkStatePredictorFactoryFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Factory for creating webrtc::NetworkStatePredictorFactory instances.
NEW - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
NEW - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceGatheringState
NEW - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
NO_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase.Context
NO_OUTPUT - tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
NO_PRUNE - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PortPrunePolicy
NOHOST - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceTransportsType
noiseSuppression - Variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions
noiseSuppression(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions.Builder
Filter out background noise.
nominated - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Whether the nominated flag was updated as per RFC 5245.
NONE - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceTransportsType
numberOfCores - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.Settings
numberOfCores - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
numberOfSimulcastStreams - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
numChannels - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Codec
numTemporalLayers - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
NV12Buffer - Class in tvi.webrtc
NV12Buffer(int, int, int, int, ByteBuffer, Runnable) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.NV12Buffer
NV21Buffer - Class in tvi.webrtc
NV21Buffer(byte[], int, int, Runnable) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.NV21Buffer


OES - tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.Type
OFF - com.twilio.video.LogLevel
OFF - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
Settings to disable quality based scaling.
OFFER - tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type
OK - tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
on - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
onAddStream(MediaStream) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when media is received on a new stream from remote peer.
onAddTrack(RtpReceiver, MediaStream[]) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when a new track is signaled by the remote peer, as a result of setRemoteDescription.
onAttachedToWindow() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
onAttachedToWindow() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoView
onAudioTrackDisabled(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant audio track has been disabled.
onAudioTrackEnabled(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant audio track has been enabled.
onAudioTrackPublicationFailed(LocalParticipant, LocalAudioTrack, TwilioException) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that the LocalParticipant failed to publish a LocalAudioTrack to a Room.
onAudioTrackPublished(LocalParticipant, LocalAudioTrackPublication) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a LocalAudioTrack has been shared to a Room.
onAudioTrackPublished(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has published a RemoteAudioTrack to this Room.
onAudioTrackPublishPriorityChanged(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication, TrackPriority) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that the RemoteParticipant changed the published priority of the RemoteAudioTrack.
onAudioTrackSubscribed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication, RemoteAudioTrack) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener the RemoteAudioTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been subscribed to.
onAudioTrackSubscriptionFailed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication, TwilioException) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that media negotiation for a RemoteAudioTrack failed.
onAudioTrackUnpublished(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has unpublished a RemoteAudioTrack from this Room.
onAudioTrackUnsubscribed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication, RemoteAudioTrack) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that the RemoteAudioTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been unsubscribed from.
onAvailableBitrate(int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFactory.VideoEncoderSelector
Called with the current available bitrate.
onBufferedAmountChange(long) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Observer
The data channel's bufferedAmount has changed.
onCameraClosed() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler
onCameraClosed(CameraSession) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.Events
onCameraDisconnected() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler
onCameraDisconnected(CameraSession) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.Events
onCameraError(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler
onCameraError(CameraSession, String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.Events
onCameraFreezed(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler
onCameraOpening() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.Events
onCameraOpening(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler
onCameraSwitchDone(boolean) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraSwitchHandler
onCameraSwitched(String) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer.Listener
Notifies when a camera switch is complete.
onCameraSwitched(String) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer.Listener
Notifies when a camera switch is complete.
onCameraSwitchError(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraSwitchHandler
onCapturerStarted(boolean) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CapturerObserver
Notify if the capturer have been started successfully or not.
onCapturerStopped() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CapturerObserver
Notify that the capturer has been stopped.
onComplete(StatsReport[]) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.StatsObserver
Called when the reports are ready.
onConnected(Room) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Room.Listener
Called when a room has succeeded.
onConnectFailure(Room, TwilioException) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Room.Listener
Called when a connection to a room failed.
onConnectionChange(PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when the PeerConnectionState changes.
onConnectionTypeChanged(NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.Observer
Called when default network changes.
onCreateFailure(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SdpObserver
Called on error of Create{Offer,Answer}().
onCreateSuccess(SessionDescription) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SdpObserver
Called on success of Create{Offer,Answer}().
onCurrentEncoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFactory.VideoEncoderSelector
Called with the VideoCodecInfo of the currently used encoder.
onDataChannel(DataChannel) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when a remote peer opens a DataChannel.
onDataTrackPublicationFailed(LocalParticipant, LocalDataTrack, TwilioException) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that the LocalParticipant failed to publish a LocalDataTrack to a Room.
onDataTrackPublished(LocalParticipant, LocalDataTrackPublication) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a LocalDataTrack has been shared to a Room.
onDataTrackPublished(RemoteParticipant, RemoteDataTrackPublication) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has published a RemoteDataTrack to this Room.
onDataTrackPublishPriorityChanged(RemoteParticipant, RemoteDataTrackPublication, TrackPriority) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that the RemoteParticipant changed the published priority of the RemoteDataTrack.
onDataTrackSubscribed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteDataTrackPublication, RemoteDataTrack) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener the RemoteDataTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been subscribed to.
onDataTrackSubscriptionFailed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteDataTrackPublication, TwilioException) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that media negotiation for a RemoteDataTrack failed.
onDataTrackUnpublished(RemoteParticipant, RemoteDataTrackPublication) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has removed a RemoteDataTrack from this Room.
onDataTrackUnsubscribed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteDataTrackPublication, RemoteDataTrack) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that the RemoteDataTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been unsubscribed from.
onDecodedFrame(VideoFrame, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.Callback
Call to return a decoded frame.
onDestroyBuffer(VideoFrame.TextureBuffer) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper.FrameRefMonitor
Frame was destroyed (ref count reached 0).
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoView
onDisconnected(Room, TwilioException) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Room.Listener
Called when a room has been disconnected from.
onDominantSpeakerChanged(Room, RemoteParticipant) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Room.Listener
This method is called when the dominant speaker in the Room changes.
onDone(CameraSession) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.CreateSessionCallback
onEncodedFrame(EncodedImage, VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfo) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Callback
Old encoders assume that the byte buffer held by |frame| is not accessed after the call to this method returns.
onEncoderBroken() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFactory.VideoEncoderSelector
Called when the currently used encoder signal itself as broken.
onError(int) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer.Listener
Reports an error that occurred in CameraCapturer.
onError(Camera2Capturer.Exception) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer.Listener
Reports an error that occurred in Camera2Capturer.
onFailure(CameraSession.FailureType, String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.CreateSessionCallback
onFirstFrameAvailable() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer.Listener
Indicates when the first frame has been captured from the camera.
onFirstFrameAvailable() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer.Listener
Indicates when the first frame has been captured from the camera.
onFirstFrameAvailable() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.ScreenCapturer.Listener
Indicates when the first frame has been captured from the screen.
onFirstFrameAvailable() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler
onFirstFrameRendered() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.RendererEvents
Callback fired once first frame is rendered.
onFirstFrameRendered() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
onFirstPacketReceived(MediaStreamTrack.MediaType) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver.Observer
onFrame(Bitmap) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer.FrameListener
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoView
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFileRenderer
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoSink
Implementations should call frame.retain() if they need to hold a reference to the frame after this function returns.
onFrameCaptured(CameraSession, VideoFrame) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.Events
onFrameCaptured(VideoFrame) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CapturerObserver
Delivers a captured frame.
onFrameCaptured(VideoFrame, VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor
This is a chance to access an unadapted frame.
onFrameResolutionChanged(int, int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.RendererEvents
Callback fired when rendered frame resolution or rotation has changed.
onFrameResolutionChanged(int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
onGlOutOfMemory() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer.ErrorCallback
Called if GLES20.GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY is encountered during rendering.
onIceCandidate(IceCandidate) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when a new ICE candidate has been found.
onIceCandidatesRemoved(IceCandidate[]) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when some ICE candidates have been removed.
onIceConnectionChange(PeerConnection.IceConnectionState) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when the IceConnectionState changes.
onIceConnectionReceivingChange(boolean) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when the ICE connection receiving status changes.
onIceGatheringChange(PeerConnection.IceGatheringState) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when the IceGatheringState changes.
onInitCapturer() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.AudioDeviceCapturer
Raised when the capturer is ready to be initialized.
onInitCapturer() - Method in class com.twilio.video.DefaultAudioDevice
This method is a no-op that returns false.
onInitRenderer() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.AudioDeviceRenderer
Raised when the Renderer is ready to be initialized.
onInitRenderer() - Method in class com.twilio.video.DefaultAudioDevice
This method is a no-op that returns false.
onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
onMeasure(int, int) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
onMeasure(int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
onMediaRecorderError(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.MediaRecorderHandler
onMediaRecorderSuccess() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.MediaRecorderHandler
onMessage(RemoteDataTrack, String) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteDataTrack.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a string message was received.
onMessage(RemoteDataTrack, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteDataTrack.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a binary message was received.
onMessage(DataChannel.Buffer) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Observer
A data buffer was successfully received.
onNetworkConnect(NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.Observer
onNetworkDisconnect(long) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.Observer
onNetworkPreference(List<NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType>, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.Observer
Called when network preference change for a (list of) connection type(s).
onNetworkQualityLevelChanged(LocalParticipant, NetworkQualityLevel) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that the LocalParticipant's NetworkQualityLevel has changed.
onNetworkQualityLevelChanged(RemoteParticipant, NetworkQualityLevel) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that the RemoteParticipant's NetworkQualityLevel has changed.
onNewBuffer(VideoFrame.TextureBuffer) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper.FrameRefMonitor
A new frame was created.
onParticipantConnected(Room, RemoteParticipant) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Room.Listener
Called when a participant has connected to a room.
onParticipantDisconnected(Room, RemoteParticipant) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Room.Listener
Called when a participant has disconnected from a room.
onParticipantReconnected(Room, RemoteParticipant) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Room.Listener
Called when a participant has reconnected to the room after a signaling connection disruption.
onParticipantReconnecting(Room, RemoteParticipant) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Room.Listener
Called when a participant is reconnecting to the room after a signaling connection disruption.
onReconnected(Room) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Room.Listener
Called after the LocalParticipant reconnects to a room after a network disruption.
onReconnecting(Room, TwilioException) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Room.Listener
Called when the LocalParticipant has experienced a network disruption and the client begins trying to reestablish a connection to a room.
onRecordingStarted(Room) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Room.Listener
This method is only called when a Room which was not previously recording starts recording.
onRecordingStopped(Room) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.Room.Listener
This method is only called when a Room which was previously recording stops recording.
onReleaseBuffer(VideoFrame.TextureBuffer) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper.FrameRefMonitor
Ref count of the frame was decremented by the calling thread.
onRemoveStream(MediaStream) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when a remote peer close a stream.
onRenegotiationNeeded() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when renegotiation is necessary.
onRetainBuffer(VideoFrame.TextureBuffer) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper.FrameRefMonitor
Ref count of the frame was incremented by the calling thread.
onScreenCaptureError(String) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.ScreenCapturer.Listener
Reports an error that occurred in ScreenCapturer.
onSelectedCandidatePairChanged(CandidatePairChangeEvent) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when the ICE candidate pair is changed.
onSetFailure(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SdpObserver
Called on error of Set{Local,Remote}Description().
onSetSuccess() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SdpObserver
Called on success of Set{Local,Remote}Description().
onSignalingChange(PeerConnection.SignalingState) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when the SignalingState changes.
onSizeChanged(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
onSizeChanged(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoView
onStandardizedIceConnectionChange(PeerConnection.IceConnectionState) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
onStartCapturing(AudioDeviceContext) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.AudioDeviceCapturer
Raised when the capturer is ready to capture.
onStartCapturing(AudioDeviceContext) - Method in class com.twilio.video.DefaultAudioDevice
This method is a no-op that returns false.
onStartRendering(AudioDeviceContext) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.AudioDeviceRenderer
Raised when the renderer is ready to render.
onStartRendering(AudioDeviceContext) - Method in class com.twilio.video.DefaultAudioDevice
This method is a no-op that returns false.
onStateChange() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Observer
The data channel state has changed.
onStats(List<StatsReport>) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.StatsListener
Notifies when stats reports for all media tracks are ready.
onStatsDelivered(RTCStatsReport) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RTCStatsCollectorCallback
Called when the stats report is ready.
onStopCapturing() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.AudioDeviceCapturer
Raised when the capturer stops capturing.
onStopCapturing() - Method in class com.twilio.video.DefaultAudioDevice
This method is a no-op that returns false.
onStopRendering() - Method in interface com.twilio.video.AudioDeviceRenderer
Raised when the capturer stops rendering.
onStopRendering() - Method in class com.twilio.video.DefaultAudioDevice
This method is a no-op that returns false.
onSurfaceTextureAvailable(SurfaceTexture, int, int) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
onSurfaceTextureDestroyed(SurfaceTexture) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
onSurfaceTextureSizeChanged(SurfaceTexture, int, int) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
onSurfaceTextureUpdated(SurfaceTexture) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
onTrack(RtpTransceiver) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when the signaling from SetRemoteDescription indicates that a transceiver will be receiving media from a remote endpoint.
onVideoTrackDisabled(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant video track has been disabled.
onVideoTrackEnabled(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant video track has been enabled.
onVideoTrackPublicationFailed(LocalParticipant, LocalVideoTrack, TwilioException) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that the LocalParticipant failed to publish a LocalVideoTrack to a Room.
onVideoTrackPublished(LocalParticipant, LocalVideoTrackPublication) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a LocalVideoTrack has been shared to a Room.
onVideoTrackPublished(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has published a RemoteVideoTrack to this Room.
onVideoTrackPublishPriorityChanged(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication, TrackPriority) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that the RemoteParticipant changed the published priority of the RemoteVideoTrack.
onVideoTrackSubscribed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication, RemoteVideoTrack) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener the RemoteVideoTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been subscribed to.
onVideoTrackSubscriptionFailed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication, TwilioException) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that media negotiation for a RemoteVideoTrack failed.
onVideoTrackSwitchedOff(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrack) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a subscribed RemoteVideoTrack is switched off based on the bandwidth allocation algorithm.
onVideoTrackSwitchedOn(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrack) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a subscribed RemoteVideoTrack that was switched off is now switched back on based on the bandwidth allocation algorithm.
onVideoTrackUnpublished(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has removed a RemoteVideoTrack from this Room.
onVideoTrackUnsubscribed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication, RemoteVideoTrack) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant.Listener
This method notifies the listener that the RemoteVideoTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been unsubscribed from.
onVisibilityChanged(View, int) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
onVisibilityChanged(View, int) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoView
onWebRtcAudioRecordError(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordErrorCallback
onWebRtcAudioRecordInitError(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordErrorCallback
onWebRtcAudioRecordSamplesReady(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioSamples) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.SamplesReadyCallback
onWebRtcAudioRecordStart() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordStateCallback
onWebRtcAudioRecordStartError(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordStartErrorCode, String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordErrorCallback
onWebRtcAudioRecordStop() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordStateCallback
onWebRtcAudioTrackError(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackErrorCallback
onWebRtcAudioTrackInitError(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackErrorCallback
onWebRtcAudioTrackStart() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackStateCallback
onWebRtcAudioTrackStartError(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackStartErrorCode, String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackErrorCallback
onWebRtcAudioTrackStop() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackStateCallback
OPEN - tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.State
optional - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints
Options() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Options
OpusCodec - Class in com.twilio.video
Lossy audio coding format.
OpusCodec() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.OpusCodec
OpusCodec(boolean) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.OpusCodec
A constructor to initialize the OpusCodec with non-default attributes.
or(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.Predicate
Returns a composed predicate that represents a short-circuiting logical OR of this predicate and another.
ordered - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Init
ordered(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.DataTrackOptions.Builder
Ordered transmission of messages.


packetsLost - Variable in class com.twilio.video.BaseTrackStats
Total number of RTP packets lost for this SSRC since the beginning of the reception
packetsReceived - Variable in class com.twilio.video.RemoteTrackStats
Total number of packets received
packetsSent - Variable in class com.twilio.video.LocalTrackStats
Total number of RTP packets sent for this SSRC
parameters - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Codec
params - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
Participant - Interface in com.twilio.video
Interface that represents user in a Room.
PARTICIPANT_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
PARTICIPANT_DUPLICATE_IDENTITY_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
PARTICIPANT_IDENTITY_CHARS_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
PARTICIPANT_IDENTITY_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
PARTICIPANT_IDENTITY_TOO_LONG_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
PARTICIPANT_INVALID_SUBSCRIBE_RULE_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
PARTICIPANT_MAX_PUBLISHED_TRACKS_OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
PARTICIPANT_MAX_TRACKS_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
PARTICIPANT_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
PARTICIPANT_SESSION_LENGTH_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
Participant.State - Enum in com.twilio.video
The state of the signaling connection for a Participant.
password - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceServer
password - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
pauseVideo() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
pauseVideo() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
pauseVideo() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
payload - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
payloadType - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Codec
PcmaCodec - Class in com.twilio.video
ITU-T standard for audio companding.
PcmaCodec() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.PcmaCodec
PcmuCodec - Class in com.twilio.video
ITU-T standard for audio companding.
PcmuCodec() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.PcmuCodec
PeerConnection - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java-land version of the PeerConnection APIs; wraps the C++ API http://www.webrtc.org/reference/native-apis, which in turn is inspired by the JS APIs: http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/webrtc.html and http://www.w3.org/TR/mediacapture-streams/
PeerConnection(NativePeerConnectionFactory) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Wraps a PeerConnection created by the factory.
PeerConnection.AdapterType - Enum in tvi.webrtc
PeerConnection.BundlePolicy - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.BundlePolicy
PeerConnection.CandidateNetworkPolicy - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.CandidateNetworkPolicy
PeerConnection.ContinualGatheringPolicy - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.ContinualGatheringPolicy
PeerConnection.IceConnectionState - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState
PeerConnection.IceGatheringState - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::IceGatheringState
PeerConnection.IceServer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.IceServer.
PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder - Class in tvi.webrtc
PeerConnection.IceTransportsType - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.IceTransportsType
PeerConnection.KeyType - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Java version of rtc::KeyType
PeerConnection.Observer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionObserver.
PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::PeerConnectionState
PeerConnection.PortPrunePolicy - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::PortPrunePolicy
PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.RTCConfiguration
PeerConnection.RtcpMuxPolicy - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.RtcpMuxPolicy
PeerConnection.SdpSemantics - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::SdpSemantics.
PeerConnection.SignalingState - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::SignalingState
PeerConnection.TcpCandidatePolicy - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.TcpCandidatePolicy
PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::TlsCertPolicy
PeerConnectionDependencies - Class in tvi.webrtc
PeerConnectionDependencies holds all PeerConnection dependencies that are applied per PeerConnection.
PeerConnectionDependencies.Builder - Class in tvi.webrtc
PeerConnectionFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ PeerConnectionFactoryInterface.
PeerConnectionFactory.Builder - Class in tvi.webrtc
PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions - Class in tvi.webrtc
PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions.Builder - Class in tvi.webrtc
PeerConnectionFactory.Options - Class in tvi.webrtc
PLAN_B - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SdpSemantics
PLATFORM - com.twilio.video.LogModule
PlatformSoftwareVideoDecoderFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
Factory for Android platform software VideoDecoders.
PlatformSoftwareVideoDecoderFactory(EglBase.Context) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PlatformSoftwareVideoDecoderFactory
Creates a PlatformSoftwareVideoDecoderFactory that supports surface texture rendering.
port - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidateStats
Port number of the candidate.
PRANSWER - tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type
Predicate<T> - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of one argument.
PREDICTED - com.twilio.video.TrackSwitchOffMode
In this mode, Tracks are pro-actively switched off when network congestion is predicted by the bandwidth estimation mechanism.
preferAudioCodecs(List<AudioCodec>) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
Set preferred audio codecs.
preferVideoCodecs(List<VideoCodec>) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
Set preferred video codecs.
prepareBufferForViewportSize(VideoFrame.Buffer, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
PRESENTATION - com.twilio.video.BandwidthProfileMode
This mode is for use cases where some RemoteVideoTrack(s) are deemed critical and must be preserved at any cost over the other RemoteVideoTrack(s).
preservedVideoTracks - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
presumeWritableWhenFullyRelayed - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
printInternalStackTraces(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
Print the Java stack traces for the critical threads used by PeerConnectionFactory, namely; signaling thread, worker thread, and network thread.
printStackTrace() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
printStackTraces() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
priority - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Candidate priorities as per RFC 5245.
priority - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidateStats
Priority as defined in RFC 5245.
privateKey - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtcCertificatePem
PEM string representation of the private key.
PROP_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCODING - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Globally enables or disables support for hardware encoding for all supported video mime types.
PROP_ENABLE_HARDWARE_H264_ENCODING - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Enables or disables support for hardware encoding of H.264 content.
PROP_ENABLE_HARDWARE_H264_HIGH_PROFILE - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Enables "High Profile" H.264 support for hardware encoding H.264 content.
PROP_ENABLE_HARDWARE_H264_HUAWEI_ENCODER - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Enables support for Huawei's H.264 encoder.
PROP_ENABLE_HARDWARE_VP8_ENCODING - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Enables or disables support for hardware encoding of VP8 content.
PROP_ENABLE_HARDWARE_VP8_INTEL_ENCODER - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Enables support for Intel's VP8 hardware encoder.
PROP_ENABLE_HARDWARE_VP9_ENCODING - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Enables or disables support for hardware encoding of VP9 content.
protocol - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidateStats
Transport of the candidate, valid values are udp or tcp.
protocol - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Init
PRUNE_BASED_ON_PRIORITY - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PortPrunePolicy
pruneTurnPorts - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
publishTrack(LocalAudioTrack) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Shares audio track to all participants in a Room with default LocalTrackPublicationOptions.
publishTrack(LocalAudioTrack, LocalTrackPublicationOptions) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Shares audio track to all participants in a Room with the provided LocalTrackPublicationOptions.
publishTrack(LocalDataTrack) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Shared data track to all participants in a Room with default LocalTrackPublicationOptions.
publishTrack(LocalDataTrack, LocalTrackPublicationOptions) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Shared data track to all participants in a Room with the provided LocalTrackPublicationOptions.
publishTrack(LocalVideoTrack) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Shares video track to all participants in a Room with default LocalTrackPublicationOptions.
publishTrack(LocalVideoTrack, LocalTrackPublicationOptions) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Shares video track to all participants in a Room with the provided LocalTrackPublicationOptions.


qp - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage


readable - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Has gotten a valid incoming ICE request.
reason - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CandidatePairChangeEvent
RECONNECTING - com.twilio.video.Participant.State
The Participant is attempting to reconnect to signaling
RECONNECTING - com.twilio.video.Room.State
RECV_ONLY - tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection
RefCounted - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for ref counted objects in WebRTC.
region(String) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
The region of the signaling Server the Client will use.
registerObserver(DataChannel.Observer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
Register |observer|, replacing any previously-registered observer.
RELAY - com.twilio.video.IceTransportPolicy
Only TURN relay transports will be used.
RELAY - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceTransportsType
relayProtocol - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Relay protocol.
release() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrack
Releases native memory owned by audio track.
release() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalDataTrack
Releases native memory owned by data track.
release() - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrack
Releases native memory owned by video track.
release() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Rgba8888Buffer
release() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.audio.AudioDeviceModule
Release resources for this AudioDeviceModule, including native resources.
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.LegacyAudioDeviceModule
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraStatistics
release() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Block until any pending frame is returned and all GL resources released, even if an interrupt occurs.
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlShader
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlTextureFrameBuffer
Release texture and framebuffer.
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV12Buffer
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV21Buffer
release() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RefCounted
Decreases ref count by one.
release() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.GlDrawer
Release all GL resources.
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Block until any pending frame is returned and all GL resources released, even if an interrupt occurs.
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
release() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder
Called when the decoder is no longer needed.
release() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Releases the encoder.
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFileRenderer
Release all resources.
release() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.Buffer
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoDecoder
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvConverter
releaseEglSurface(Runnable) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Release EGL surface.
releaseSurface() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
remote - Variable in class com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityConfiguration
The NetworkQualityVerbosity for Remote Participants.
remote - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CandidatePairChangeEvent
RemoteAudioTrack - Class in com.twilio.video
A remote audio track represents a remote audio source.
RemoteAudioTrackPublication - Class in com.twilio.video
A remote audio track publication represents a RemoteAudioTrack that has been shared to a Room.
RemoteAudioTrackStats - Class in com.twilio.video
remoteCandidateId - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Unique identifier of the underlying remote candidate associated with this candidate pair.
remoteCandidateIp - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
IP address of remote candidate.
RemoteDataTrack - Class in com.twilio.video
A remote data track represents a unidirectional remote data source from which messages can be received from a participant.
RemoteDataTrack.Listener - Interface in com.twilio.video
Interface that provides RemoteDataTrack events.
RemoteDataTrackPublication - Class in com.twilio.video
A remote data track publication represents a RemoteDataTrack.
RemoteParticipant - Class in com.twilio.video
A participant represents a remote user that can connect to a Room.
RemoteParticipant.Listener - Interface in com.twilio.video
Interface that provides RemoteParticipant events.
RemoteTrackStats - Class in com.twilio.video
RemoteTrackStats(String, int, String, String, double, long, int) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.RemoteTrackStats
RemoteVideoTrack - Class in com.twilio.video
A remote video track represents a remote video source.
RemoteVideoTrackPublication - Class in com.twilio.video
A remote video track publication represents a RemoteVideoTrack that has been shared to a Room.
RemoteVideoTrackStats - Class in com.twilio.video
removeFrameListener(EglRenderer.FrameListener) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Remove any pending callback that was added with addFrameListener.
removeFrameListener(EglRenderer.FrameListener) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
removeIceCandidates(IceCandidate[]) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
removeMediaRecorderFromCamera(CameraVideoCapturer.MediaRecorderHandler) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer
removeSink(AudioSink) - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioTrack
Removes a sink from the Track.
removeSink(AudioSink) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrack
Removes a sink from the Track.
removeSink(VideoSink) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrack
removeSink(VideoSink) - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrack
removeSink(VideoSink) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTrack
Remove a video sink to stop receiving video from the video track.
removeSink(VideoSink) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoTrack
Removes a VideoSink from the track.
removeStream(MediaStream) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Removes the given media stream from this peer connection.
removeTrack(AudioTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
removeTrack(RtpSender) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Stops sending media from sender.
removeTrack(VideoTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
renderDimensions(Map<TrackPriority, VideoDimensions>) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder
This property is deprecated in favor of VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder.videoContentPreferencesMode(VideoContentPreferencesMode). Attempting to set renderDimensions when the content preferences mode is already set will throw an exception.
RendererCommon - Class in tvi.webrtc
Static helper functions for renderer implementations.
RendererCommon() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon
RendererCommon.GlDrawer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for rendering frames on an EGLSurface with specified viewport location.
RendererCommon.RendererEvents - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for reporting rendering events.
RendererCommon.ScalingType - Enum in tvi.webrtc
RendererCommon.VideoLayoutMeasure - Class in tvi.webrtc
Helper class for determining layout size based on layout requirements, scaling type, and video aspect ratio.
renderSample(ByteBuffer, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.twilio.video.AudioSink
Render a single audio sample.
renderTimeMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.DecodeInfo
REQUEST_SLI - tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
requestsReceived - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Total number of connectivity check requests received.
requestsSent - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Total number of connectivity check requests sent.
REQUIRE - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RtcpMuxPolicy
ResolutionBitrateLimits(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
responsesReceived - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Total number of connectivity check responses received.
retain() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Rgba8888Buffer
retain() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
retain() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
retain() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV12Buffer
retain() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV21Buffer
retain() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RefCounted
Increases ref count by one.
retain() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
retain() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.Buffer
retain() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
retransmissionsReceived - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Total number of connectivity check responses sent.
retransmissionsSent - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Total number of connectivity check retransmissions received.
RGB - tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.Type
Rgba8888Buffer - Class in com.twilio.video
A frame buffer that represents an image in the ARGB format with 8 bits of of precision.
Rgba8888Buffer(ByteBuffer, int, int) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.Rgba8888Buffer
rid - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
ROLLBACK - tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type
Room - Class in com.twilio.video
A Room represents a media session with zero or more remote Participants.
ROOM_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_AUDIO_ONLY_FLAG_NOT_SUPPORTED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_CONNECT_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_CREATE_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_INVALID_PARAMETERS_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_INVALID_RECORDING_RULE_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_MAX_PARTICIPANTS_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_MAX_PARTICIPANTS_OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_MEDIA_REGION_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_MEDIA_REGION_UNAVAILABLE_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_NAME_CHARS_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_NAME_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_NAME_TOO_LONG_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_RECORDING_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_ROOM_COMPLETED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_ROOM_EXISTS_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_STATUS_CALLBACK_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_STATUS_CALLBACK_METHOD_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_STATUS_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_SUBSCRIPTION_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_TIMEOUT_OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
ROOM_TYPE_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
Room.Listener - Interface in com.twilio.video
Listener definition of room related events.
Room.State - Enum in com.twilio.video
Represents the current state of a Room.
roomName(String) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
The name of the room.
rotation - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
roundTripTime - Variable in class com.twilio.video.LocalTrackStats
Estimated round trip time for this SSRC based on the RTCP timestamps.
RSA - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.KeyType
RtcCertificatePem - Class in tvi.webrtc
Easily storable/serializable version of a native C++ RTCCertificatePEM.
RtcCertificatePem(String, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtcCertificatePem
Instantiate an RtcCertificatePem object from stored strings.
RTCConfiguration(List<PeerConnection.IceServer>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
rtcpMuxPolicy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
RTCStats - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::RTCStats.
RTCStats(long, String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RTCStats
RTCStatsCollectorCallback - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for receiving stats reports (see webrtc::RTCStatsCollectorCallback).
RTCStatsReport - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::RTCStatsReport.
RTCStatsReport(long, Map<String, RTCStats>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RTCStatsReport
RtpParameters - Class in tvi.webrtc
The parameters for an RtpSender, as defined in http://w3c.github.io/webrtc-pc/#rtcrtpsender-interface.
RtpParameters.Codec - Class in tvi.webrtc
RtpParameters.DegradationPreference - Enum in tvi.webrtc
RtpParameters.Encoding - Class in tvi.webrtc
RtpParameters.HeaderExtension - Class in tvi.webrtc
RtpParameters.Rtcp - Class in tvi.webrtc
RtpReceiver - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ RtpReceiverInterface.
RtpReceiver(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver
RtpReceiver.Observer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ RtpReceiverObserverInterface
RtpSender - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ RtpSenderInterface.
RtpSender(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
RtpTransceiver - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ RtpTransceiverInterface.
RtpTransceiver(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection - the ordering must be kept in sync.
RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit - Class in tvi.webrtc
Tracks webrtc::RtpTransceiverInit.
RtpTransceiverInit() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit
RtpTransceiverInit(RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit
RtpTransceiverInit(RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection, List<String>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit
RtpTransceiverInit(RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection, List<String>, List<RtpParameters.Encoding>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit


samples - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics.HistogramInfo
SCALE_ASPECT_BALANCED - tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.ScalingType
SCALE_ASPECT_FILL - tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.ScalingType
SCALE_ASPECT_FIT - tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.ScalingType
scaleHeight - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
scaleResolutionDownBy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
scaleWidth - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
ScalingSettings(boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
ScalingSettings(boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
ScalingSettings(int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
Creates settings to enable quality based scaling.
ScreenCapturer - Class in com.twilio.video
The ScreenCapturer class is used to provide video frames for a LocalVideoTrack from a device's screen.
ScreenCapturer(Context, int, Intent, ScreenCapturer.Listener) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.ScreenCapturer
ScreenCapturer.Listener - Interface in com.twilio.video
Interface that provides events and errors related to ScreenCapturer.
ScreenCapturerAndroid - Class in tvi.webrtc
An implementation of VideoCapturer to capture the screen content as a video stream.
ScreenCapturerAndroid(Intent, MediaProjection.Callback) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
Constructs a new Screen Capturer.
screencastMinBitrate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
sdp - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
sdpMid - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
sdpMLineIndex - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
SdpObserver - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for observing SDP-related events.
sdpSemantics - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
send(String) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalDataTrack
Send string message.
send(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalDataTrack
Send binary message.
send(DataChannel.Buffer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
Send |data| to the remote peer; return success.
SEND_ONLY - tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection
SEND_RECV - tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection
serverUrl - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceServer
serverUrl - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
SessionDescription - Class in tvi.webrtc
Description of an RFC 4566 Session.
SessionDescription(SessionDescription.Type, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription
SessionDescription.Type - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Java-land enum version of SessionDescriptionInterface's type() string.
setAudioAttributes(AudioAttributes) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Set custom AudioAttributes to use.
setAudioDecoderFactoryFactory(AudioDecoderFactoryFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setAudioDevice(AudioDevice) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.Video
Sets the custom audio device.
setAudioDeviceModule(AudioDeviceModule) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setAudioEncoderFactoryFactory(AudioEncoderFactoryFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setAudioFormat(int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Call this to change the audio format.
setAudioPlayout(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Enables/disables playout of received audio streams.
setAudioProcessingFactory(AudioProcessingFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setAudioRecordErrorCallback(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordErrorCallback) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Set a callback to retrieve errors from the AudioRecord.
setAudioRecording(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Enables/disables recording of transmitted audio streams.
setAudioRecordStateCallback(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordStateCallback) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Set a callback to retrieve information from the AudioRecord on when audio starts and stops.
setAudioSource(int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Call this to change the audio source.
setAudioTrackErrorCallback(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackErrorCallback) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Set a callback to retrieve errors from the AudioTrack.
setAudioTrackStateCallback(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackStateCallback) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Set a callback to retrieve information from the AudioTrack on when audio starts and stop.
setBitrate(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Limits the bandwidth allocated for all RTP streams sent by this PeerConnection.
setBuffer(ByteBuffer, Runnable) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setCaptureTimeMs(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setCaptureTimeNs(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setConfiguration(PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
setContentPreferences(VideoContentPreferences) - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrack
setDirection(RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
Sets the preferred direction of this transceiver.
setEnableAes128Sha1_32CryptoCipher(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Builder
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
setEnableEncryptedRtpHeaderExtensions(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Builder
setEnableGcmCryptoSuites(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Builder
setEnableHardwareScaler(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Enables fixed size for the surface.
setEnableInternalTracer(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions.Builder
setEncodedHeight(int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setEncodedWidth(int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setEncodingParameters(EncodingParameters) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Updates the EncodingParameters used to share media in the Room.
setErrorCallback(EglRenderer.ErrorCallback) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Can be set in order to be notified about errors encountered during rendering.
setFecControllerFactoryFactoryInterface(FecControllerFactoryFactoryInterface) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setFieldTrials(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions.Builder
setFpsReduction(float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Limit render framerate.
setFpsReduction(float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
Limit render framerate.
setFpsReduction(float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Limit render framerate.
setFrameDecryptor(FrameDecryptor) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver
setFrameEncryptor(FrameEncryptor) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
setFrameRotation(int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Set the rotation of the delivered frames.
setFrameType(EncodedImage.FrameType) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setHasAlphaChannel(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglBase.ConfigBuilder
setHostname(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder
setInjectableLogger(Loggable, Logging.Severity) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions.Builder
setInputSampleRate(int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Call this method to specifically override input sample rate.
setIsRecordable(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglBase.ConfigBuilder
setIsScreencast(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
setLayoutAspectRatio(float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Set layout aspect ratio.
setListener(LocalParticipant.Listener) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Set listener for local participant events.
setListener(RemoteDataTrack.Listener) - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteDataTrack
Set the remote data track listener.
setListener(RemoteParticipant.Listener) - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteParticipant
Set listener for this participant events.
setListener(RendererCommon.RendererEvents) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
Sets listener of rendering events.
setListener(RendererCommon.RendererEvents) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoView
Sets listener of rendering events.
setLocalDescription(SdpObserver, SessionDescription) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
setLogLevel(LogLevel) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.Video
Sets the logging level for messages logged by the Video SDK.
setMicrophoneMute(boolean) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.audio.AudioDeviceModule
Control muting/unmuting the microphone.
setMicrophoneMute(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule
setMicrophoneMute(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.LegacyAudioDeviceModule
setMirror(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
Sets whether or not the rendered video should be mirrored.
setMirror(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoView
Sets whether or not the rendered video should be mirrored.
setMirror(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Set if the video stream should be mirrored horizontally or not.
setMirror(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Set if the video stream should be mirrored or not.
setMirrorVertically(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Set if the video stream should be mirrored vertically or not.
setModuleLogLevel(LogModule, LogLevel) - Static method in class com.twilio.video.Video
Sets the logging level for messages logged by a specific module.
setNativeLibraryLoader(NativeLibraryLoader) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions.Builder
setNativeLibraryName(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions.Builder
setNetEqFactoryFactory(NetEqFactoryFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
Sets a NetEqFactoryFactory for the PeerConnectionFactory.
setNetworkControllerFactoryFactory(NetworkControllerFactoryFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setNetworkStatePredictorFactoryFactory(NetworkStatePredictorFactoryFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
SetObserver(RtpReceiver.Observer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver
setOpenGlesVersion(int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglBase.ConfigBuilder
setOptions(PeerConnectionFactory.Options) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setOutputSampleRate(int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Call this method to specifically override output sample rate.
setParameters(RtpParameters) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
setPassword(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder
setPreferredInputDevice(AudioDeviceInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule
Start to prefer a specific AudioDeviceInfo device for recording.
setPriority(TrackPriority) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalAudioTrackPublication
Update the publisher's TrackPriority for this LocalAudioTrack after it has been published.
setPriority(TrackPriority) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalDataTrackPublication
Update the publisher's TrackPriority for this LocalDataTrack after it has been published.
setPriority(TrackPriority) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalVideoTrackPublication
Update the publisher's TrackPriority for this LocalVideoTrack after it has been published.
setPriority(TrackPriority) - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrack
Set the subscriber's TrackPriority for this RemoteVideoTrack.
setQp(Integer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setRateAllocation(VideoEncoder.BitrateAllocation, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Sets the bitrate allocation and the target framerate for the encoder.
setRateAllocation(VideoEncoder.BitrateAllocation, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
setRemoteDescription(SdpObserver, SessionDescription) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
setRequireFrameEncryption(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Builder
setRotation(int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setSampleRate(int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Call this method if the default handling of querying the native sample rate shall be overridden.
setSamplesReadyCallback(JavaAudioDeviceModule.SamplesReadyCallback) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Set a callback to listen to the raw audio input from the AudioRecord.
setScalingType(RendererCommon.ScalingType) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.VideoLayoutMeasure
setScalingType(RendererCommon.ScalingType) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Set how the video will fill the allowed layout area.
setScalingType(RendererCommon.ScalingType, RendererCommon.ScalingType) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.VideoLayoutMeasure
setScalingType(RendererCommon.ScalingType, RendererCommon.ScalingType) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
setScheduler(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
setSessionRepeatingRequest(CaptureRequest.Builder) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Session
Set the current capture session repeating request.
setSink(VideoSink) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor
Set the sink that receives the output from this processor.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlTextureFrameBuffer
(Re)allocate texture.
setSpeakerMute(boolean) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.audio.AudioDeviceModule
Control muting/unmuting the speaker.
setSpeakerMute(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule
setSpeakerMute(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.LegacyAudioDeviceModule
setSSLCertificateVerifier(SSLCertificateVerifier) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionDependencies.Builder
setStreams(List<String>) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
setSupportsPixelBuffer(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglBase.ConfigBuilder
setTextureSize(int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Use this function to set the texture size.
Settings(int, int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.Settings
Settings(int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
Settings(int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean, VideoEncoder.Capabilities) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
setTlsAlpnProtocols(List<String>) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder
setTlsCertPolicy(PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder
setTlsEllipticCurves(List<String>) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder
setTrack(MediaStreamTrack, boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
Starts sending a new track, without requiring additional SDP negotiation.
setUseHardwareAcousticEchoCanceler(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Control if the built-in HW acoustic echo canceler should be used or not.
setUseHardwareNoiseSuppressor(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Control if the built-in HW noise suppressor should be used or not.
setUsername(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder
setUseStereoInput(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Control if stereo input should be used or not.
setUseStereoOutput(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder
Control if stereo output should be used or not.
setVertexAttribArray(String, int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlShader
Enable and upload a vertex array for attribute |label|.
setVertexAttribArray(String, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlShader
Enable and upload a vertex array for attribute |label|.
setVideoDecoderFactory(VideoDecoderFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setVideoEncoderFactory(VideoEncoderFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setVideoProcessor(VideoProcessor) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
Hook for injecting a custom video processor before frames are passed onto WebRTC.
setVideoScaleType(VideoScaleType) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
Sets the current scale type to specified value and updates the video.
setVideoScaleType(VideoScaleType) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoView
Sets the current scale type to specified value and updates the video.
setVisibleFraction(float, float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.VideoLayoutMeasure
setVolume(double) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.AudioTrack
Sets the volume for the underlying MediaSource.
shutdownInternalTracer() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
SIGNALING - com.twilio.video.LogModule
SIGNALING_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
SIGNALING_CONNECTION_ERROR_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
SIGNALING_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
SIGNALING_DNS_RESOLUTION_ERROR_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
SIGNALING_INCOMING_MESSAGE_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
SIGNALING_OUTGOING_MESSAGE_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
SIGNALING_SERVER_BUSY_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
signalingState() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
simulcast - Variable in class com.twilio.video.Vp8Codec
Enabling simulcast causes the encoder to generate multiple spatial and temporal layers for the video that is published.
SoftwareVideoDecoderFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
SoftwareVideoDecoderFactory() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.SoftwareVideoDecoderFactory
SoftwareVideoEncoderFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
SoftwareVideoEncoderFactory() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.SoftwareVideoEncoderFactory
SSLCertificateVerifier - Interface in tvi.webrtc
The SSLCertificateVerifier interface allows API users to provide custom logic to verify certificates.
ssrc - Variable in class com.twilio.video.BaseTrackStats
The SSRC identifier of the source
ssrc - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
STABLE - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
STANDARD - com.twilio.video.TrackPriority
startAecDump(int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
startBitrate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
startCapture(int, int, int) - Method in class com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer
startCapture(int, int, int) - Method in class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
startCapture(int, int, int) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ScreenCapturer
startCapture(int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
startCapture(int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
startCapture(int, int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoCapturer
Start capturing frames in a format that is as close as possible to width x height and framerate.
startInternalTracingCapture(String) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
startListening(VideoSink) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Start to stream textures to the given |listener|.
startRtcEventLog(int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Starts recording an RTC event log.
state - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
State of this candidate pair, see IceCandidatePairState.
state() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
state() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaSource
state() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
STATE_FAILED - com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairState
Failed: A check for this pair was already done and failed, either never producing any response or producing an unrecoverable failure response.
STATE_FROZEN - com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairState
Frozen: A check for this pair hasn't been performed, and it can't yet be performed until some other check succeeds, allowing this pair to unfreeze and move into the Waiting state.
STATE_IN_PROGRESS - com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairState
In-Progress: A check has been sent for this pair, but the transaction is in progress.
STATE_SUCCEEDED - com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairState
Succeeded: A check for this pair was already done and produced a successful result.
STATE_WAITING - com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairState
Waiting: A check has not been performed for this pair, and can be performed as soon as it is the highest-priority Waiting pair on the check list.
StatsListener - Interface in com.twilio.video
Interface that provides event related to Room.getStats(StatsListener)
StatsObserver - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for observing Stats reports (see webrtc::StatsObservers).
StatsReport - Class in com.twilio.video
Stats report contains stats for all the media tracks that exist in peer connection.
StatsReport - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::StatsReport.
StatsReport(String, String, double, StatsReport.Value[]) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport
StatsReport.Value - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::StatsReport::Value.
stereoSwapping - Variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions
stereoSwapping(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions.Builder
Swap left and right audio channels.
stop() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Session
stop() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Session
stop() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession
Stops the capture.
stop() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The Stop method will for the time being call the StopInternal method.
stopAecDump() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
stopCapture() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer
Stops all frames being captured.
stopCapture() - Method in class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
Stops all frames being captured.
stopCapture() - Method in class com.twilio.video.ScreenCapturer
Stops all frames being captured.
stopCapture() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
stopCapture() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
stopCapture() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoCapturer
Stop capturing.
stopInternal() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The StopInternal method stops the RtpTransceiver, like Stop, but goes immediately to Stopped state.
stopInternalTracingCapture() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
stopListening() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Stop listening.
stopRtcEventLog() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Stops recording an RTC event log.
stopStandard() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The StopStandard method irreversibly stops the RtpTransceiver.
stunCandidateKeepaliveIntervalMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
supportNetworkCallback() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector
surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
SurfaceEglRenderer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Display the video stream on a Surface.
SurfaceEglRenderer(String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
In order to render something, you must first call init().
surfaceHeight() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
surfaceIceCandidatesOnIceTransportTypeChanged - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
SurfaceTextureHelper - Class in tvi.webrtc
Helper class for using a SurfaceTexture to create WebRTC VideoFrames.
SurfaceTextureHelper.FrameRefMonitor - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for monitoring texture buffers created from this SurfaceTexture.
SurfaceViewRenderer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Display the video stream on a SurfaceView.
SurfaceViewRenderer(Context) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Standard View constructor.
SurfaceViewRenderer(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Standard View constructor.
surfaceWidth() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
suspendBelowMinBitrate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
swapBuffers() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
swapBuffers(long) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
switchCamera(String) - Method in class com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer
Switches the current Camera2Capturer.cameraId.
switchCamera(String) - Method in class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
Switches the current CameraCapturer.cameraId.
switchCamera(CameraVideoCapturer.CameraSwitchHandler) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer
Switch camera to the next valid camera id.
switchCamera(CameraVideoCapturer.CameraSwitchHandler, String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer
Switch camera to the specified camera id.
switchOff() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrack
Request to switch off a RemoteVideoTrack, if it is currently switched on.
switchOn() - Method in class com.twilio.video.RemoteVideoTrack
Request to switch on a RemoteVideoTrack, if it is currently switched off.


TAG - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
TARGET_BITRATE_OVERSHOOT - tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
tcpCandidatePolicy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
test(T) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.Predicate
Evaluates this predicate on the given argument.
TextureBufferImpl - Class in tvi.webrtc
Android texture buffer that glues together the necessary information together with a generic release callback.
TextureBufferImpl(int, int, VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.Type, int, Matrix, Handler, YuvConverter, Runnable) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
textureToYuv(VideoFrame.TextureBuffer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Use toI420() instead.
tick() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
TIMEOUT - tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
timestamp - Variable in class com.twilio.video.BaseTrackStats
Unix timestamp in milliseconds
timestamp - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport
TimestampAligner - Class in tvi.webrtc
The TimestampAligner class helps translating camera timestamps into the same timescale as is used by rtc::TimeNanos().
TimestampAligner() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.TimestampAligner
timestampNs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
TLS_CERT_POLICY_INSECURE_NO_CHECK - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy
TLS_CERT_POLICY_SECURE - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy
tlsAlpnProtocols - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
tlsCertPolicy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
tlsEllipticCurves - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
toI420() - Method in class com.twilio.video.Rgba8888Buffer
Converts the buffer to a VideoFrame.I420Buffer.
toI420() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
toI420() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV12Buffer
toI420() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV21Buffer
toI420() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
toI420() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.Buffer
Returns a memory-backed frame in I420 format.
tones() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DtmfSender
toString() - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioCodec
Returns the name of the audio codec.
toString() - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions
toString() - Method in class com.twilio.video.EncodingParameters
toString() - Method in class com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityConfiguration
toString() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoCodec
Returns the name of the video codec.
toString() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoContentPreferences
toString() - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStats
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStatsReport
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport.Value
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
totalRoundTripTime - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Sum of all round trip time measurements in seconds since the beginning of the session.
TRACE - com.twilio.video.LogLevel
track() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver
track() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
Track - Interface in com.twilio.video
A representation of a media track.
TRACK_DATA_TRACK_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
TRACK_DATA_TRACK_SEND_BUFFER_FULL_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
TRACK_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
TRACK_NAME_CHARS_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
TRACK_NAME_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
TRACK_NAME_IS_DUPLICATED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
TRACK_NAME_TOO_LONG_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
TRACK_SERVER_TRACK_CAPACITY_REACHED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
TRACK_TRACK_KIND_NOT_SUPPORTED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.TwilioException
TrackPriority - Enum in com.twilio.video
Defines the three possible track publication priorities for a local TrackPublication.
TrackPublication - Interface in com.twilio.video
A published track represents a track that has been shared with a Room.
trackSid - Variable in class com.twilio.video.BaseTrackStats
Track server identifier
trackSwitchOffMode(TrackSwitchOffMode) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder
Configure how RemoteVideoTracks are switched off.
TrackSwitchOffMode - Enum in com.twilio.video
TrackSwitchOffMode represents the possible modes of behavior of the Track switch-off mechanism.
transactionId - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters
translateTimestamp(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TimestampAligner
Translates camera timestamps to the same timescale as is used by rtc::TimeNanos().
transportId - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Unique identifier of the underlying candidate pair.
transportId - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidateStats
Unique identifier of the underlying candidate.
TRIAL_ENABLED - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
turnCustomizer - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
TurnCustomizer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ TurnCustomizer.
TurnCustomizer(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.TurnCustomizer
turnLoggingId - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
An optional string that if set will be attached to the TURN_ALLOCATE_REQUEST which can be used to correlate client logs with backend logs
turnPortPrunePolicy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
tvi.webrtc - package tvi.webrtc
tvi.webrtc.audio - package tvi.webrtc.audio
TwilioException - Exception in com.twilio.video
Twilio Video SDK Exception
TwilioException.Code - Annotation Type in com.twilio.video
type - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation
type - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription
type - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport
typingDetection - Variable in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions
typingDetection(boolean) - Method in class com.twilio.video.AudioOptions.Builder
Enables typing detection.


UNDEFINED - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource.AspectRatio
underlyingTypeForVpn - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation
UNIFIED_PLAN - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SdpSemantics
UNINITIALIZED - tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
UNKNOWN - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
UNKNOWN - Static variable in exception com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer.Exception
unpublishTrack(LocalAudioTrack) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Stops the sharing of an audio track to all the participants in a Room.
unpublishTrack(LocalDataTrack) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Stops the sharing of a data track to all the participants in a Room.
unpublishTrack(LocalVideoTrack) - Method in class com.twilio.video.LocalParticipant
Stops the sharing of a video track to all the participants in a Room.
unregisterObserver() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
Unregister the (only) observer.
updateCameraParameters(CameraParameterUpdater) - Method in class com.twilio.video.CameraCapturer
Schedules a camera parameter update.
updateCaptureRequest(CaptureRequestUpdater) - Method in class com.twilio.video.Camera2Capturer
Schedules a capture request update.
uri - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
url - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidateStats
The URL of the TURN or STUN server.
urls - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
useProgram() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlShader
username - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceServer
username - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer


value - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport.Value
value() - Method in annotation type tvi.webrtc.CalledByNative
value() - Method in annotation type tvi.webrtc.CalledByNativeUnchecked
Value(String, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport.Value
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.BandwidthProfileMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.ClientTrackSwitchOffControl
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.IceTransportPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.LogModule
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityVerbosity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.Participant.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.Room.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.TrackPriority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.TrackSwitchOffMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.VideoContentPreferencesMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.VideoScaleType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordStartErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackStartErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.FailureType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.FrameType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.MediaSource.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.MediaType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.BundlePolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.CandidateNetworkPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.ContinualGatheringPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceGatheringState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceTransportsType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.KeyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PortPrunePolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RtcpMuxPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SdpSemantics
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TcpCandidatePolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.ScalingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.DegradationPreference
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport
values() - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.BandwidthProfileMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.ClientTrackSwitchOffControl
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.IceTransportPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.LogModule
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.NetworkQualityVerbosity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.Participant.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.Room.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.TrackPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.TrackSwitchOffMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.VideoContentPreferencesMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.twilio.video.VideoScaleType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordStartErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.audio.JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackStartErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.FailureType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.FrameType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.MediaSource.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.MediaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.BundlePolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.CandidateNetworkPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.ContinualGatheringPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceGatheringState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceTransportsType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.KeyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PortPrunePolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RtcpMuxPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SdpSemantics
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TcpCandidatePolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.ScalingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.DegradationPreference
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verify(byte[]) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SSLCertificateVerifier
Implementations of verify allow applications to provide custom logic for verifying certificates.
VGA_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
VGA (640 x 480) resolution in 4:3 aspect ratio
VGA_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
VGA_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
Video - Class in com.twilio.video
This class allows a user to connect to a Room.
Video() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.Video
VIDEO_FRAME_EMIT_TRIAL - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
VIDEO_TRACK_KIND - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
VideoBandwidthProfileOptions - Class in com.twilio.video
VideoBandwidthProfileOptions enables you to configure how available bandwidth is shared among the RemoteVideoTrack(s) in a Group Room.
VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder - Class in com.twilio.video
Builder class for VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.
VideoCapturer - Interface in com.twilio.video
Generic video capturing interface that extends VideoCapturer.
VideoCapturer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
VideoCodec - Class in com.twilio.video
Abstract base class for video codecs.
VideoCodec(String) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.VideoCodec
VideoCodecInfo - Class in tvi.webrtc
Represent a video codec as encoded in SDP.
VideoCodecInfo(int, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
VideoCodecInfo(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
VideoCodecStatus - Enum in tvi.webrtc
Status codes reported by video encoding/decoding components.
VideoContentPreferences - Class in com.twilio.video
The preferences that are used to specify the render dimensions of a RemoteVideoTrack when using VideoContentPreferencesMode.MANUAL.
VideoContentPreferences(VideoDimensions) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.VideoContentPreferences
Constructs an instance of this class.
videoContentPreferencesMode(VideoContentPreferencesMode) - Method in class com.twilio.video.VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder
Configure how the video content preferences are determined based on the VideoContentPreferencesMode.
VideoContentPreferencesMode - Enum in com.twilio.video
Configures the mode for specifying content preferences for the RemoteVideoTrack.
VideoDecoder - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for a video decoder that can be used in WebRTC.
VideoDecoder.Callback - Interface in tvi.webrtc
VideoDecoder.DecodeInfo - Class in tvi.webrtc
Additional info for decoding.
VideoDecoder.Settings - Class in tvi.webrtc
Settings passed to the decoder by WebRTC.
VideoDecoderFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Factory for creating VideoDecoders.
VideoDecoderFallback - Class in tvi.webrtc
A combined video decoder that falls back on a secondary decoder if the primary decoder fails.
VideoDecoderFallback(VideoDecoder, VideoDecoder) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoderFallback
VideoDimensions - Class in com.twilio.video
VideoDimensions(int, int) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
VideoEncoder - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for a video encoder that can be used with WebRTC.
VideoEncoder.BitrateAllocation - Class in tvi.webrtc
Represents bitrate allocated for an encoder to produce frames.
VideoEncoder.Callback - Interface in tvi.webrtc
VideoEncoder.Capabilities - Class in tvi.webrtc
Capabilities (loss notification, etc.) passed to the encoder by WebRTC.
VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfo - Class in tvi.webrtc
Codec specific information about the encoded frame.
VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfoH264 - Class in tvi.webrtc
VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfoVP8 - Class in tvi.webrtc
VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfoVP9 - Class in tvi.webrtc
VideoEncoder.EncodeInfo - Class in tvi.webrtc
Additional info for encoding.
VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits - Class in tvi.webrtc
Bitrate limits for resolution.
VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings - Class in tvi.webrtc
Settings for WebRTC quality based scaling.
VideoEncoder.Settings - Class in tvi.webrtc
Settings passed to the encoder by WebRTC.
VideoEncoderFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Factory for creating VideoEncoders.
VideoEncoderFactory.VideoEncoderSelector - Interface in tvi.webrtc
VideoEncoderFallback - Class in tvi.webrtc
A combined video encoder that falls back on a secondary encoder if the primary encoder fails.
VideoEncoderFallback(VideoEncoder, VideoEncoder) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFallback
VideoFileRenderer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Can be used to save the video frames to file.
VideoFileRenderer(String, int, int, EglBase.Context) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoFileRenderer
VideoFormat - Class in com.twilio.video
Represents the format of a video frame.
VideoFormat(VideoDimensions, int) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.VideoFormat
VideoFrame - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::VideoFrame and webrtc::VideoFrameBuffer.
VideoFrame(VideoFrame.Buffer, int, long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
Constructs a new VideoFrame backed by the given buffer.
VideoFrame.Buffer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Implements image storage medium.
VideoFrame.I420Buffer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for I420 buffers.
VideoFrame.TextureBuffer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for buffers that are stored as a single texture, either in OES or RGB format.
VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.Type - Enum in tvi.webrtc
VideoFrameDelta - tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.FrameType
VideoFrameDrawer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Helper class to draw VideoFrames.
VideoFrameDrawer() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
VideoFrameKey - tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.FrameType
VideoLayoutMeasure() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.VideoLayoutMeasure
VideoProcessor - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Lightweight abstraction for an object that can receive video frames, process them, and pass them on to another object.
VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters - Class in tvi.webrtc
VideoScaleType - Enum in com.twilio.video
Specifies what type of video scaling that will be performed by a VideoSink.
VideoSink - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Java version of rtc::VideoSinkInterface.
VideoSource - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper of native AndroidVideoTrackSource.
VideoSource(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
VideoSource.AspectRatio - Class in tvi.webrtc
Simple aspect ratio clas for use in constraining output format.
VideoTextureView - Class in com.twilio.video
VideoTextureView(Context) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
VideoTextureView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.VideoTextureView
VideoTrack - Class in com.twilio.video
VideoTrack - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of VideoTrackInterface.
VideoTrack(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoTrack
VideoTrackPublication - Interface in com.twilio.video
A published video track represents a video track that has been shared with a Room.
videoTracks - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
videoTracks(List<LocalVideoTrack>) - Method in class com.twilio.video.ConnectOptions.Builder
Video tracks that will be published upon connection.
VideoView - Class in com.twilio.video
A VideoView renders frames from a VideoTrack.
VideoView(Context) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.VideoView
VideoView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.VideoView
Vp8Codec - Class in com.twilio.video
Traditional block-based transform coding format similar to H264.
Vp8Codec() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.Vp8Codec
Vp8Codec(boolean) - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.Vp8Codec
Vp9Codec - Class in com.twilio.video
Traditional block-based transform coding format similar to MPEG's High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC/H.265).
Vp9Codec() - Constructor for class com.twilio.video.Vp9Codec
VPN - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType


WARNING - com.twilio.video.LogLevel
WEBRTC - com.twilio.video.LogModule
width - Variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
width - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
width - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.Settings
width - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
width - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource.AspectRatio
WIFI - tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
wrap(int, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, Runnable) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
Wraps existing ByteBuffers into JavaI420Buffer object without copying the contents.
WrappedNativeVideoDecoder - Class in tvi.webrtc
Wraps a native webrtc::VideoDecoder.
WrappedNativeVideoDecoder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoDecoder
WrappedNativeVideoEncoder - Class in tvi.webrtc
Wraps a native webrtc::VideoEncoder.
WrappedNativeVideoEncoder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
writeable - Variable in class com.twilio.video.IceCandidatePairStats
Has gotten ACK to an ICE request.
WVGA_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
WVGA (800 x 480) resolution
WVGA_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions
WVGA_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.twilio.video.VideoDimensions


YuvConverter - Class in tvi.webrtc
Class for converting OES textures to a YUV ByteBuffer.
YuvConverter() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.YuvConverter
This class should be constructed on a thread that has an active EGL context.
YuvConverter(VideoFrameDrawer) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.YuvConverter
YuvHelper - Class in tvi.webrtc
Wraps libyuv methods to Java.
YuvHelper() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
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