Interface RemoteParticipant.Listener

Enclosing class:

public static interface RemoteParticipant.Listener
Interface that provides RemoteParticipant events.
  • Method Details

    • onAudioTrackPublished

      void onAudioTrackPublished(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteAudioTrackPublication remoteAudioTrackPublication)
      This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has published a RemoteAudioTrack to this Room. The audio of the track is not audible until the track has been subscribed to.
      remoteParticipant - The participant object associated with this audio track.
      remoteAudioTrackPublication - The audio track publication.
    • onAudioTrackUnpublished

      void onAudioTrackUnpublished(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteAudioTrackPublication remoteAudioTrackPublication)
      This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has unpublished a RemoteAudioTrack from this Room.
      remoteParticipant - The participant object associated with this audio track.
      remoteAudioTrackPublication - The audio track publication.
    • onAudioTrackSubscribed

      void onAudioTrackSubscribed(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteAudioTrackPublication remoteAudioTrackPublication, @NonNull RemoteAudioTrack remoteAudioTrack)
      This method notifies the listener the RemoteAudioTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been subscribed to. The audio track is audible after this callback.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with this audio track.
      remoteAudioTrackPublication - The audio track publication.
      remoteAudioTrack - The audio track subscribed to.
    • onAudioTrackSubscriptionFailed

      void onAudioTrackSubscriptionFailed(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteAudioTrackPublication remoteAudioTrackPublication, @NonNull TwilioException twilioException)
      This method notifies the listener that media negotiation for a RemoteAudioTrack failed.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with the audio track.
      remoteAudioTrackPublication - The audio track publication for which subscription failed.
      twilioException - Exception that describes failure.
    • onAudioTrackUnsubscribed

      void onAudioTrackUnsubscribed(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteAudioTrackPublication remoteAudioTrackPublication, @NonNull RemoteAudioTrack remoteAudioTrack)
      This method notifies the listener that the RemoteAudioTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been unsubscribed from. The track is no longer audible after being unsubscribed from the audio track.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with this audio track.
      remoteAudioTrackPublication - The audio track publication.
      remoteAudioTrack - The audio track unsubscribed from.
    • onAudioTrackPublishPriorityChanged

      default void onAudioTrackPublishPriorityChanged(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteAudioTrackPublication remoteAudioTrackPublication, @NonNull TrackPriority trackPriority)
      This method notifies the listener that the RemoteParticipant changed the published priority of the RemoteAudioTrack.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with this audio track.
      remoteAudioTrackPublication - The audio track publication.
      trackPriority - The new track priority.
    • onVideoTrackPublished

      void onVideoTrackPublished(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteVideoTrackPublication remoteVideoTrackPublication)
      This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has published a RemoteVideoTrack to this Room. Video frames will not begin flowing until the video track has been subscribed to.
      remoteParticipant - The participant object associated with this video track.
      remoteVideoTrackPublication - The video track publication.
    • onVideoTrackUnpublished

      void onVideoTrackUnpublished(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteVideoTrackPublication remoteVideoTrackPublication)
      This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has removed a RemoteVideoTrack from this Room.
      remoteParticipant - The participant object associated with this video track.
      remoteVideoTrackPublication - The video track publication.
    • onVideoTrackSubscribed

      void onVideoTrackSubscribed(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteVideoTrackPublication remoteVideoTrackPublication, @NonNull RemoteVideoTrack remoteVideoTrack)
      This method notifies the listener the RemoteVideoTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been subscribed to. Video frames are now flowing and can be rendered.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with this video track.
      remoteVideoTrackPublication - The video track publication.
      remoteVideoTrack - The video track subscribed to.
    • onVideoTrackSubscriptionFailed

      void onVideoTrackSubscriptionFailed(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteVideoTrackPublication remoteVideoTrackPublication, @NonNull TwilioException twilioException)
      This method notifies the listener that media negotiation for a RemoteVideoTrack failed.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with the video track.
      remoteVideoTrackPublication - The video track publication for which subscription failed.
      twilioException - Exception that describes failure.
    • onVideoTrackUnsubscribed

      void onVideoTrackUnsubscribed(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteVideoTrackPublication remoteVideoTrackPublication, @NonNull RemoteVideoTrack remoteVideoTrack)
      This method notifies the listener that the RemoteVideoTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been unsubscribed from. Video frames are no longer flowing. All VideoSinks of the video track have been removed before receiving this callback to prevent native memory leaks.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with this video track.
      remoteVideoTrackPublication - The video track publication.
      remoteVideoTrack - The video track removed from this room.
    • onVideoTrackPublishPriorityChanged

      default void onVideoTrackPublishPriorityChanged(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteVideoTrackPublication remoteVideoTrackPublication, @NonNull TrackPriority trackPriority)
      This method notifies the listener that the RemoteParticipant changed the published priority of the RemoteVideoTrack.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with this video track.
      remoteVideoTrackPublication - The video track publication.
      trackPriority - The new track priority.
    • onDataTrackPublished

      void onDataTrackPublished(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteDataTrackPublication remoteDataTrackPublication)
      This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has published a RemoteDataTrack to this Room.
      remoteParticipant - The participant object associated with this data track.
      remoteDataTrackPublication - The data track publication.
    • onDataTrackUnpublished

      void onDataTrackUnpublished(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteDataTrackPublication remoteDataTrackPublication)
      This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has removed a RemoteDataTrack from this Room.
      remoteParticipant - The participant object associated with this data track.
      remoteDataTrackPublication - The data track publication.
    • onDataTrackSubscribed

      void onDataTrackSubscribed(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteDataTrackPublication remoteDataTrackPublication, @NonNull RemoteDataTrack remoteDataTrack)
      This method notifies the listener the RemoteDataTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been subscribed to. Data track messages can be now be received.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with this data track.
      remoteDataTrackPublication - The data track publication.
      remoteDataTrack - The data track subscribed to.
    • onDataTrackSubscriptionFailed

      void onDataTrackSubscriptionFailed(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteDataTrackPublication remoteDataTrackPublication, @NonNull TwilioException twilioException)
      This method notifies the listener that media negotiation for a RemoteDataTrack failed.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with the data track.
      remoteDataTrackPublication - The data track publication for which subscription failed.
      twilioException - Exception that describes failure.
    • onDataTrackUnsubscribed

      void onDataTrackUnsubscribed(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteDataTrackPublication remoteDataTrackPublication, @NonNull RemoteDataTrack remoteDataTrack)
      This method notifies the listener that the RemoteDataTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been unsubscribed from. Data track messages will no longer be received.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with this data track.
      remoteDataTrackPublication - The data track publication.
      remoteDataTrack - The data track removed from this room.
    • onDataTrackPublishPriorityChanged

      default void onDataTrackPublishPriorityChanged(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteDataTrackPublication remoteDataTrackPublication, @NonNull TrackPriority trackPriority)
      This method notifies the listener that the RemoteParticipant changed the published priority of the RemoteDataTrack.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with this data track.
      remoteDataTrackPublication - The data track publication.
      trackPriority - The new track priority.
    • onAudioTrackEnabled

      void onAudioTrackEnabled(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteAudioTrackPublication remoteAudioTrackPublication)
      This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant audio track has been enabled.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with this audio track.
      remoteAudioTrackPublication - The audio track publication.
    • onAudioTrackDisabled

      void onAudioTrackDisabled(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteAudioTrackPublication remoteAudioTrackPublication)
      This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant audio track has been disabled.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with this audio track.
      remoteAudioTrackPublication - The audio track publication.
    • onVideoTrackEnabled

      void onVideoTrackEnabled(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteVideoTrackPublication remoteVideoTrackPublication)
      This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant video track has been enabled.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with this audio track.
      remoteVideoTrackPublication - The video track publication.
    • onVideoTrackDisabled

      void onVideoTrackDisabled(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteVideoTrackPublication remoteVideoTrackPublication)
      This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant video track has been disabled.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with this audio track.
      remoteVideoTrackPublication - The video track publication.
    • onVideoTrackSwitchedOn

      default void onVideoTrackSwitchedOn(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteVideoTrack remoteVideoTrack)
      This method notifies the listener that a subscribed RemoteVideoTrack that was switched off is now switched back on based on the bandwidth allocation algorithm. Video will be received for the RemoteVideoTrack until it is switched off.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with the video track.
      remoteVideoTrack - The subscribed remote video track.
    • onVideoTrackSwitchedOff

      default void onVideoTrackSwitchedOff(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull RemoteVideoTrack remoteVideoTrack)
      This method notifies the listener that a subscribed RemoteVideoTrack is switched off based on the bandwidth allocation algorithm. Video will not be received for the RemoteVideoTrack until it is switched back on.
      remoteParticipant - The remoteParticipant object associated with the video track.
      remoteVideoTrack - The subscribed remote video track.
    • onNetworkQualityLevelChanged

      default void onNetworkQualityLevelChanged(@NonNull RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant, @NonNull NetworkQualityLevel networkQualityLevel)
      This method notifies the listener that the RemoteParticipant's NetworkQualityLevel has changed.
      remoteParticipant - The RemoteParticipant.
      networkQualityLevel - The new NetworkQualityLevel.