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ABGRToI420(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
Converts ABGR little endian (rgba in memory) to I420.
ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ACCESS_TOKEN_GRANTS_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ACCESS_TOKEN_HEADER_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ACCESS_TOKEN_ISSUER_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ACCESS_TOKEN_NOT_YET_VALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
active - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
activeCandidatePair - Variable in class
Identify whether the candidate pair is active.
activeResetSrtpParams - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
ADAPTER_TYPE_ANY - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
ADAPTER_TYPE_ANY - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Options
ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Options
ADAPTER_TYPE_ETHERNET - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Options
ADAPTER_TYPE_LOOPBACK - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Options
ADAPTER_TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Options
ADAPTER_TYPE_VPN - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Options
ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Options
adapterType - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
adaptiveAudioPacketTime - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
adaptOutputFormat(int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
Calling this function will cause frames to be scaled down to the requested resolution.
adaptOutputFormat(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
Same as above, but allows setting two different target resolutions depending on incoming frame orientation.
adaptOutputFormat(VideoSource.AspectRatio, Integer, VideoSource.AspectRatio, Integer, Integer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
Same as above, with even more control as each constraint is optional.
addExceptionCallback(Runnable) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglThread
Adds a callback that will be called on the EGL thread if there is an exception on the thread.
addFrame() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraStatistics
addFrameListener(EglRenderer.FrameListener, float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Register a callback to be invoked when a new video frame has been received.
addFrameListener(EglRenderer.FrameListener, float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Register a callback to be invoked when a new video frame has been received.
addFrameListener(EglRenderer.FrameListener, float, RendererCommon.GlDrawer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Register a callback to be invoked when a new video frame has been received.
addFrameListener(EglRenderer.FrameListener, float, RendererCommon.GlDrawer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Register a callback to be invoked when a new video frame has been received.
addFrameListener(EglRenderer.FrameListener, float, RendererCommon.GlDrawer, boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Register a callback to be invoked when a new video frame has been received.
addIceCandidate(IceCandidate) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
addIceCandidate(IceCandidate, AddIceObserver) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
AddIceObserver - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface to handle completion of addIceCandidate
addMediaRecorderToCamera(MediaRecorder, CameraVideoCapturer.MediaRecorderHandler) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer
addPreservedTrack(VideoTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
address - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidateErrorEvent
The local IP address used to communicate with the STUN or TURN server.
address - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.IPAddress
addRtcStatsListener(RtcStatsListener) - Method in class
addSample(int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics.HistogramInfo
addSink(AudioSink) - Method in class
Adds a sink to the Track.
addSink(AudioSink) - Method in class
Adds a sink to the Track.
addSink(VideoSink) - Method in class
addSink(VideoSink) - Method in class
addSink(VideoSink) - Method in class
Add a video sink to receive frames from the video track.
addSink(VideoSink) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoTrack
Adds a VideoSink to the track.
addStream(MediaStream) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Adds a new MediaStream to be sent on this peer connection.
addTrack(AudioTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
addTrack(MediaStreamTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Adds a new media stream track to be sent on this peer connection, and returns the newly created RtpSender.
addTrack(MediaStreamTrack, List<String>) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
addTrack(VideoTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
addTransceiver(MediaStreamTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Creates a new RtpTransceiver and adds it to the set of transceivers.
addTransceiver(MediaStreamTrack.MediaType) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
addTransceiver(MediaStreamTrack.MediaType, RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
addTransceiver(MediaStreamTrack, RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
ALL - Enum constant in enum class
All transports will be used.
ALL - Enum constant in enum class
ALL - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.CandidateNetworkPolicy
ALL - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceTransportsType
allocate(int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
Allocates an empty I420Buffer suitable for an image of the given dimensions.
and(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.Predicate
Returns a composed predicate that represents a short-circuiting logical AND of this predicate and another.
ANSWER - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type
ApplicationContextProvider - Class in tvi.webrtc
ApplicationContextProvider() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.ApplicationContextProvider
apply(Camera.Parameters) - Method in interface
Invoked when camera parameters are available for modification.
apply(CaptureRequest.Builder) - Method in interface
Invoked when the CaptureRequest is available for modification.
applyAlignmentToAllSimulcastLayers - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.EncoderInfo
Same as above but if true, each simulcast layer should also be divisible by |requested_resolution_alignment|.
applyFrameAdaptationParameters(VideoFrame, VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor
Applies the frame adaptation parameters to a frame.
applyTransformMatrix(Matrix, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
Create a new TextureBufferImpl with an applied transform matrix and a new size.
applyTransformMatrix(Matrix, int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer
Create a new TextureBufferImpl with an applied transform matrix and a new size.
applyZOrder(boolean) - Method in class
Controls placement of the video render relative to other surface.
ASPECT_BALANCED - Enum constant in enum class
A combination of fit and fill.
ASPECT_FILL - Enum constant in enum class
Video is scaled to fill entire view and preserve aspect ratio.
ASPECT_FIT - Enum constant in enum class
Video is scaled to fit size of view while maintaining aspect ratio.
AspectRatio(int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource.AspectRatio
AUDIO_RECORD_START_EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class
AUDIO_RECORD_START_STATE_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class
AUDIO_SAMPLE_MONO - Static variable in class
AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_16000 - Static variable in class
AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_24000 - Static variable in class
AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_32000 - Static variable in class
AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_44100 - Static variable in class
AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_48000 - Static variable in class
AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_8000 - Static variable in class
AUDIO_SAMPLE_STEREO - Static variable in class
AUDIO_TRACK_KIND - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
AUDIO_TRACK_START_EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class
AUDIO_TRACK_START_STATE_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class
AudioCodec - Class in
Abstract base class for audio codecs.
AudioCodec(String) - Constructor for class
AudioDecoderFactoryFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Implementations of this interface can create a native webrtc::AudioDecoderFactory.
AudioDevice - Interface in
AudioDevice interface allows developers to inject custom audio device capturer and audio device renderer of audio by replacing the default device used by the SDK.
AudioDeviceCapturer - Interface in
AudioDeviceCapturer interface provides the mechanism to define a custom audio device capturer.
AudioDeviceContext - Class in
An AudioDeviceContext is a context to the audio device used by the SDK.
audioDeviceExecuteWorkerBlock(AudioDeviceContext, Runnable) - Static method in interface
A utility method to execute a runnable on the media engine's worker thread asynchronously.
audioDeviceFormatChanged(AudioDeviceContext) - Static method in interface
This method should be called any time the capturing or rendering format changes.
AudioDeviceModule - Interface in
This interface is a thin wrapper on top of a native C++ webrtc::AudioDeviceModule (ADM).
audioDeviceReadRenderData(AudioDeviceContext, ByteBuffer) - Static method in interface
This method needs to be called by AudioDeviceRenderer to pull renderable audio data from the media engine.
AudioDeviceRenderer - Interface in
AudioDeviceRenderer interface provides the mechanism to define a custom audio device renderer.
audioDeviceWriteCaptureData(AudioDeviceContext, ByteBuffer) - Static method in interface
This method needs to be called by AudioDeviceCapturer implementation to provide captured data to the media engine.
AudioEncoderFactoryFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Implementations of this interface can create a native webrtc::AudioEncoderFactory.
audioEncodingToString(int) - Static method in class
AudioFormat - Class in
AudioFormat describes 16-bit signed Linear Pulse Code Modulation (LPCM) audio.
AudioFormat(int, int) - Constructor for class
audioJitterBufferFastAccelerate - Variable in class
audioJitterBufferFastAccelerate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
audioJitterBufferFastAccelerate(boolean) - Method in class
Enables fast accelerate mode of jitter buffer.
audioJitterBufferMaxPackets - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
audioLevel - Variable in class
Audio input level
audioLevel - Variable in class
Audio output level
AudioOptions - Class in
Represents options when adding a LocalAudioTrack.
AudioOptions.Builder - Class in
Builds new AudioOptions.
AudioProcessingFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Factory for creating webrtc::AudioProcessing instances.
AudioProcessorSupportCheck - Interface in
DO NOT USE, For internal use only, verifies if audio processor is supported.
AudioSamples(int, int, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class
AudioSink - Interface in
AudioSink consumes raw audio content from a AudioTrack.
audioSinks - Variable in class
AudioSource - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ AudioSourceInterface.
AudioSource(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.AudioSource
audioSourceToString(int) - Static method in class
AudioTrack - Class in
AudioTrack - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ AudioTrackInterface
AudioTrack(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.AudioTrack
AudioTrackPublication - Interface in
A published audio track represents an audio track that has been shared with a Room.
audioTracks - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
audioTracks(List<LocalAudioTrack>) - Method in class
Audio tracks that will be published upon connection.
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class
In this mode, the SDK determines whether RemoteVideoTracks should be switched off based on VideoSink attachment and View visibility.
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class
The SDK specifies content preferences based on video view size.
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class
Twilio's SDKs and Servers select video codecs and manage video encodings automatically.
autoGainControl - Variable in class
autoGainControl(boolean) - Method in class
Adjust the sensitivity of the local mic dynamically.
automaticResizeOn - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
availableIncomingBitrate - Variable in class
Available bitrate for all the incoming RTP streams using this candidate pair measured in bits per second (excluding IP TCP/UDP headers).
availableOutgoingBitrate - Variable in class
Available bitrate for all the outgoing RTP streams using this candidate pair measured in bits per second (excluding IP TCP/UDP headers).


BALANCED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.BundlePolicy
BALANCED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.DegradationPreference
Degrade a balance of framerate and resolution.
bandwidthProfile(BandwidthProfileOptions) - Method in class
Configure how the available downlink bandwidth is shared among the RemoteVideoTracks you have subscribed to in a Group or Small-Group Room.
BandwidthProfileMode - Enum Class in
BandwidthProfileMode specifies how RemoteVideoTrack(s) TrackPriority values are mapped to bandwidth allocation in Group Rooms.
BandwidthProfileOptions - Class in
BandwidthProfileOptions enables you to configure how available bandwidth is shared among the Tracks in a Group Room.
BandwidthProfileOptions() - Constructor for class
Construct instance with SDK defaults.
BandwidthProfileOptions(VideoBandwidthProfileOptions) - Constructor for class
Construct instance with provided VideoBandwidthProfileOptions
BaseTrackStats - Class in
binary - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Buffer
Indicates whether `data` contains UTF-8 text or "binary data" (i.e.
bitMask - Variable in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
bitrate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.RateControlParameters
Adjusted target bitrate, per spatial/temporal layer.
BitrateAllocation(int[][]) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.BitrateAllocation
Initializes the allocation with a two dimensional array of bitrates.
bitratePriority - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
bitratesBbs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.BitrateAllocation
bucketCount - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics.HistogramInfo
buffer - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
Buffer(ByteBuffer, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Buffer
bufferedAmount() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
Return the number of bytes of application data (UTF-8 text and binary data) that have been queued using SendBuffer but have not yet been transmitted to the network.
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
Builds ConnectOptions object.
build() - Method in class
Builds the data track options.
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
builder() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions
builder() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
builder() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
builder(Context) - Static method in class
builder(Context) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions
builder(String) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
builder(List<String>) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
builder(PeerConnection.Observer) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionDependencies
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder(String) - Constructor for class
BuiltinAudioDecoderFactoryFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
Creates a native webrtc::AudioDecoderFactory with the builtin audio decoders.
BuiltinAudioDecoderFactoryFactory() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.BuiltinAudioDecoderFactoryFactory
BuiltinAudioEncoderFactoryFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
This class creates a native webrtc::AudioEncoderFactory with the builtin audio encoders.
BuiltinAudioEncoderFactoryFactory() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.BuiltinAudioEncoderFactoryFactory
bundlePolicy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
bytesReceived - Variable in class
Total number of payload bytes received on this candidate pair (excluding headers or padding).
bytesReceived - Variable in class
Total number of bytes received
bytesSent - Variable in class
Total number of payload bytes sent on this candidate pair (excluding headers or padding).
bytesSent - Variable in class
Total number of bytes sent for this SSRC


CalledByNative - Annotation Interface in tvi.webrtc
CalledByNative is used by the JNI generator to create the necessary JNI bindings and expose this method to native code.
CalledByNativeUnchecked - Annotation Interface in tvi.webrtc
CalledByNativeUnchecked is used to generate JNI bindings that do not check for exceptions.
CallSessionFileRotatingLogSink - Class in tvi.webrtc
CallSessionFileRotatingLogSink(String, int, Logging.Severity) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.CallSessionFileRotatingLogSink
CAMERA_FROZE - Static variable in exception
CAMERA_SWITCH_FAILED - Static variable in exception
Camera1Capturer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Camera1Capturer(String, CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
Camera1Enumerator - Class in tvi.webrtc
Camera1Enumerator() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator
Camera1Enumerator(boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator
Camera1Session - Class in tvi.webrtc
Camera2Capturer - Class in
The Camera2Capturer class is used to provide video frames for a LocalVideoTrack from the provided Camera2Capturer.cameraId.
Camera2Capturer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Camera2Capturer(Context, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a Camera2Capturer instance.
Camera2Capturer(Context, String, Camera2Capturer.Listener) - Constructor for class
Constructs a Camera2Capturer instance.
Camera2Capturer(Context, String, CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Capturer
Camera2Capturer.Exception - Exception in
Camera2Capturer exception class.
Camera2Capturer.Exception.Code - Annotation Interface in
Camera2Capturer.Listener - Interface in
Interface that provides events and errors related to Camera2Capturer.
Camera2Enumerator - Class in tvi.webrtc
Camera2Enumerator(Context) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator
Camera2Session - Class in tvi.webrtc
CameraCapturer - Class in
The CameraCapturer class is used to provide video frames for a LocalVideoTrack from a given CameraCapturer.cameraId.
CameraCapturer(Context, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a CameraCapturer instance.
CameraCapturer(Context, String, CameraCapturer.Listener) - Constructor for class
Constructs a CameraCapturer instance.
CameraCapturer.Error - Annotation Interface in
CameraCapturer.Listener - Interface in
Interface that provides events and errors related to CameraCapturer.
CameraEnumerationAndroid - Class in tvi.webrtc
CameraEnumerationAndroid() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid
CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat - Class in tvi.webrtc
CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange - Class in tvi.webrtc
CameraEnumerator - Interface in tvi.webrtc
CameraParameterUpdater - Interface in
Interface for updating Camera.Parameters on a CameraCapturer.
CameraSession - Interface in tvi.webrtc
CameraSession.CreateSessionCallback - Interface in tvi.webrtc
CameraSession.Events - Interface in tvi.webrtc
CameraSession.FailureType - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
CameraStatistics(SurfaceTextureHelper, CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraStatistics
CameraVideoCapturer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Base interface for camera1 and camera2 implementations.
CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Camera events handler - can be used to be notifed about camera events.
CameraVideoCapturer.CameraStatistics - Class in tvi.webrtc
Helper class to log framerate and detect if the camera freezes.
CameraVideoCapturer.CameraSwitchHandler - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Camera switch handler - one of these functions are invoked with the result of switchCamera().
CameraVideoCapturer.MediaRecorderHandler - Interface in tvi.webrtc
candidateNetworkPolicy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
CandidatePairChangeEvent - Class in tvi.webrtc
Representation of a change in selected ICE candidate pair.
candidateType - Variable in class
Candidate type.
canInsertDtmf() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DtmfSender
canonicalForm() - Method in enum class tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type
capabilities - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
Capabilities(boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Capabilities
CAPTURE_REQUEST_UPDATE_FAILED - Static variable in exception
capturedFrameRate - Variable in class
Captured frame rate
captureDimensions - Variable in class
Captured frame dimensions
CaptureFormat(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
CaptureFormat(int, int, CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
CaptureRequestUpdater - Interface in
Interface for updating the CaptureRequest of a Camera2Capturer.
CapturerObserver - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for observering a capturer.
captureTimeMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
captureTimeNs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
CELLULAR - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
CELLULAR_2G - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
CELLULAR_3G - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
CELLULAR_4G - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
CELLULAR_5G - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
certificate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
certificate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtcCertificatePem
PEM string representation of the certificate.
changeCaptureFormat(int, int, int) - Method in interface
changeCaptureFormat(int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
changeCaptureFormat(int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
changeCaptureFormat(int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
Changes output video format.
changeCaptureFormat(int, int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoCapturer
channelMaskToString(int) - Static method in class
CHECKING - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
checkNoGLES2Error(String) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.GlUtil
CIF_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class
CIF (352 x 288) resolution in 1.22:1 aspect ratio
CIF_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class
CIF_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class
cleanup() - Method in class
clearImage() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Post a task to clear the surface to a transparent uniform color.
clearImage() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Post a task to clear the SurfaceView to a transparent uniform color.
clearImage(float, float, float, float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Post a task to clear the surface to a specific color.
clientTrackSwitchOffControl(ClientTrackSwitchOffControl) - Method in class
Configure how RemoteVideoTracks are switched on and off based on the provided ClientTrackSwitchOffControl.
ClientTrackSwitchOffControl - Enum Class in
Configures the mode for switching off/on subscribed RemoteVideoTracks based on the subscriber's rendering environment.
clockRate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpCapabilities.CodecCapability
clockRate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Codec
close() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
Close the channel.
close() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
CLOSED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.State
CLOSED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
CLOSED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
CLOSED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
CLOSING - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.State
codec - Variable in class
Name of codec used for this track
CodecCapability() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpCapabilities.CodecCapability
codecs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpCapabilities
codecs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters
CodecSpecificInfo() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfo
CodecSpecificInfoAV1() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfoAV1
CodecSpecificInfoH264() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfoH264
CodecSpecificInfoVP8() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfoVP8
CodecSpecificInfoVP9() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfoVP9
COLLABORATION - Enum constant in enum class
This mode is for use cases where some RemoteVideoTrack(s) are more prioritized over others. - package
COMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceGatheringState
COMPLETED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
CONFIG_PIXEL_BUFFER - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
CONFIG_PIXEL_RGBA_BUFFER - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
CONFIG_PLAIN - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
CONFIG_RECORDABLE - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
CONFIG_RGBA - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
configBuilder() - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
ConfigBuilder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.EglBase.ConfigBuilder
configureCaptureRequestBuilder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Session
Configures a CaptureRequest.Builder with optimal settings for capturing video frames.
connect(Context, ConnectOptions, Room.Listener) - Static method in class
Connect to a Room with specified options.
CONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class
The Participant has connected to signaling
CONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class
CONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
CONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
CONNECTING - Enum constant in enum class
The Participant is connecting to signaling.
CONNECTING - Enum constant in enum class
CONNECTING - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.State
CONNECTING - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
CONNECTION_2G - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_3G - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_4G - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_5G - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_BLUETOOTH - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_ETHERNET - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_NONE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_UNKNOWN_CELLULAR - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_VPN - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
CONNECTION_WIFI - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
connectionState() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
ConnectOptions - Class in
Represents options when connecting to a Room.
ConnectOptions.Builder - Class in
Build new ConnectOptions.
consentRequestsReceived - Variable in class
Total number of connectivity check retransmissions sent.
consentRequestsSent - Variable in class
Total number of consent requests received.
consentResponsesReceived - Variable in class
Total number of consent responses received.
consentResponsesSent - Variable in class
Total number of consent responses sent.
constructBlackFrame(int, int) - Method in class
continualGatheringPolicy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
convert(VideoFrame.TextureBuffer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvConverter
Converts the texture buffer to I420.
convertMatrixFromAndroidGraphicsMatrix(Matrix) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon
Converts to a float[16] matrix array.
convertMatrixToAndroidGraphicsMatrix(float[]) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon
Converts a float[16] matrix array to
copyPlane(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
Helper method for copying a single colour plane.
CORE - Enum constant in enum class
create() - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Helper function for creating a plain root context.
create(Context) - Static method in class
Creates a local data track with no name and DataTrackOptions.DEFAULT_DATA_TRACK_OPTIONS.
create(Context, boolean) - Static method in class
Creates an audio track.
create(Context, boolean, AudioOptions) - Static method in class
Creates an audio track.
create(Context, boolean, AudioOptions, String) - Static method in class
Creates an audio track.
create(Context, boolean, String) - Static method in class
Creates an audio track.
create(Context, boolean, VideoCapturer) - Static method in class
Creates a local video track.
create(Context, boolean, VideoCapturer, VideoFormat) - Static method in class
Creates a local video track.
create(Context, boolean, VideoCapturer, VideoFormat, String) - Static method in class
Creates a local video track.
create(Context, boolean, VideoCapturer, String) - Static method in class
Creates a local video track.
create(Context, DataTrackOptions) - Static method in class
Creates a local data track with no name and provided data track options.
create(String, EglBase.Context) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Same as above with alignTimestamps set to false and yuvConverter set to new YuvConverter.
create(String, EglBase.Context, boolean) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Same as above with yuvConverter set to new YuvConverter.
create(String, EglBase.Context, boolean, YuvConverter) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Create a SurfaceTextureHelper without frame ref monitor.
create(String, EglBase.Context, boolean, YuvConverter, SurfaceTextureHelper.FrameRefMonitor) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Construct a new SurfaceTextureHelper sharing OpenGL resources with `sharedContext`.
create(CameraSession.CreateSessionCallback, CameraSession.Events, boolean, Context, SurfaceTextureHelper, String, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Session
create(CameraSession.CreateSessionCallback, CameraSession.Events, Context, CameraManager, SurfaceTextureHelper, String, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Session
create(EglBase.Context) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Helper function for creating a plain context, sharing data with `sharedContext`.
create(EglBase.Context, int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Create a new context with the specified config attributes, sharing data with `sharedContext`.
create(EglBase.Context, int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase.EglConnection
Analogous to corresponding EglBase#create below.
create(EglBase.EglConnection) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Creates a new EglBase with a shared EglConnection.
create(EglThread.ReleaseMonitor, EglBase.Context, int[]) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.EglThread
create(EglThread.ReleaseMonitor, EglBase.Context, int[], RenderSynchronizer) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.EglThread
create(NetworkChangeDetector.Observer, Context) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetectorFactory
createAnswer(SdpObserver, MediaConstraints) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
createAudioDeviceModule() - Method in class
Construct an AudioDeviceModule based on the supplied arguments.
createAudioSource(MediaConstraints) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createAudioTrack(String, AudioSource) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createCameraSession(CameraSession.CreateSessionCallback, CameraSession.Events, Context, SurfaceTextureHelper, String, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
createCameraSession(CameraSession.CreateSessionCallback, CameraSession.Events, Context, SurfaceTextureHelper, String, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Capturer
createCapturer(String, CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator
createCapturer(String, CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator
createCapturer(String, CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerator
createConfigAttributes() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglBase.ConfigBuilder
createCryptoOptions() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Builder
createDataChannel(String, DataChannel.Init) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
createDecoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoDecoderFactory
createDecoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoDecoderFactory
createDecoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SoftwareVideoDecoderFactory
createDecoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoderFactory
Creates a VideoDecoder for the given codec.
createDummyPbufferSurface() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
createEgl10(int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Explicitly create a root EGl 1.0 context with the specified config attributes.
createEgl10(int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase.EglConnection
Analogous to corresponding EglBase#createEgl10 below.
createEgl10(EGLContext, int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Explicitly create a root EGl 1.0 context with the specified config attributes and shared context.
createEgl10(EglBase10.Context, int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Explicitly create a root EGl 1.0 context with the specified config attributes and shared context.
createEgl14(int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Explicitly create a root EGl 1.4 context with the specified config attributes.
createEgl14(int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase.EglConnection
Analogous to corresponding EglBase#createEgl14 below.
createEgl14(EGLContext, int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Explicitly create a root EGl 1.4 context with the specified config attributes and shared context.
createEgl14(EglBase14.Context, int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
Explicitly create a root EGl 1.4 context with the specified config attributes and shared context.
createEglBaseWithSharedConnection() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglThread
Creates an EglBase instance with the EglThread's EglConnection.
createEglSurface(SurfaceTexture) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
createEglSurface(Surface) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
createEncodedImage() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
createEncoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
createEncoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoEncoderFactory
createEncoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SoftwareVideoEncoderFactory
createEncoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFactory
Creates an encoder for the given video codec.
createFloatBuffer(float[]) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.GlUtil
createIceServer() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder
createInitializationOptions() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions.Builder
createLocalMediaStream(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createNative() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.AudioProcessingFactory
Dynamically allocates a webrtc::AudioProcessing instance and returns a pointer to it.
createNative() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.FecControllerFactoryFactoryInterface
Dynamically allocates a webrtc::FecControllerFactory instance and returns a pointer to it.
createNative(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Dav1dDecoder
createNative(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibaomAv1Encoder
createNative(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp8Decoder
createNative(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp8Encoder
createNative(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp9Decoder
createNative(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp9Encoder
createNative(long) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder
The decoder implementation backing this interface is either 1) a Java decoder (e.g., an Android platform decoder), or alternatively 2) a native decoder (e.g., a software decoder or a C++ decoder adapter).
createNative(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoderFallback
createNative(long) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
createNative(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFallback
createNative(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoDecoder
createNativeAudioDecoderFactory() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.AudioDecoderFactoryFactory
Returns a pointer to a webrtc::AudioDecoderFactory.
createNativeAudioDecoderFactory() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.BuiltinAudioDecoderFactoryFactory
createNativeAudioEncoderFactory() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.AudioEncoderFactoryFactory
Returns a pointer to a webrtc::AudioEncoderFactory.
createNativeAudioEncoderFactory() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.BuiltinAudioEncoderFactoryFactory
createNativeNetEqFactory() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetEqFactoryFactory
Returns a pointer to a webrtc::NetEqFactory.
createNativeNetworkControllerFactory() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkControllerFactoryFactory
Dynamically allocates a webrtc::NetworkControllerFactory instance and returns a pointer to it.
createNativeNetworkStatePredictorFactory() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkStatePredictorFactoryFactory
Dynamically allocates a webrtc::NetworkStatePredictorFactory instance and returns a pointer to it.
createNativePeerConnection() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NativePeerConnectionFactory
Create a new webrtc::jni::OwnedPeerConnection instance and returns a pointer to it.
createNativePeerConnectionObserver(PeerConnection.Observer) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
createNativeVideoEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibaomAv1Encoder
createNativeVideoEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp8Encoder
createNativeVideoEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp9Encoder
createNativeVideoEncoder() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
createNativeVideoEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFallback
createOffer(SdpObserver, MediaConstraints) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
createPbufferSurface(int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
createPeerConnection(List<PeerConnection.IceServer>, MediaConstraints, PeerConnection.Observer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createPeerConnection(List<PeerConnection.IceServer>, PeerConnection.Observer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createPeerConnection(PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration, MediaConstraints, PeerConnection.Observer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createPeerConnection(PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration, PeerConnection.Observer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createPeerConnection(PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration, PeerConnectionDependencies) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
createPeerConnectionDependencies() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionDependencies.Builder
createPeerConnectionFactory() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
createSender(String, String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Creates an RtpSender without a track.
createSurface(SurfaceTexture) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
createSurface(Surface) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
createTextureBufferWithModifiedTransformMatrix(TextureBufferImpl, boolean, int) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession
createVideoSource(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
Same as above with alignTimestamps set to true.
createVideoSource(boolean, boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
Create video source with given parameters.
createVideoTrack(String, VideoSource) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
cropAndScale(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class
cropAndScale(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
cropAndScale(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV12Buffer
cropAndScale(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV21Buffer
cropAndScale(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
cropAndScale(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.Buffer
Crops a region defined by `cropx`, `cropY`, `cropWidth` and `cropHeight`.
cropAndScaleI420(VideoFrame.I420Buffer, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
cropHeight - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
cropWidth - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
cropX - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
cropY - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
cryptoOptions - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
Defines advanced optional cryptographic settings related to SRTP and frame encryption for native WebRTC.
CryptoOptions - Class in tvi.webrtc
CryptoOptions defines advanced cryptographic settings for native WebRTC.
CryptoOptions.Builder - Class in tvi.webrtc
CryptoOptions.SFrame - Class in tvi.webrtc
Options to be used when the FrameEncryptor / FrameDecryptor APIs are used.
CryptoOptions.Srtp - Class in tvi.webrtc
SRTP Related Peer Connection Options.
currentRoundTripTime - Variable in class
Latest round trip time measured in seconds.


data - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Buffer
The underlying data.
DataChannel - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ DataChannelInterface.
DataChannel(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
DataChannel.Buffer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of C++ DataBuffer.
DataChannel.Init - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for WebIDL RTCDataChannel.
DataChannel.Observer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Java version of C++ DataChannelObserver.
DataChannel.State - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Keep in sync with DataChannelInterface::DataState.
DataTrack - Class in
Base representation of LocalDataTrack and RemoteDataTrack.
DataTrack(boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int, String) - Constructor for class
DataTrackOptions - Class in
Represents options when creating LocalDataTracks.
DataTrackOptions.Builder - Class in
Build new DataTrackOptions.
DataTrackPublication - Interface in
A published data track represents a data track that has been shared with a Room.
dataTracks(List<LocalDataTrack>) - Method in class
Data tracks that will be published upon connection.
Dav1dDecoder - Class in tvi.webrtc
Dav1dDecoder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.Dav1dDecoder
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class
decode(EncodedImage, VideoDecoder.DecodeInfo) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder
Request the decoder to decode a frame.
decode(EncodedImage, VideoDecoder.DecodeInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoDecoder
DecodeInfo(boolean, long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.DecodeInfo
DEFAULT_DATA_TRACK_OPTIONS - Static variable in class
Default data track options.
DEFAULT_MAX_PACKET_LIFE_TIME - Static variable in class
Default value for max packet life time.
DEFAULT_MAX_RETRANSMITS - Static variable in class
Default value for max retransmits
DefaultAudioDevice - Class in
By default, the Video SDK uses DefaultAudioDevice to capture and render audio.
DefaultAudioDevice() - Constructor for class
DefaultVideoDecoderFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
Helper class that combines HW and SW decoders.
DefaultVideoDecoderFactory(EglBase.Context) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoDecoderFactory
Create decoder factory using default hardware decoder factory.
DefaultVideoEncoderFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
Helper class that combines HW and SW encoders.
DefaultVideoEncoderFactory(EglBase.Context, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
DefaultVideoEncoderFactory(EglBase.Context, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Create encoder factory using default hardware encoder factory.
DefaultVideoEncoderFactory(EglBase.Context, Properties) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
degradationPreference - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters
When bandwidth is constrained and the RtpSender needs to choose between degrading resolution or degrading framerate, degradationPreference indicates which is preferred.
deleted - Variable in class
The candidate is no longer active.
description - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription
destroy() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector
detachCurrent() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
DETECTED - Enum constant in enum class
In this mode, Tracks are switched off only when network congestion is detected.
deviceTypeToString(int) - Static method in class
Converts AudioDeviceInfo types to local string representation.
dimensions - Variable in class
Sent frame dimensions
dimensions - Variable in class
Received frame dimensions
dimensions - Variable in class
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class
In this mode, Tracks are never switched off.
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TcpCandidatePolicy
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.DegradationPreference
Does not degrade resolution or framerate.
disableEncryption - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Options
disableFpsReduction() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
disableFpsReduction() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
disableFpsReduction() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
disableIPv6OnWifi - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
disableNetworkMonitor - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Options
disconnect() - Method in class
Disconnects from the room.
DISCONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class
The Participant has disconnected from signaling.
DISCONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class
DISCONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.FailureType
DISCONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
DISCONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
dispose() - Method in class
dispose() - Method in class
dispose() - Method in class
dispose() - Method in interface
This method provides an optional step to perform a final cleanup.
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CallSessionFileRotatingLogSink
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
Dispose of native resources attached to this channel.
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DtmfSender
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaSource
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Free native resources associated with this PeerConnection instance.
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Call disconnect() to stop receiving frames.
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TimestampAligner
Dispose native timestamp aligner.
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TurnCustomizer
dispose() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoCapturer
Perform any final cleanup here.
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
dispose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoTrack
dominantSpeakerPriority(TrackPriority) - Method in class
Set the minimum TrackPriority of the Dominant Speaker's RemoteVideoTracks.
drawFrame(VideoFrame, RendererCommon.GlDrawer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
drawFrame(VideoFrame, RendererCommon.GlDrawer, Matrix) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
drawFrame(VideoFrame, RendererCommon.GlDrawer, Matrix, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
drawOes(int, float[], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlRectDrawer
Draw an OES texture frame with specified texture transformation matrix.
drawOes(int, float[], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.GlDrawer
Functions for drawing frames with different sources.
drawRgb(int, float[], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlRectDrawer
Draw a RGB(A) texture frame with specified texture transformation matrix.
drawRgb(int, float[], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.GlDrawer
drawTexture(RendererCommon.GlDrawer, VideoFrame.TextureBuffer, Matrix, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
Draws a VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.
drawYuv(int[], float[], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlRectDrawer
Draw a YUV frame with specified texture transformation matrix.
drawYuv(int[], float[], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.GlDrawer
drop - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
dtmf() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
DtmfSender - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ DtmfSenderInterface.
DtmfSender(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DtmfSender
duration() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DtmfSender


ECDSA - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.KeyType
echoCancellation - Variable in class
echoCancellation(boolean) - Method in class
Attempts to filter away the output signal from later inbound pickup.
EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
EGL_RECORDABLE_ANDROID - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
EglBase - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Holds EGL state and utility methods for handling an egl 1.0 EGLContext, an EGLDisplay, and an EGLSurface.
EglBase.ConfigBuilder - Class in tvi.webrtc
EglBase.Context - Interface in tvi.webrtc
EglBase.EglConnection - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Wraps the objects needed to interact with EGL that are independent of a particular EGLSurface.
EglBase10 - Interface in tvi.webrtc
EGL 1.0 implementation of EglBase.
EglBase10.Context - Interface in tvi.webrtc
EglBase10.EglConnection - Interface in tvi.webrtc
EglBase14 - Interface in tvi.webrtc
EGL 1.4 implementation of EglBase.
EglBase14.Context - Interface in tvi.webrtc
EglBase14.EglConnection - Interface in tvi.webrtc
EglRenderer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Implements VideoSink by displaying the video stream on an EGL Surface.
EglRenderer(String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Standard constructor.
EglRenderer(String, VideoFrameDrawer) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
EglRenderer.ErrorCallback - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Callback for clients to be notified about errors encountered during rendering.
EglRenderer.FrameListener - Interface in tvi.webrtc
EglThread - Class in tvi.webrtc
EGL graphics thread that allows multiple clients to share the same underlying EGLContext.
EglThread.ReleaseMonitor - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Callback for externally managed reference count.
EglThread.RenderUpdate - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for clients to schedule rendering updates that will run synchronized.
EmptyFrame - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.FrameType
enable() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics
enable(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the state of the local audio track.
enable(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the state of the local video track.
enableAutomaticSubscription(boolean) - Method in class
Toggles automatic track subscription.
enableCpuOveruseDetection - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
enabled() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
ENABLED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TcpCandidatePolicy
enableDominantSpeaker(boolean) - Method in class
Enable reporting of a Room's dominant speaker.
enableDscp - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
enableIceGatheringOnAnyAddressPorts(boolean) - Method in class
Enable gathering of ICE candidates on "any address" ports.
enableImplicitRollback - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
Allow implicit rollback of local description when remote description conflicts with local description.
enableInsights(boolean) - Method in class
Enable sending stats data to Insights.
enableNetworkQuality(boolean) - Method in class
Enable or disable the Network Quality API.
enablePlayback(boolean) - Method in class
Enables playback of remote audio track.
encode(VideoFrame, VideoEncoder.EncodeInfo) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Requests the encoder to encode a frame.
encode(VideoFrame, VideoEncoder.EncodeInfo) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
encodedHeight - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
EncodedImage - Class in tvi.webrtc
An encoded frame from a video stream.
EncodedImage.Builder - Class in tvi.webrtc
EncodedImage.FrameType - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
encodedWidth - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
EncodeInfo(EncodedImage.FrameType[]) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.EncodeInfo
EncoderInfo(int, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.EncoderInfo
Encoding(String, boolean, Double) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
encodingParameters(EncodingParameters) - Method in class
Set EncodingParameters for audio and video tracks shared to a Room.
EncodingParameters - Class in
Defines audio and video encoding parameters.
EncodingParameters(int, int) - Constructor for class
encodings - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters
ENDED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.MediaSource.State
ENDED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.State
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
equals(Object) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange
equals(Object) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
equals() checks sdpMid, sdpMLineIndex, and sdp for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair
equals(Object) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
equals(Object) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
ERR_PARAMETER - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
ERR_REQUEST_SLI - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
ERR_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.FailureType
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
ERROR_CAMERA_FREEZE - Static variable in class
ERROR_CAMERA_SERVER_STOPPED - Static variable in class
ERROR_CAMERA_SWITCH_FAILED - Static variable in class
ERROR_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class
ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SOURCE - Static variable in class
errorCode - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidateErrorEvent
The numeric STUN error code returned by the STUN or TURN server.
errorText - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidateErrorEvent
The STUN reason text returned by the STUN or TURN server.
estimatedDisconnectedTimeMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CandidatePairChangeEvent
An estimate from the ICE stack on how long it was disconnected before changing to the new candidate pair in this event.
ETHERNET - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType


FAILED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
FALLBACK_SOFTWARE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
FATAL - Enum constant in enum class
FecControllerFactoryFactoryInterface - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Factory for creating webrtc::FecControllerFactory instances.
fieldTrialsFindFullName(String) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
FileVideoCapturer - Class in tvi.webrtc
FileVideoCapturer(String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
forceFrame() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Forces a frame to be produced.
FrameAdaptationParameters(int, int, int, int, int, int, long, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
FrameDecryptor - Interface in tvi.webrtc
The FrameDecryptor interface allows Java API users to provide a pointer to their native implementation of the FrameDecryptorInterface.
FrameEncryptor - Interface in tvi.webrtc
The FrameEncryptor interface allows Java API users to provide a pointer to their native implementation of the FrameEncryptorInterface.
framerate - Variable in class
framerate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
frameRate - Variable in class
Sent frame rate
frameRate - Variable in class
Received frame rate
framerateFps - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.RateControlParameters
Target framerate, in fps.
FramerateRange(int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange
frameSize() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
frameSize(int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
frameSizePixels - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
Maximum size of video frame, in pixels, the bitrate limits are intended for.
frameType - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
frameTypes - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.EncodeInfo
fromCanonicalForm(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type


G722Codec - Class in
ITU-T standard 7 kHz Wideband audio codec.
G722Codec() - Constructor for class
GATHER_CONTINUALLY - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.ContinualGatheringPolicy
GATHER_ONCE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.ContinualGatheringPolicy
GATHERING - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceGatheringState
generateCertificate() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RtcCertificatePem
Generate a new RtcCertificatePem with the default settings of KeyType = ECDSA and expires = 30 days.
generateCertificate(long) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RtcCertificatePem
Generate a new RtcCertificatePem with a custom expires and the default setting of KeyType = ECDSA.
generateCertificate(PeerConnection.KeyType) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RtcCertificatePem
Generate a new RtcCertificatePem with a custom KeyType and the default setting of expires = 30 days.
generateCertificate(PeerConnection.KeyType, long) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RtcCertificatePem
Generate a new RtcCertificatePem with a custom KeyType and a custom expires.
generateTexture(int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.GlUtil
Generate texture with standard parameters.
getActiveNetworkList() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector
getAndReset() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics
getApplicationContext() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.ApplicationContextProvider
getApplyAlignmentToAllSimulcastLayers() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.EncoderInfo
getAttribLocation(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlShader
getAudioDevice() - Static method in class
Returns the AudioDevice.
getAudioFormat() - Method in class
getAudioTrack() - Method in interface
LocalAudioTrackPublication and RemoteAudioTrackPublication extend AudioTrackPublication and each interface implements getAudioTrack with different nullability behavior.
getAudioTrack() - Method in class
Unlike AudioTrackPublication or RemoteAudioTrackPublication this AudioTrack is guaranteed to be non null.
getAudioTrack() - Method in class
Returns the base audio track object of the published remote audio track.
getAudioTracks() - Method in class
Returns read-only list of audio track publications.
getAudioTracks() - Method in interface
Returns AudioTrackPublications of participant.
getAudioTracks() - Method in class
Returns read-only list of audio track publications.
getBuffer() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
getBufferType() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.Buffer
Representation of the underlying buffer.
getBufferType() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.I420Buffer
getCamera() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Session
Get the camera object.
getCameraId() - Method in class
Returns the currently set camera ID.
getCameraId() - Method in class
Returns the currently set cameraID.
getCameraName() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
getCameraSession() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
Returns the current camera session.
getCaptureFormat() - Method in class
getCaptureFormat() - Method in interface
getCaptureFormat() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Session
Get the current capture format.
getCapturerFormat() - Method in interface
Returns the format of the audio that will be captured.
getCapturerFormat() - Method in class
This method is a no-op that returns null.
getCapturerObserver() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
getCertificate() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
getChannelCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of channels in the audio stream.
getChannelCount() - Method in class
getClientTrackSwitchOffControl() - Method in class
getClosestSupportedFramerateRange(List<CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange>, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid
getClosestSupportedSize(List<Size>, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid
getCname() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Rtcp
getCode() - Method in exception
getConfig() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase10.EglConnection
getConfig() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase14.EglConnection
getContext() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase10.EglConnection
getContext() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase14.EglConnection
getCurrentConnectionType() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector
getCurrentDirection() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The current_direction attribute indicates the current direction negotiated for this transceiver.
getData() - Method in class
Returns the raw frame buffer data.
getData() - Method in class
getDataTrack() - Method in interface
LocalDataTrackPublication and RemoteDataTrackPublication extend DataTrackPublication and each interface implements getDataTrack with different nullability behavior.
getDataTrack() - Method in class
Unlike DataTrackPublication or RemoteDataTrackPublication this DataTrack is guaranteed to be non null.
getDataTrack() - Method in class
getDataTracks() - Method in class
Returns read-only list of data track publications.
getDataTracks() - Method in interface
Returns DataTrackPublications of participant.
getDataTracks() - Method in class
Returns read-only list of data track publications.
getDataU() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getDataU() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.I420Buffer
Returns a direct ByteBuffer containing U-plane data.
getDataV() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getDataV() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.I420Buffer
Returns a direct ByteBuffer containing V-plane data.
getDataY() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getDataY() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.I420Buffer
Returns a direct ByteBuffer containing Y-plane data.
getDeviceNames() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator
getDeviceNames() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator
getDeviceNames() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerator
getDeviceOrientation(Context) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession
getDirection() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The direction attribute indicates the preferred direction of this transceiver, which will be used in calls to CreateOffer and CreateAnswer.
getDisplay() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase10.EglConnection
getDisplay() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase14.EglConnection
getDisplaySize(float, float, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon
Calculate display size based on minimum fraction of the video that must remain visible, video aspect ratio, and maximum display size.
getDisplaySize(RendererCommon.ScalingType, float, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon
Calculate display size based on scaling type, video aspect ratio, and maximum display size.
getDominantSpeaker() - Method in class
Returns the dominant speaker of the Room.
getDominantSpeakerPriority() - Method in class
getEgl() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase10.EglConnection
getEglBaseContext() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
getEnableAes128Sha1_32CryptoCipher() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Srtp
getEnableEncryptedRtpHeaderExtensions() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Srtp
getEnableGcmCryptoSuites() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Srtp
getEncoderInfo() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
getEncoderSelector() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFactory
Returns a VideoEncoderSelector if implemented by the VideoEncoderFactory, null otherwise.
getEncrypted() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.HeaderExtension
getExplanation() - Method in exception
getFieldTrialsString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.Observer
getFrameBufferId() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlTextureFrameBuffer
Gets the OpenGL frame buffer id.
getFrameSizePixels() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
getGlTarget() - Method in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.Type
getHandler() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
Returns the camera thread Handler.
getHandler() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglThread
Returns the Handler to interact with Gl/EGL on.
getHandler() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Retrieve the handler that calls onFrame().
getHeaderExtensions() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpCapabilities
getHeaderExtensions() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters
getHeight() - Method in class
Returns the frame height.
getHeight() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlTextureFrameBuffer
getHeight() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getHeight() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV12Buffer
getHeight() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV21Buffer
getHeight() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
getHeight() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.Buffer
getIceCandidatePairStats() - Method in class
Returns stats for all ice candidate pairs in the peer connection.
getIceCandidateStats() - Method in class
Returns stats for individual ice candidates in the peer connection
getIceServers() - Method in class
getIceTransportPolicy() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
getId() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStats
getId() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.HeaderExtension
getIdentity() - Method in class
Returns the identity of the local participant.
getIdentity() - Method in interface
Returns participant identity.
getIdentity() - Method in class
Returns the identity of the remote participant.
getImplementationName() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder
Should return a descriptive name for the implementation.
getImplementationName() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Should return a descriptive name for the implementation.
getImplementationName() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoDecoder
getImplementationName() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
getImplementations() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFactory
Enumerates the list of supported video codecs that can also be tagged with implementation information.
getKey() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair
getLayoutMatrix(boolean, float, float) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon
Returns layout transformation matrix that applies an optional mirror effect and compensates for video vs display aspect ratio.
getLocalAudioTrack() - Method in class
Returns the published local audio track.
getLocalAudioTracks() - Method in class
Returns read-only list of local audio track publications.
getLocalAudioTrackStats() - Method in class
Returns stats for all local audio tracks in the peer connection.
getLocalDataTrack() - Method in class
Returns the published local data track.
getLocalDataTracks() - Method in class
Returns read-only list of local data track publications.
getLocalDescription() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
getLocalParticipant() - Method in class
Returns the current local participant.
getLocalVideoTrack() - Method in class
Returns the published local video track.
getLocalVideoTracks() - Method in class
Returns read-only list of local video track publications.
getLocalVideoTrackStats() - Method in class
Returns stats for all local video tracks in the peer connection.
getLogData(String) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.CallSessionFileRotatingLogSink
getLogLevel() - Static method in class
Gets the logging level for messages logged by the Video SDK.
getMaxBitrateBps() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
getMaxPacketLifeTime() - Method in class
Returns the maximum period of time in milliseconds in which retransmissions will be sent.
getMaxRetransmits() - Method in class
Returns the maximum number of times to transmit a message before giving up.
getMaxSubscriptionBitrate() - Method in class
Get the max subscription bitrate in Kilobits per second (Kbps) specified by VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder.maxSubscriptionBitrate(Long).
getMaxTracks() - Method in class
Get the max tracks specified by VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder.maxTracks(Long) (long)}.
getMediaProjection() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
getMediaRegion() - Method in class
Returns the region where media is processed.
getMediaType() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
Media type of the transceiver.
getMembers() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStats
Returns map of member names to values.
getMid() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The mid attribute is the mid negotiated and present in the local and remote descriptions.
getMinBitrateBps() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
getMinStartBitrateBps() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
getMirror() - Method in class
Returns whether or not this view is mirroring video.
getMirror() - Method in class
Returns whether or not this view is mirroring video.
getMode() - Method in class
getModuleLogLevel(LogModule) - Static method in class
Returns the logging level for messages logged by the specified LogModule.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the string representation of the audio codec.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the audio track name.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the data track name.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the local audio track name.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the local data track name.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the local video track name.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the current room.
getName() - Method in interface
Return track name.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the string representation of the video codec.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the video track name.
getNative() - Method in enum class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.FrameType
getNativeAudioDeviceModulePointer() - Method in interface
Returns a C++ pointer to a webrtc::AudioDeviceModule.
getNativeAudioDeviceModulePointer() - Method in class
getNativeEglContext() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase.Context
Returns an EGL context that can be used by native code.
getNativeFrameDecryptor() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.FrameDecryptor
getNativeFrameEncryptor() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.FrameEncryptor
getNativeMediaSource() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaSource
Returns a pointer to webrtc::MediaSourceInterface.
getNativeOwnedFactoryAndThreads() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
Returns a pointer to the native OwnedFactoryAndThreads object
getNativePeerConnection() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Returns a pointer to the native webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface.
getNativePeerConnectionFactory() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
Returns a pointer to the native webrtc::PeerConnectionFactoryInterface.
getNativeVideoTrack() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoTrack
Returns a pointer to webrtc::VideoTrackInterface.
getNetworkQualityLevel() - Method in class
Returns the LocalParticipant's Network Quality Level.
getNetworkQualityLevel() - Method in interface
Returns the participant's Network Quality Level.
getNetworkQualityLevel() - Method in class
Returns the RemoteParticipant's Network Quality Level.
getNumber() - Method in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
getNumCapturedFrames() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
getOpenGlesVersionFromConfig(int[]) - Static method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
getParameters() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver
getParameters() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
getPeerConnectionId() - Method in class
Returns the id of peer connection related to this report.
getPreferredEncrypted() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpCapabilities.HeaderExtensionCapability
getPreferredId() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpCapabilities.HeaderExtensionCapability
getPriority() - Method in class
Returns the TrackPriority of the published local audio track.
getPriority() - Method in class
Returns the TrackPriority of the published local data track.
getPriority() - Method in class
The TrackPriority to be used when publishing a local track.
getPriority() - Method in class
Returns the TrackPriority of the published local video track.
getPriority() - Method in class
Get the subscriber's TrackPriority for this RemoteVideoTrack.
getPublishPriority() - Method in class
Returns the TrackPriority set by the publisher for the corresponding RemoteAudioTrack.
getPublishPriority() - Method in class
Returns the TrackPriority set by the publisher for the corresponding RemoteDataTrack.
getPublishPriority() - Method in class
Returns the TrackPriority set by the publisher for the corresponding RemoteVideoTrack.
getRawContext() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase10.Context
getRawContext() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase14.Context
getReceiver() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The receiver attribute exposes the RtpReceiver corresponding to the RTP media that may be received with the transceiver's mid.
getReceivers() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Gets all RtpReceivers associated with this peer connection.
getReducedSize() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Rtcp
getRemoteAudioTrack() - Method in class
Returns the published remote audio track.
getRemoteAudioTracks() - Method in class
Returns read-only list of remote audio track publications.
getRemoteAudioTrackStats() - Method in class
Returns stats for all remote audio tracks in the peer connection.
getRemoteDataTrack() - Method in class
Returns the published remote data track.
getRemoteDataTracks() - Method in class
Returns a read-only list of remote data track publications.
getRemoteDescription() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
getRemoteParticipants() - Method in class
Returns all currently connected participants.
getRemoteVideoTrack() - Method in class
getRemoteVideoTracks() - Method in class
Returns read-only list of remote video track publications.
getRemoteVideoTrackStats() - Method in class
Returns stats for all remote video tracks in the peer connection.
getRenderDimensions() - Method in class
Get the render dimensions specified by VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder.renderDimensions(Map).
getRenderDimensions() - Method in class
getRendererFormat() - Method in interface
Returns the format of the audio that will be rendered.
getRendererFormat() - Method in class
This method is a no-op that returns null.
getRequestedResolutionAlignment() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.EncoderInfo
getRequireFrameEncryption() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.SFrame
getResolutionBitrateLimits() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Returns the list of bitrate limits.
getRotatedHeight() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
getRotatedWidth() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
getRotation() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
Rotation of the frame in degrees.
getRtcp() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters
getRtcTimeNanos() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.TimestampAligner
Wrapper around rtc::TimeNanos().
getRtpReceiverCapabilities(MediaStreamTrack.MediaType) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
getRtpSenderCapabilities(MediaStreamTrack.MediaType) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
getSampleRate() - Method in class
Returns the sample rate of the audio stream.
getSampleRate() - Method in class
getScalingSettings() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Any encoder that wants to use WebRTC provided quality scaler must implement this method.
getScalingSettings() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
getSender() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The sender attribute exposes the RtpSender corresponding to the RTP media that may be sent with the transceiver's mid.
getSenders() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Gets all RtpSenders associated with this peer connection.
getSFrame() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions
getSid() - Method in class
Returns the SID of the local participant.
getSid() - Method in interface
Returns unique identifier of a participant.
getSid() - Method in class
Returns the remote audio track's server identifier.
getSid() - Method in class
Returns the remote data track's server identifier.
getSid() - Method in class
Returns the SID of a remote participant.
getSid() - Method in class
Returns the remote video track's server identifier.
getSid() - Method in class
Returns the SID of the current room.
getSignalingRegion() - Method in class
Where the LocalParticipant's signaling traffic enters and exits Twilio's communications cloud.
getSinks() - Method in class
The list of sinks receiving video from this video track.
getSrtp() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions
getState() - Method in class
Returns participant state.
getState() - Method in interface
Returns participant state.
getState() - Method in class
Returns participant state.
getState() - Method in class
Returns the current room state.
getStats(StatsListener) - Method in class
Retrieve stats for all media tracks and notify StatsListener via calling thread.
getStats(RTCStatsCollectorCallback) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Gets stats using the new stats collection API, see webrtc/api/stats/.
getStats(RtpReceiver, RTCStatsCollectorCallback) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Gets stats using the new stats collection API, see webrtc/api/stats/.
getStats(RtpSender, RTCStatsCollectorCallback) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Gets stats using the new stats collection API, see webrtc/api/stats/.
getStats(StatsObserver, MediaStreamTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
getStatsMap() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStatsReport
getStreams() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
getStrideU() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getStrideU() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.I420Buffer
getStrideV() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getStrideV() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.I420Buffer
getStrideY() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getStrideY() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.I420Buffer
getSum() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.BitrateAllocation
Gets the total bitrate allocated for all layers.
getSupportedCodecs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoDecoderFactory
getSupportedCodecs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
getSupportedCodecs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoEncoderFactory
getSupportedCodecs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoDecoderFactory
getSupportedCodecs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SoftwareVideoDecoderFactory
getSupportedCodecs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SoftwareVideoEncoderFactory
getSupportedCodecs() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoderFactory
Enumerates the list of supported video codecs.
getSupportedCodecs() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFactory
Enumerates the list of supported video codecs.
getSupportedFormats(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator
getSupportedFormats(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator
getSupportedFormats(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerator
getSurfaceTexture() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Retrieve the underlying SurfaceTexture.
getTextureId() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlTextureFrameBuffer
Gets the OpenGL texture id.
getTextureId() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
getTextureId() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer
getThreadInfo() - Static method in class
Helper method for building a string of thread information.
getTimestampNs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
Timestamp of the frame in nano seconds.
getTimestampUs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStats
getTimestampUs() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStatsReport
getToI420Handler() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
getTrackName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the local audio track.
getTrackName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the local data track.
getTrackName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the local video track.
getTrackName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the published audio track.
getTrackName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the published data track.
getTrackName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the published video track.
getTrackName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the published track.
getTrackSid() - Method in class
Returns the local audio track's server identifier.
getTrackSid() - Method in class
Returns the local data track's server identifier.
getTrackSid() - Method in class
Returns the local video track's server identifier.
getTrackSid() - Method in class
Returns the remote audio track's server identifier.
getTrackSid() - Method in class
Returns the remote data track's server identifier.
getTrackSid() - Method in class
Returns the remote video track's server identifier.
getTrackSid() - Method in interface
Returns the track's server identifier.
getTrackSwitchOffMode() - Method in class
getTransceivers() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Gets all RtpTransceivers associated with this peer connection.
getTransformMatrix() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
getTransformMatrix() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer
Retrieve the transform matrix associated with the frame.
getType() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStats
getType() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
getType() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer
getUniformLocation(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlShader
getUnscaledHeight() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
getUnscaledHeight() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer
Returns the height of the texture in memory.
getUnscaledWidth() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
getUnscaledWidth() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer
Returns the width of the texture in memory.
getUri() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpCapabilities.HeaderExtensionCapability
getUri() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.HeaderExtension
getValue() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair
getVersion() - Static method in class
Returns the version of the Video SDK.
getVideoBandwidthProfileOptions() - Method in class
Get the video options specified in the BandwidthProfileOptions constructor.
getVideoCapturer() - Method in class
Returns the VideoCapturer associated with this video track.
getVideoContentPreferencesMode() - Method in class
getVideoFormat() - Method in class
Returns the video track's VideoFormat.
getVideoScaleType() - Method in class
Returns the current VideoScaleType.
getVideoScaleType() - Method in class
Returns the current VideoScaleType.
getVideoSource() - Method in class
Returns the VideoSource associated with this video track.
getVideoTrack() - Method in class
Unlike VideoTrackPublication or RemoteVideoTrackPublication this VideoTrack is guaranteed to be non null.
getVideoTrack() - Method in class
Returns the base video track object of the published remote video track.
getVideoTrack() - Method in interface
LocalVideoTrackPublication and RemoteVideoTrackPublication extend VideoTrackPublication and each interface implements getVideoTrack with different nullability behavior.
getVideoTracks() - Method in class
Returns read-only list of video track publications.
getVideoTracks() - Method in interface
Returns VideoTrackPublications of participant.
getVideoTracks() - Method in class
Returns read-only list of video track publications.
getWidth() - Method in class
Returns the frame width.
getWidth() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlTextureFrameBuffer
getWidth() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
getWidth() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV12Buffer
getWidth() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV21Buffer
getWidth() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
getWidth() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.Buffer
Resolution of the buffer in pixels.
getYuvConverter() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
GlOutOfMemoryException(int, String) - Constructor for exception tvi.webrtc.GlUtil.GlOutOfMemoryException
GlRectDrawer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Simplest possible GL shader that just draws frames as opaque quads.
GlRectDrawer() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.GlRectDrawer
GlShader - Class in tvi.webrtc
GlShader(String, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.GlShader
GlTextureFrameBuffer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Helper class for handling OpenGL framebuffer with only color attachment and no depth or stencil buffer.
GlTextureFrameBuffer(int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.GlTextureFrameBuffer
Generate texture and framebuffer resources.
GlUtil - Class in tvi.webrtc
Some OpenGL static utility functions.
GlUtil.GlOutOfMemoryException - Exception in tvi.webrtc
GRID - Enum constant in enum class
This mode is for use cases where all the subscribed RemoteVideoTrack(s) are equally important.


H264_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE_3_1 - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264_CONSTRAINED_HIGH_3_1 - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264_FMTP_LEVEL_ASYMMETRY_ALLOWED - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264_FMTP_PACKETIZATION_MODE - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264_FMTP_PROFILE_LEVEL_ID - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264_LEVEL_3_1 - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264_PROFILE_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264_PROFILE_CONSTRAINED_HIGH - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
H264Codec - Class in
Block-oriented motion-compensation-based video compression standard.
H264Codec() - Constructor for class
handle - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation
HardwareVideoDecoderFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
Factory for Android hardware VideoDecoders.
HardwareVideoDecoderFactory() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoDecoderFactory
HardwareVideoDecoderFactory(EglBase.Context) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoDecoderFactory
Creates a HardwareVideoDecoderFactory that supports surface texture rendering.
HardwareVideoDecoderFactory(EglBase.Context, Predicate<MediaCodecInfo>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoDecoderFactory
Creates a HardwareVideoDecoderFactory that supports surface texture rendering.
HardwareVideoEncoderFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
Factory for android hardware video encoders.
HardwareVideoEncoderFactory(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoEncoderFactory
HardwareVideoEncoderFactory(EglBase.Context, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoEncoderFactory
Creates a HardwareVideoEncoderFactory that supports surface texture encoding.
HardwareVideoEncoderFactory(EglBase.Context, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoEncoderFactory
Creates a HardwareVideoEncoderFactory that supports surface texture encoding.
HardwareVideoEncoderFactory(EglBase.Context, boolean, boolean, Predicate<MediaCodecInfo>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.HardwareVideoEncoderFactory
Creates a HardwareVideoEncoderFactory that supports surface texture encoding.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange
hashCode() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
hashCode() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
hashCode() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair
hashCode() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
hashCode() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
hasSurface() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
HAVE_LOCAL_PRANSWER - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
HAVE_REMOTE_PRANSWER - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
HD_1080P_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class
HD Widescreen 1080P (1920 x 1080) resolution Please note, some hardware encoders require dimensions that are divisible by 16, as such, sometimes the actual frame maybe 1920x1072.
HD_1080P_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class
HD_1080P_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class
HD_540P_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class
HD 540P (960 x 540) resolution.
HD_540P_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class
HD_540P_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class
HD_720P_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class
HD 720P (1280 x 720) resolution
HD_720P_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class
HD_720P_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class
HD_960P_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class
HD 960P (1280 x 960) resolution
HD_960P_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class
HD_960P_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class
HD_S1080P_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class
HD Standard 1080P (1440 x 1080) resolution Please note, some hardware encoders require dimensions that are divisible by 16, as such, sometimes the actual frame maybe 1440x1072.
HD_S1080P_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class
HD_S1080P_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class
headerExtensions - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpCapabilities
height - Variable in class
height - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
height - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.Settings
height - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
height - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource.AspectRatio
high - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class
highpassFilter - Variable in class
highpassFilter(boolean) - Method in class
Remove background noise of lower frequencies.
HistogramInfo(int, int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.Metrics.HistogramInfo
hostname - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer


I420Copy(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
Helper method for copying I420 to tightly packed destination buffer.
I420Copy(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
Helper method for copying I420 to buffer with the given stride and slice height.
I420Copy(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
Copy I420 Buffer to a contiguously allocated buffer.
I420Copy(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
Copies I420 to the I420 dst buffer.
I420Rotate(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
Helper method for rotating I420 to tightly packed destination buffer.
I420Rotate(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
I420ToNV12(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
Helper method for copying I420 to tightly packed NV12 destination buffer.
I420ToNV12(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
Copy I420 Buffer to a contiguously allocated buffer.
I420ToNV12(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
iceBackupCandidatePairPingInterval - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
IceCandidate - Class in tvi.webrtc
Representation of a single ICE Candidate, mirroring IceCandidateInterface in the C++ API.
IceCandidate(String, int, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
IceCandidateErrorEvent - Class in tvi.webrtc
IceCandidateErrorEvent(String, int, String, int, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidateErrorEvent
IceCandidatePairState - Enum Class in
ICE candidate pair state as defined in RFC 5245.
IceCandidatePairStats - Class in
Statistics of ICE candidate pair as defined in Identifiers for WebRTC's Statistics API.
iceCandidatePoolSize - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
IceCandidateStats - Class in
Statistics of ICE candidate as defined in Identifiers for WebRTC's Statistics API
IceCandidateStats(String, boolean, String, int, String, String, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
iceCheckIntervalStrongConnectivityMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
iceCheckIntervalWeakConnectivityMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
iceCheckMinInterval - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
iceConnectionReceivingTimeout - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
iceConnectionState() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
iceGatheringState() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
iceOptions(IceOptions) - Method in class
Custom ICE configuration used to connect to a Room.
IceOptions - Class in
IceOptions specifies custom media connectivity configurations.
IceOptions.Builder - Class in
IceServer - Class in
IceServer is a single STUN or TURN server.
IceServer(String) - Constructor for class
IceServer(String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
IceServer(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
IceServer(String, String, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
IceServer(String, String, String, PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
IceServer(String, String, String, PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
iceServers - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
iceServers(Set<IceServer>) - Method in class
Set of IceServer objects to be used during connection establishment.
iceTransportPolicy(IceTransportPolicy) - Method in class
The transport policy to use.
IceTransportPolicy - Enum Class in
IceTransportPolicy specifies which ICE transports to allow.
iceTransportsType - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
iceUnwritableMinChecks - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
iceUnwritableTimeMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
id - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Init
id - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport
id() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
id() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
id() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver
id() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
imageFormat - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
INACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection
INFO - Enum constant in enum class
init(EglBase.Context, int[], RendererCommon.GlDrawer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Same as above with usePresentationTimeStamp set to false.
init(EglBase.Context, int[], RendererCommon.GlDrawer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
init(EglBase.Context, int[], RendererCommon.GlDrawer, boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Initialize this class, sharing resources with `sharedContext`.
init(EglBase.Context, RendererCommon.RendererEvents) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Initialize this class, sharing resources with `sharedContext`.
init(EglBase.Context, RendererCommon.RendererEvents, int[], RendererCommon.GlDrawer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
Initialize this class, sharing resources with `sharedContext`.
init(EglBase.Context, RendererCommon.RendererEvents, int[], RendererCommon.GlDrawer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Initialize this class, sharing resources with `sharedContext`.
init(EglThread, RendererCommon.GlDrawer, boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Init() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Init
initDecode(VideoDecoder.Settings, VideoDecoder.Callback) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder
Initializes the decoding process with specified settings.
initDecode(VideoDecoder.Settings, VideoDecoder.Callback) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoDecoder
initEncode(VideoEncoder.Settings, VideoEncoder.Callback) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Initializes the encoding process.
initEncode(VideoEncoder.Settings, VideoEncoder.Callback) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
initialize(PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
Loads and initializes WebRTC.
initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper, Context, CapturerObserver) - Method in class
initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper, Context, CapturerObserver) - Method in class
initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper, Context, CapturerObserver) - Method in class
initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper, Context, CapturerObserver) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper, Context, CapturerObserver) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper, Context, CapturerObserver) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper, Context, CapturerObserver) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoCapturer
This function is used to initialize the camera thread, the android application context, and the capture observer.
initializeCallbackBuffer(CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat, Camera) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Session
Initialize the camera callback buffer.
initializeFieldTrials(String) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
INITIALIZING - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.MediaSource.State
insertDtmf(String, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DtmfSender
Queues a task that sends the provided DTMF tones.
interToneGap() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DtmfSender
ip - Variable in class
IP address of the candidate.
IPAddress(byte[]) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.IPAddress
ipAddresses - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation
isAudioProcessorSupported(String) - Method in interface
isAudioProcessorSupported(String) - Method in class
DO NOT USE, For internal use only, verifies if audio processor is supported.
isBackFacing(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator
isBackFacing(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator
isBackFacing(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerator
isBuiltInAcousticEchoCancelerSupported() - Static method in class
Returns true if the device supports built-in HW AEC, and the UUID is approved (some UUIDs can be excluded).
isBuiltInNoiseSuppressorSupported() - Static method in class
Returns true if the device supports built-in HW NS, and the UUID is approved (some UUIDs can be excluded).
isDtxEnabled() - Method in class
Reports whether DTX is enabled or not.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Check if this audio track is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Check if this data track is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Check if the local audio track is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
isEnabled() - Method in class
Check if the local video track is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in interface
Checks if the track is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Check if this video track is enabled.
isFrontFacing(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator
isFrontFacing(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator
isFrontFacing(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerator
isHardwareEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibaomAv1Encoder
isHardwareEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp8Encoder
isHardwareEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp9Encoder
isHardwareEncoder() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Returns true if the encoder is backed by hardware.
isHardwareEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFallback
isHardwareEncoder() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
isMissingFrames - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.DecodeInfo
isOrdered() - Method in class
Returns true if data track guarantees in-order delivery of messages.
isPlaybackEnabled() - Method in class
Check if playback on the remote audio track is enabled.
isRecording() - Method in class
Returns whether any media in the Room is being recorded.
isReliable() - Method in class
Returns true if the data track guarantees reliable transmission of messages.
isRemote - Variable in class
True indicates remote candidate and false indicates local candidate.
isScreencast() - Method in class
Indicates that the camera2 capturer is not a screen cast.
isScreencast() - Method in class
Indicates that the camera capturer is not a screen cast.
isScreencast() - Method in class
Indicates that the screen capturer is a screencast.
isScreencast() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
isScreencast() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
isScreencast() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
isScreencast() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoCapturer
isStopped() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The stopped attribute indicates that the sender of this transceiver will no longer send, and that the receiver will no longer receive.
isSupported(Context) - Static method in class
Indicates if Camera2Capturer is compatible with device.
isSupported(Context) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator
Checks if API is supported and all cameras have better than legacy support.
isSwitchedOff() - Method in class
Return whether the track is switched off.
isTextureInUse() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
isTrackEnabled() - Method in class
Check if local audio track is enabled.
isTrackEnabled() - Method in class
Check if local data track is enabled.
isTrackEnabled() - Method in class
Check if local video track is enabled.
isTrackEnabled() - Method in class
Check if remote audio track is enabled.
isTrackEnabled() - Method in class
Returns true if the published data track is enabled or false otherwise.
isTrackEnabled() - Method in class
Returns true if the published video track is enabled or false otherwise.
isTrackEnabled() - Method in interface
Returns true of track is enabled and false if not.
isTrackSubscribed() - Method in class
Check if the remote audio track is subscribed to by the LocalParticipant.
isTrackSubscribed() - Method in class
Check if the remote data track is subscribed to by the LocalParticipant.
isTrackSubscribed() - Method in class
Check if the remote video track is subscribed to by the LocalParticipant.


JavaAudioDeviceModule - Class in
AudioDeviceModule implemented using as input and as output.
JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordErrorCallback - Interface in
JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordStartErrorCode - Enum Class in
JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordStateCallback - Interface in
Called when audio recording starts and stops.
JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioSamples - Class in
Contains audio sample information.
JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackErrorCallback - Interface in
JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackStartErrorCode - Enum Class in
JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackStateCallback - Interface in
Called when audio playout starts and stops.
JavaAudioDeviceModule.Builder - Class in
JavaAudioDeviceModule.SamplesReadyCallback - Interface in
Called when new audio samples are ready.
JavaI420Buffer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Implementation of VideoFrame.I420Buffer backed by Java direct byte buffers.
jitter - Variable in class
Packet jitter measured in milliseconds
jitter - Variable in class
Packet jitter measured in milliseconds
JniCommon - Class in tvi.webrtc
Class with static JNI helper functions that are used in many places.
JniCommon() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.JniCommon


KEEP_FIRST_READY - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PortPrunePolicy
keyType - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
KeyValuePair(String, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair
kind - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpCapabilities.CodecCapability
kind() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack


label() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
lastDataReceivedMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CandidatePairChangeEvent
LEVEL_EXCEEDED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
LibaomAv1Encoder - Class in tvi.webrtc
LibaomAv1Encoder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.LibaomAv1Encoder
LibvpxVp8Decoder - Class in tvi.webrtc
LibvpxVp8Decoder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp8Decoder
LibvpxVp8Encoder - Class in tvi.webrtc
LibvpxVp8Encoder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp8Encoder
LibvpxVp9Decoder - Class in tvi.webrtc
LibvpxVp9Decoder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp9Decoder
LibvpxVp9Encoder - Class in tvi.webrtc
LibvpxVp9Encoder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.LibvpxVp9Encoder
listenForBytebufferFrames() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Session
Start listening for frames captured to a buffer.
listenForTextureFrames() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Session
Start listening for frames captured to a surface texture.
LIVE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.MediaSource.State
LIVE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.State
load(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NativeLibraryLoader
Loads a native library with the given name.
local - Variable in class
The NetworkQualityVerbosity for the Local Participant.
local - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CandidatePairChangeEvent
LocalAudioTrack - Class in
Represents a local audio source.
LocalAudioTrackPublication - Class in
A local audio track publication represents a LocalAudioTrack that has been shared to a Room.
LocalAudioTrackStats - Class in
localCandidateId - Variable in class
Unique identifier of the underlying local candidate associated with this candidate pair.
localCandidateIp - Variable in class
IP address of local candidate.
LocalDataTrack - Class in
A data track represents a unidirectional data source that can be used to send messages to participants of a Room.
LocalDataTrackPublication - Class in
A local data track publication represents a LocalDataTrack that has been shared to a Room.
LocalParticipant - Class in
Represents the local participant of a Room you are connected to.
LocalParticipant.Listener - Interface in
Interface that provides LocalParticipant events.
LocalTrackPublicationOptions - Class in
Options that can be specified when publishing a local track.
LocalTrackPublicationOptions() - Constructor for class
LocalTrackPublicationOptions(TrackPriority) - Constructor for class
LocalTrackStats - Class in
LocalTrackStats(String, int, String, String, double, long, int, long) - Constructor for class
LocalVideoTrack - Class in
A local video track that receives video frames from a VideoCapturer or VideoCapturer.
LocalVideoTrackPublication - Class in
A local video track publication represents a LocalVideoTrack that has been shared to a Room.
LocalVideoTrackStats - Class in
lock - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
logAudioState(String, Context, AudioManager) - Static method in class
Logs information about the current audio state.
LogLevel - Enum Class in
Log levels for the SDK
LogModule - Enum Class in
Modules that can be logged in the SDK
LOOPBACK - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
lossNotification - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Capabilities
The remote side has support for the loss notification RTCP feedback message format, and will be sending these feedback messages if necessary.
low - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
LOW - Enum constant in enum class
LOW_COST - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.CandidateNetworkPolicy


MAINTAIN_FRAMERATE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.DegradationPreference
Degrade resolution in order to maintain framerate.
MAINTAIN_RESOLUTION - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.DegradationPreference
Degrade framerate in order to maintain resolution.
makeCurrent() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
mandatory - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints
MANUAL - Enum constant in enum class
In this mode, the application requests that specific RemoteVideoTracks be switched off or on using the RemoteVideoTrack.switchOff()/RemoteVideoTrack.switchOn() methods on the RemoteVideoTrack.
MANUAL - Enum constant in enum class
The application specifies the content preferences for individual tracks using RemoteVideoTrack.setContentPreferences(VideoContentPreferences)
map - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics
max - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange
max - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics.HistogramInfo
maxAudioBitrate - Variable in class
Maximum audio send bitrate in kilobits per second (kbps).
maxBitrateBps - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
maxBitrateBps - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
Recommended maximum bitrate.
MAXBUNDLE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.BundlePolicy
MAXCOMPAT - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.BundlePolicy
maxFramerate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
maxFramerate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
maxIPv6Networks - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
maxPacketLifeTime(int) - Method in class
Maximum retransmit time in milliseconds.
maxRetransmits - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Init
maxRetransmits(int) - Method in class
Maximum number of retransmitted messages.
maxRetransmitTimeMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Init
maxSubscriptionBitrate(Long) - Method in class
Set the maximum downlink video bandwidth in Kilobits per second (Kbps).
maxTracks(Long) - Method in class
This property is deprecated in favor of ClientTrackSwitchOffControl. Attempting to set maxTracks when ClientTrackSwitchOffControl is already set will throw an exception.
maxVideoBitrate - Variable in class
Maximum video send bitrate in kilobits per second (kbps).
measure(int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.VideoLayoutMeasure
MEDIA_CONNECTION_ERROR_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
MEDIA_DATA_TRACK_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
MEDIA_DTLS_TRANSPORT_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
MEDIA_ICE_RESTART_NOT_ALLOWED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
MEDIA_NO_SUPPORTED_CODEC_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.MediaType
MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.MediaType
MediaConstraints - Class in tvi.webrtc
Description of media constraints for MediaStream and PeerConnection.
MediaConstraints() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints
MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair - Class in tvi.webrtc
Simple String key/value pair.
MediaSource - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ MediaSourceInterface.
MediaSource(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.MediaSource
MediaSource.State - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Tracks MediaSourceInterface.SourceState
MediaStream - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ MediaStreamInterface.
MediaStream(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
MediaStreamTrack - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ MediaStreamTrackInterface.
MediaStreamTrack(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
MediaStreamTrack.MediaType - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
MediaStreamTrack.State - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Tracks MediaStreamTrackInterface.TrackState
MEMORY - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
Metrics - Class in tvi.webrtc
Metrics.HistogramInfo - Class in tvi.webrtc
Class holding histogram information.
mimeType - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpCapabilities.CodecCapability
min - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange
min - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics.HistogramInfo
minBitrateBps - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
minBitrateBps - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
Recommended minimum bitrate.
minStartBitrateBps - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
Recommended minimum bitrate to start encoding.
mode(BandwidthProfileMode) - Method in class
Set how RemoteVideoTracks TrackPriority values are mapped to bandwidth allocation in Group Rooms.
MUTED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.MediaSource.State


name - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
name - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation
name - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpCapabilities.CodecCapability
name - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Codec
name - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport.Value
name - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
name(String) - Method in class
Data track name.
NAME - Static variable in class
NAME - Static variable in class
NAME - Static variable in class
NAME - Static variable in class
NAME - Static variable in class
NAME - Static variable in class
NAME - Static variable in class
nativeAddRef(long) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.JniCommon
Functions to increment/decrement an rtc::RefCountInterface pointer.
nativeAllocateByteBuffer(int) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.JniCommon
nativeFreeByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.JniCommon
NativeLibraryLoader - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for loading native libraries.
NativePeerConnectionFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Factory for creating webrtc::jni::OwnedPeerConnection instances.
nativeReleaseRef(long) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.JniCommon
negate() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.Predicate
Returns a predicate that represents the logical negation of this predicate.
NEGOTIATE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RtcpMuxPolicy
negotiated - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Init
NetEqFactoryFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Implementations of this interface can create a native webrtc::NetEqFactory.
NETWORK_QUALITY_LEVEL_FIVE - Enum constant in enum class
The Network Quality is Excellent.
NETWORK_QUALITY_LEVEL_FOUR - Enum constant in enum class
The Network Quality is Very Good.
NETWORK_QUALITY_LEVEL_ONE - Enum constant in enum class
The Network Quality is Very Bad.
NETWORK_QUALITY_LEVEL_THREE - Enum constant in enum class
The Network Quality is Good.
NETWORK_QUALITY_LEVEL_TWO - Enum constant in enum class
The Network Quality is Bad.
NETWORK_QUALITY_LEVEL_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
The Network Quality Level cannot be determined or the Network Quality API has not been enabled.
NETWORK_QUALITY_LEVEL_ZERO - Enum constant in enum class
The network connection has failed
NETWORK_QUALITY_VERBOSITY_MINIMAL - Enum constant in enum class
Reports only the NetworkQualityLevel for the Participant.
NETWORK_QUALITY_VERBOSITY_NONE - Enum constant in enum class
Nothing is reported for the Participant.
NetworkChangeDetector - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for detecting network changes
NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
NetworkChangeDetector.IPAddress - Class in tvi.webrtc
NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of NetworkMonitor.NetworkInformation
NetworkChangeDetector.Observer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Observer interface by which observer is notified of network changes.
NetworkChangeDetectorFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
NetworkControllerFactoryFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Factory for creating webrtc::NetworkControllerFactory instances.
networkIgnoreMask - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Options
NetworkInformation(String, NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType, NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType, long, NetworkChangeDetector.IPAddress[]) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation
networkPreference - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
networkPriority - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
networkQualityConfiguration(NetworkQualityConfiguration) - Method in class
Sets the verbosity level for network quality information returned by the Network Quality API.
NetworkQualityConfiguration - Class in
NetworkQualityConfiguration allows you to specify verbosity levels of Network Quality information returned by the Network Quality API.
NetworkQualityConfiguration() - Constructor for class
Creates a NetworkQualityConfiguration object with the default values, NetworkQualityVerbosity.NETWORK_QUALITY_VERBOSITY_MINIMAL for the Local Participant and NetworkQualityVerbosity.NETWORK_QUALITY_VERBOSITY_NONE for the Remote Participants.
NetworkQualityConfiguration(NetworkQualityVerbosity, NetworkQualityVerbosity) - Constructor for class
Creates a NetworkQualityConfiguration object with the provided NetworkQualityVerbosity levels.
NetworkQualityLevel - Enum Class in
Twilio's Video SDKs, where possible, attempt to calculate a singular Network Quality Level describing the quality of a Participant's connection to a Room.
NetworkQualityVerbosity - Enum Class in
The verbosity level of Network Quality information for a Participant.
NetworkStatePredictorFactoryFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Factory for creating webrtc::NetworkStatePredictorFactory instances.
NEW - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
NEW - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceGatheringState
NEW - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
NO_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase.Context
NO_OUTPUT - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
NO_PRUNE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PortPrunePolicy
NOHOST - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceTransportsType
noiseSuppression - Variable in class
noiseSuppression(boolean) - Method in class
Filter out background noise.
nominated - Variable in class
Whether the nominated flag was updated as per RFC 5245.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceTransportsType
numberOfCores - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.Settings
numberOfCores - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
numberOfSimulcastStreams - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
numChannels - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpCapabilities.CodecCapability
numChannels - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Codec
numTemporalLayers - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
NV12Buffer - Class in tvi.webrtc
NV12Buffer(int, int, int, int, ByteBuffer, Runnable) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.NV12Buffer
NV21Buffer - Class in tvi.webrtc
NV21Buffer(byte[], int, int, Runnable) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.NV21Buffer


Observer() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.Observer
OES - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.Type
OFF - Enum constant in enum class
OFF - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
Settings to disable quality based scaling.
OFFER - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type
offerExtmapAllowMixed - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
Control if "a=extmap-allow-mixed" is included in the offer.
OK - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
on - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
onAddFailure(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.AddIceObserver
Called when ICE candidate addition failed.
onAddStream(MediaStream) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when media is received on a new stream from remote peer.
onAddSuccess() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.AddIceObserver
Called when ICE candidate added successfully.
onAddTrack(RtpReceiver, MediaStream[]) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when a new track is signaled by the remote peer, as a result of setRemoteDescription.
onAttachedToWindow() - Method in class
onAttachedToWindow() - Method in class
onAudioTrackDisabled(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant audio track has been disabled.
onAudioTrackEnabled(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant audio track has been enabled.
onAudioTrackPublicationFailed(LocalParticipant, LocalAudioTrack, TwilioException) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that the LocalParticipant failed to publish a LocalAudioTrack to a Room.
onAudioTrackPublished(LocalParticipant, LocalAudioTrackPublication) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a LocalAudioTrack has been shared to a Room.
onAudioTrackPublished(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has published a RemoteAudioTrack to this Room.
onAudioTrackPublishPriorityChanged(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication, TrackPriority) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that the RemoteParticipant changed the published priority of the RemoteAudioTrack.
onAudioTrackSubscribed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication, RemoteAudioTrack) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener the RemoteAudioTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been subscribed to.
onAudioTrackSubscriptionFailed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication, TwilioException) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that media negotiation for a RemoteAudioTrack failed.
onAudioTrackUnpublished(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has unpublished a RemoteAudioTrack from this Room.
onAudioTrackUnsubscribed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteAudioTrackPublication, RemoteAudioTrack) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that the RemoteAudioTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been unsubscribed from.
onAvailableBitrate(int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFactory.VideoEncoderSelector
Called with the current available bitrate.
onBufferedAmountChange(long) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Observer
The data channel's bufferedAmount has changed.
onCameraClosed() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler
onCameraClosed(CameraSession) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.Events
onCameraDisconnected() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler
onCameraDisconnected(CameraSession) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.Events
onCameraError(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler
onCameraError(CameraSession, String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.Events
onCameraFreezed(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler
onCameraOpening() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.Events
onCameraOpening(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler
onCameraSwitchDone(boolean) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraSwitchHandler
onCameraSwitched(String) - Method in interface
Notifies when a camera switch is complete.
onCameraSwitched(String) - Method in interface
Notifies when a camera switch is complete.
onCameraSwitchError(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraSwitchHandler
onCaptureParametersChanged() - Method in class
onCaptureParametersChanged() - Method in interface
onCapturerStarted(boolean) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CapturerObserver
Notify if the capturer have been started successfully or not.
onCapturerStopped() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CapturerObserver
Notify that the capturer has been stopped.
onComplete(StatsReport[]) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.StatsObserver
Called when the reports are ready.
onConnected(Room) - Method in interface
Called when a room has succeeded.
onConnectFailure(Room, TwilioException) - Method in interface
Called when a connection to a room failed.
onConnectionChange(PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when the PeerConnectionState changes.
onConnectionTypeChanged(NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.Observer
Called when default network changes.
onCreateFailure(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SdpObserver
Called on error of Create{Offer,Answer}().
onCreateSuccess(SessionDescription) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SdpObserver
Called on success of Create{Offer,Answer}().
onCurrentEncoder(VideoCodecInfo) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFactory.VideoEncoderSelector
Called with the VideoCodecInfo of the currently used encoder.
onDataChannel(DataChannel) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when a remote peer opens a DataChannel.
onDataTrackPublicationFailed(LocalParticipant, LocalDataTrack, TwilioException) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that the LocalParticipant failed to publish a LocalDataTrack to a Room.
onDataTrackPublished(LocalParticipant, LocalDataTrackPublication) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a LocalDataTrack has been shared to a Room.
onDataTrackPublished(RemoteParticipant, RemoteDataTrackPublication) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has published a RemoteDataTrack to this Room.
onDataTrackPublishPriorityChanged(RemoteParticipant, RemoteDataTrackPublication, TrackPriority) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that the RemoteParticipant changed the published priority of the RemoteDataTrack.
onDataTrackSubscribed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteDataTrackPublication, RemoteDataTrack) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener the RemoteDataTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been subscribed to.
onDataTrackSubscriptionFailed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteDataTrackPublication, TwilioException) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that media negotiation for a RemoteDataTrack failed.
onDataTrackUnpublished(RemoteParticipant, RemoteDataTrackPublication) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has removed a RemoteDataTrack from this Room.
onDataTrackUnsubscribed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteDataTrackPublication, RemoteDataTrack) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that the RemoteDataTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been unsubscribed from.
onDecodedFrame(VideoFrame, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.Callback
Call to return a decoded frame.
onDestroyBuffer(VideoFrame.TextureBuffer) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper.FrameRefMonitor
Frame was destroyed (ref count reached 0).
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class
onDisconnected(Room, TwilioException) - Method in interface
Called when a room has been disconnected from.
onDominantSpeakerChanged(Room, RemoteParticipant) - Method in interface
This method is called when the dominant speaker in the Room changes.
onDone(CameraSession) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.CreateSessionCallback
onEncodedFrame(EncodedImage, VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfo) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Callback
Old encoders assume that the byte buffer held by `frame` is not accessed after the call to this method returns.
onEncoderBroken() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFactory.VideoEncoderSelector
Called when the currently used encoder signal itself as broken.
onError(int) - Method in interface
Reports an error that occurred in CameraCapturer.
onError(Camera2Capturer.Exception) - Method in interface
Reports an error that occurred in Camera2Capturer.
onFailure(CameraSession.FailureType, String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.CreateSessionCallback
onFirstFrameAvailable() - Method in interface
Indicates when the first frame has been captured from the camera.
onFirstFrameAvailable() - Method in interface
Indicates when the first frame has been captured from the camera.
onFirstFrameAvailable() - Method in interface
Indicates when the first frame has been captured from the screen.
onFirstFrameAvailable() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler
onFirstFrameRendered() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.RendererEvents
Callback fired once first frame is rendered.
onFirstFrameRendered() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
onFirstPacketReceived(MediaStreamTrack.MediaType) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver.Observer
onFrame(Bitmap) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer.FrameListener
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in class
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in class
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in class
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFileRenderer
onFrame(VideoFrame) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoSink
Implementations should call frame.retain() if they need to hold a reference to the frame after this function returns.
onFrameCaptured(CameraSession, VideoFrame) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.Events
onFrameCaptured(VideoFrame) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CapturerObserver
Delivers a captured frame.
onFrameCaptured(VideoFrame, VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor
This is a chance to access an unadapted frame.
onFrameResolutionChanged(int, int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.RendererEvents
Callback fired when rendered frame resolution or rotation has changed.
onFrameResolutionChanged(int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
onGlOutOfMemory() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer.ErrorCallback
Called if GLES20.GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY is encountered during rendering.
onIceCandidate(IceCandidate) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when a new ICE candidate has been found.
onIceCandidateError(IceCandidateErrorEvent) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when gathering of an ICE candidate failed.
onIceCandidatesRemoved(IceCandidate[]) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when some ICE candidates have been removed.
onIceConnectionChange(PeerConnection.IceConnectionState) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when the IceConnectionState changes.
onIceConnectionReceivingChange(boolean) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when the ICE connection receiving status changes.
onIceGatheringChange(PeerConnection.IceGatheringState) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when the IceGatheringState changes.
onInitCapturer() - Method in interface
Raised when the capturer is ready to be initialized.
onInitCapturer() - Method in class
This method is a no-op that returns false.
onInitRenderer() - Method in interface
Raised when the Renderer is ready to be initialized.
onInitRenderer() - Method in class
This method is a no-op that returns false.
onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int) - Method in class
onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
onMeasure(int, int) - Method in class
onMeasure(int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
onMediaRecorderError(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.MediaRecorderHandler
onMediaRecorderSuccess() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.MediaRecorderHandler
onMessage(RemoteDataTrack, String) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a string message was received.
onMessage(RemoteDataTrack, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a binary message was received.
onMessage(DataChannel.Buffer) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Observer
A data buffer was successfully received.
onNetworkConnect(NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.Observer
onNetworkDisconnect(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.Observer
onNetworkPreference(List<NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType>, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.Observer
Called when network preference change for a (list of) connection type(s).
onNetworkQualityLevelChanged(LocalParticipant, NetworkQualityLevel) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that the LocalParticipant's NetworkQualityLevel has changed.
onNetworkQualityLevelChanged(RemoteParticipant, NetworkQualityLevel) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that the RemoteParticipant's NetworkQualityLevel has changed.
onNewBuffer(VideoFrame.TextureBuffer) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper.FrameRefMonitor
A new frame was created.
onParticipantConnected(Room, RemoteParticipant) - Method in interface
Called when a participant has connected to a room.
onParticipantDisconnected(Room, RemoteParticipant) - Method in interface
Called when a participant has disconnected from a room.
onParticipantReconnected(Room, RemoteParticipant) - Method in interface
Called when a participant has reconnected to the room after a signaling connection disruption.
onParticipantReconnecting(Room, RemoteParticipant) - Method in interface
Called when a participant is reconnecting to the room after a signaling connection disruption.
onReconnected(Room) - Method in interface
Called after the LocalParticipant reconnects to a room after a network disruption.
onReconnecting(Room, TwilioException) - Method in interface
Called when the LocalParticipant has experienced a network disruption and the client begins trying to reestablish a connection to a room.
onRecordingStarted(Room) - Method in interface
This method is only called when a Room which was not previously recording starts recording.
onRecordingStopped(Room) - Method in interface
This method is only called when a Room which was previously recording stops recording.
onRelease(EglThread) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglThread.ReleaseMonitor
Called by EglThread when a client releases its reference.
onReleaseBuffer(VideoFrame.TextureBuffer) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper.FrameRefMonitor
Ref count of the frame was decremented by the calling thread.
onRemoveStream(MediaStream) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when a remote peer close a stream.
onRemoveTrack(RtpReceiver) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when a previously added remote track is removed by the remote peer, as a result of setRemoteDescription.
onRenderWindowClose() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglThread
onRenderWindowClose() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RenderSynchronizer.Listener
onRenderWindowOpen() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglThread
onRenderWindowOpen() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RenderSynchronizer.Listener
onRenegotiationNeeded() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when renegotiation is necessary.
onResolutionChange(int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFactory.VideoEncoderSelector
Called every time the encoder input resolution change.
onRetainBuffer(VideoFrame.TextureBuffer) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper.FrameRefMonitor
Ref count of the frame was incremented by the calling thread.
onScreenCaptureError(String) - Method in interface
Reports an error that occurred in ScreenCapturer.
onSelectedCandidatePairChanged(CandidatePairChangeEvent) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when the ICE candidate pair is changed.
onSetFailure(String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SdpObserver
Called on error of Set{Local,Remote}Description().
onSetSuccess() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SdpObserver
Called on success of Set{Local,Remote}Description().
onSignalingChange(PeerConnection.SignalingState) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when the SignalingState changes.
onSizeChanged(int, int, int, int) - Method in class
onSizeChanged(int, int, int, int) - Method in class
onStandardizedIceConnectionChange(PeerConnection.IceConnectionState) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
onStartCapturing(AudioDeviceContext) - Method in interface
Raised when the capturer is ready to capture.
onStartCapturing(AudioDeviceContext) - Method in class
This method is a no-op that returns false.
onStartRendering(AudioDeviceContext) - Method in interface
Raised when the renderer is ready to render.
onStartRendering(AudioDeviceContext) - Method in class
This method is a no-op that returns false.
onStateChange() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Observer
The data channel state has changed.
onStats(List<StatsReport>) - Method in interface
Notifies when stats reports for all media tracks are ready.
onStatsDelivered(RTCStatsReport) - Method in class
onStatsDelivered(RTCStatsReport) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RTCStatsCollectorCallback
Called when the stats report is ready.
onStopCapturing() - Method in interface
Raised when the capturer stops capturing.
onStopCapturing() - Method in class
This method is a no-op that returns false.
onStopRendering() - Method in interface
Raised when the capturer stops rendering.
onStopRendering() - Method in class
This method is a no-op that returns false.
onSurfaceTextureAvailable(SurfaceTexture, int, int) - Method in class
onSurfaceTextureDestroyed(SurfaceTexture) - Method in class
onSurfaceTextureSizeChanged(SurfaceTexture, int, int) - Method in class
onSurfaceTextureUpdated(SurfaceTexture) - Method in class
onTrack(RtpTransceiver) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.Observer
Triggered when the signaling from SetRemoteDescription indicates that a transceiver will be receiving media from a remote endpoint.
onVideoTrackDisabled(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant video track has been disabled.
onVideoTrackEnabled(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant video track has been enabled.
onVideoTrackPublicationFailed(LocalParticipant, LocalVideoTrack, TwilioException) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that the LocalParticipant failed to publish a LocalVideoTrack to a Room.
onVideoTrackPublished(LocalParticipant, LocalVideoTrackPublication) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a LocalVideoTrack has been shared to a Room.
onVideoTrackPublished(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has published a RemoteVideoTrack to this Room.
onVideoTrackPublishPriorityChanged(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication, TrackPriority) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that the RemoteParticipant changed the published priority of the RemoteVideoTrack.
onVideoTrackSubscribed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication, RemoteVideoTrack) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener the RemoteVideoTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been subscribed to.
onVideoTrackSubscriptionFailed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication, TwilioException) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that media negotiation for a RemoteVideoTrack failed.
onVideoTrackSwitchedOff(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrack) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a subscribed RemoteVideoTrack is switched off based on the bandwidth allocation algorithm.
onVideoTrackSwitchedOn(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrack) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a subscribed RemoteVideoTrack that was switched off is now switched back on based on the bandwidth allocation algorithm.
onVideoTrackUnpublished(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that a RemoteParticipant has removed a RemoteVideoTrack from this Room.
onVideoTrackUnsubscribed(RemoteParticipant, RemoteVideoTrackPublication, RemoteVideoTrack) - Method in interface
This method notifies the listener that the RemoteVideoTrack of the RemoteParticipant has been unsubscribed from.
onVisibilityChanged(View, int) - Method in class
onVisibilityChanged(View, int) - Method in class
onWebRtcAudioRecordError(String) - Method in interface
onWebRtcAudioRecordInitError(String) - Method in interface
onWebRtcAudioRecordSamplesReady(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioSamples) - Method in interface
onWebRtcAudioRecordStart() - Method in interface
onWebRtcAudioRecordStartError(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordStartErrorCode, String) - Method in interface
onWebRtcAudioRecordStop() - Method in interface
onWebRtcAudioTrackError(String) - Method in interface
onWebRtcAudioTrackInitError(String) - Method in interface
onWebRtcAudioTrackStart() - Method in interface
onWebRtcAudioTrackStartError(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackStartErrorCode, String) - Method in interface
onWebRtcAudioTrackStop() - Method in interface
OPEN - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.State
optional - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints
Options() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Options
OpusCodec - Class in
Lossy audio coding format.
OpusCodec() - Constructor for class
OpusCodec(boolean) - Constructor for class
A constructor to initialize the OpusCodec with non-default attributes.
or(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.Predicate
Returns a composed predicate that represents a short-circuiting logical OR of this predicate and another.
ordered - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Init
ordered(boolean) - Method in class
Ordered transmission of messages.


packetsLost - Variable in class
Total number of RTP packets lost for this SSRC since the beginning of the reception
packetsReceived - Variable in class
Total number of packets received
packetsSent - Variable in class
Total number of RTP packets sent for this SSRC
parameters - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpCapabilities.CodecCapability
parameters - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Codec
params - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
Participant - Interface in
Interface that represents user in a Room.
PARTICIPANT_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
Participant.State - Enum Class in
The state of the signaling connection for a Participant.
password - Variable in class
password - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
pauseVideo() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
pauseVideo() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
pauseVideo() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
payload - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
payloadType - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Codec
PcmaCodec - Class in
ITU-T standard for audio companding.
PcmaCodec() - Constructor for class
PcmuCodec - Class in
ITU-T standard for audio companding.
PcmuCodec() - Constructor for class
PeerConnection - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java-land version of the PeerConnection APIs; wraps the C++ API, which in turn is inspired by the JS APIs: and
PeerConnection(NativePeerConnectionFactory) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Wraps a PeerConnection created by the factory.
PeerConnection.AdapterType - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
PeerConnection.BundlePolicy - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.BundlePolicy
PeerConnection.CandidateNetworkPolicy - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.CandidateNetworkPolicy
PeerConnection.ContinualGatheringPolicy - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.ContinualGatheringPolicy
PeerConnection.IceConnectionState - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState
PeerConnection.IceGatheringState - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::IceGatheringState
PeerConnection.IceServer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.IceServer.
PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder - Class in tvi.webrtc
PeerConnection.IceTransportsType - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.IceTransportsType
PeerConnection.KeyType - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of rtc::KeyType
PeerConnection.Observer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionObserver.
PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::PeerConnectionState
PeerConnection.PortPrunePolicy - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::PortPrunePolicy
PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.RTCConfiguration
PeerConnection.RtcpMuxPolicy - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.RtcpMuxPolicy
PeerConnection.SdpSemantics - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::SdpSemantics.
PeerConnection.SignalingState - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::SignalingState
PeerConnection.TcpCandidatePolicy - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.TcpCandidatePolicy
PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::TlsCertPolicy
PeerConnectionDependencies - Class in tvi.webrtc
PeerConnectionDependencies holds all PeerConnection dependencies that are applied per PeerConnection.
PeerConnectionDependencies.Builder - Class in tvi.webrtc
PeerConnectionFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ PeerConnectionFactoryInterface.
PeerConnectionFactory.Builder - Class in tvi.webrtc
PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions - Class in tvi.webrtc
PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions.Builder - Class in tvi.webrtc
PeerConnectionFactory.Options - Class in tvi.webrtc
PLAN_B - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SdpSemantics
PLATFORM - Enum constant in enum class
PlatformSoftwareVideoDecoderFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
Factory for Android platform software VideoDecoders.
PlatformSoftwareVideoDecoderFactory(EglBase.Context) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PlatformSoftwareVideoDecoderFactory
Creates a PlatformSoftwareVideoDecoderFactory that supports surface texture rendering.
port - Variable in class
Port number of the candidate.
port - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidateErrorEvent
The port used to communicate with the STUN or TURN server.
PRANSWER - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type
Predicate<T> - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of one argument.
PREDICTED - Enum constant in enum class
In this mode, Tracks are pro-actively switched off when network congestion is predicted by the bandwidth estimation mechanism.
preferAudioCodecs(List<AudioCodec>) - Method in class
Set preferred audio codecs.
preferredPayloadType - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpCapabilities.CodecCapability
preferVideoCodecs(List<VideoCodec>) - Method in class
Set preferred video codecs.
prepareBufferForViewportSize(VideoFrame.Buffer, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
PRESENTATION - Enum constant in enum class
This mode is for use cases where some RemoteVideoTrack(s) are deemed critical and must be preserved at any cost over the other RemoteVideoTrack(s).
preservedVideoTracks - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
presumeWritableWhenFullyRelayed - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
printInternalStackTraces(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
Print the Java stack traces for the critical threads used by PeerConnectionFactory, namely; signaling thread, worker thread, and network thread.
printStackTrace() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
printStackTrace() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
printStackTraces() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
priority - Variable in class
Candidate priorities as per RFC 5245.
priority - Variable in class
Priority as defined in RFC 5245.
privateKey - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtcCertificatePem
PEM string representation of the private key.
PROP_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCODING - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Globally enables or disables support for hardware encoding for all supported video mime types.
PROP_ENABLE_HARDWARE_H264_ENCODING - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Enables or disables support for hardware encoding of H.264 content.
PROP_ENABLE_HARDWARE_H264_HIGH_PROFILE - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Enables "High Profile" H.264 support for hardware encoding H.264 content.
PROP_ENABLE_HARDWARE_H264_HUAWEI_ENCODER - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Enables support for Huawei's H.264 encoder.
PROP_ENABLE_HARDWARE_MEDIATEK_ENCODER - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Enables support for MediaTek's hardware encoders (VP8 & H.264 if avail).
PROP_ENABLE_HARDWARE_VP8_ENCODING - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Enables or disables support for hardware encoding of VP8 content.
PROP_ENABLE_HARDWARE_VP8_INTEL_ENCODER - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Enables support for Intel's VP8 hardware encoder.
PROP_ENABLE_HARDWARE_VP9_ENCODING - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.DefaultVideoEncoderFactory
Enables or disables support for hardware encoding of VP9 content.
protocol - Variable in class
Transport of the candidate, valid values are udp or tcp.
protocol - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.Init
PRUNE_BASED_ON_PRIORITY - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PortPrunePolicy
pruneTurnPorts - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
publishTrack(LocalAudioTrack) - Method in class
Shares audio track to all participants in a Room with default LocalTrackPublicationOptions.
publishTrack(LocalAudioTrack, LocalTrackPublicationOptions) - Method in class
Shares audio track to all participants in a Room with the provided LocalTrackPublicationOptions.
publishTrack(LocalDataTrack) - Method in class
Shared data track to all participants in a Room with default LocalTrackPublicationOptions.
publishTrack(LocalDataTrack, LocalTrackPublicationOptions) - Method in class
Shared data track to all participants in a Room with the provided LocalTrackPublicationOptions.
publishTrack(LocalVideoTrack) - Method in class
Shares video track to all participants in a Room with default LocalTrackPublicationOptions.
publishTrack(LocalVideoTrack, LocalTrackPublicationOptions) - Method in class
Shares video track to all participants in a Room with the provided LocalTrackPublicationOptions.


qp - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage


raiseOnRtcStats() - Method in class
RateControlParameters(VideoEncoder.BitrateAllocation, double) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.RateControlParameters
readable - Variable in class
Has gotten a valid incoming ICE request.
reason - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CandidatePairChangeEvent
RECONNECTING - Enum constant in enum class
The Participant is attempting to reconnect to signaling
RECONNECTING - Enum constant in enum class
RECV_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection
RefCounted - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for ref counted objects in WebRTC.
region(String) - Method in class
The region of the signaling Server the Client will use.
registerListener(RenderSynchronizer.Listener) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RenderSynchronizer
registerObserver(DataChannel.Observer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
Register `observer`, replacing any previously-registered observer.
RELAY - Enum constant in enum class
Only TURN relay transports will be used.
RELAY - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceTransportsType
relayProtocol - Variable in class
Relay protocol.
release() - Method in class
Releases native memory owned by audio track.
release() - Method in class
Releases native memory owned by data track.
release() - Method in class
Releases native memory owned by video track.
release() - Method in class
release() - Method in interface
Release resources for this AudioDeviceModule, including native resources.
release() - Method in class
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer.CameraStatistics
release() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Block until any pending frame is returned and all GL resources released, even if an interrupt occurs.
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglThread
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlRectDrawer
Release all GLES resources.
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlShader
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlTextureFrameBuffer
Release texture and framebuffer.
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV12Buffer
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV21Buffer
release() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RefCounted
Decreases ref count by one.
release() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.GlDrawer
Release all GL resources.
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Block until any pending frame is returned and all GL resources released, even if an interrupt occurs.
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
release() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder
Called when the decoder is no longer needed.
release() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Releases the encoder.
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFileRenderer
Release all resources.
release() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.Buffer
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoDecoder
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
release() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.YuvConverter
releaseEglSurface(Runnable) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Release EGL surface.
releaseSurface() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
remote - Variable in class
The NetworkQualityVerbosity for Remote Participants.
remote - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CandidatePairChangeEvent
RemoteAudioTrack - Class in
A remote audio track represents a remote audio source.
RemoteAudioTrackPublication - Class in
A remote audio track publication represents a RemoteAudioTrack that has been shared to a Room.
RemoteAudioTrackStats - Class in
remoteCandidateId - Variable in class
Unique identifier of the underlying remote candidate associated with this candidate pair.
remoteCandidateIp - Variable in class
IP address of remote candidate.
RemoteDataTrack - Class in
A remote data track represents a unidirectional remote data source from which messages can be received from a participant.
RemoteDataTrack.Listener - Interface in
Interface that provides RemoteDataTrack events.
RemoteDataTrackPublication - Class in
A remote data track publication represents a RemoteDataTrack.
RemoteParticipant - Class in
A participant represents a remote user that can connect to a Room.
RemoteParticipant.Listener - Interface in
Interface that provides RemoteParticipant events.
RemoteTrackStats - Class in
RemoteTrackStats(String, int, String, String, double, long, int) - Constructor for class
RemoteVideoTrack - Class in
A remote video track represents a remote video source.
RemoteVideoTrackPublication - Class in
A remote video track publication represents a RemoteVideoTrack that has been shared to a Room.
RemoteVideoTrackStats - Class in
removeExceptionCallback(Runnable) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglThread
Removes a previously added exception callback.
removeFrameListener(EglRenderer.FrameListener) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Remove any pending callback that was added with addFrameListener.
removeFrameListener(EglRenderer.FrameListener) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
removeIceCandidates(IceCandidate[]) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
removeListener(RenderSynchronizer.Listener) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RenderSynchronizer
removeMediaRecorderFromCamera(CameraVideoCapturer.MediaRecorderHandler) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer
removeSink(AudioSink) - Method in class
Removes a sink from the Track.
removeSink(AudioSink) - Method in class
Removes a sink from the Track.
removeSink(VideoSink) - Method in class
removeSink(VideoSink) - Method in class
removeSink(VideoSink) - Method in class
Remove a video sink to stop receiving video from the video track.
removeSink(VideoSink) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoTrack
Removes a VideoSink from the track.
removeStream(MediaStream) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Removes the given media stream from this peer connection.
removeTrack(AudioTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
removeTrack(RtpSender) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Stops sending media from sender.
removeTrack(VideoTrack) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
renderDimensions(Map<TrackPriority, VideoDimensions>) - Method in class
This property is deprecated in favor of VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder.videoContentPreferencesMode(VideoContentPreferencesMode). Attempting to set renderDimensions when the content preferences mode is already set will throw an exception.
RendererCommon - Class in tvi.webrtc
Static helper functions for renderer implementations.
RendererCommon() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon
RendererCommon.GlDrawer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for rendering frames on an EGLSurface with specified viewport location.
RendererCommon.RendererEvents - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for reporting rendering events.
RendererCommon.ScalingType - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
RendererCommon.VideoLayoutMeasure - Class in tvi.webrtc
Helper class for determining layout size based on layout requirements, scaling type, and video aspect ratio.
renderSample(ByteBuffer, int, int, int) - Method in interface
Render a single audio sample.
RenderSynchronizer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Class to synchronize rendering updates with display refresh cycles and save power by blocking updates that exceeds the target frame rate.
RenderSynchronizer() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RenderSynchronizer
RenderSynchronizer(float) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RenderSynchronizer
RenderSynchronizer.Listener - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for listening to render window updates.
renderTimeMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.DecodeInfo
REQUEST_SLI - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
requestedResolutionAlignment - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.EncoderInfo
The width and height of the incoming video frames should be divisible by |requested_resolution_alignment|
requestsReceived - Variable in class
Total number of connectivity check requests received.
requestsSent - Variable in class
Total number of connectivity check requests sent.
REQUIRE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RtcpMuxPolicy
resetVideoCapturerObserver() - Method in class
ResolutionBitrateLimits(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits
responsesReceived - Variable in class
Total number of connectivity check responses received.
restartIce() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Tells the PeerConnection that ICE should be restarted.
retain() - Method in class
retain() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
retain() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
retain() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV12Buffer
retain() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV21Buffer
retain() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.RefCounted
Increases ref count by one.
retain() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
retain() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.Buffer
retain() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
retransmissionsReceived - Variable in class
Total number of connectivity check responses sent.
retransmissionsSent - Variable in class
Total number of connectivity check retransmissions received.
RGB - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.Type
Rgba8888Buffer - Class in
A frame buffer that represents an image in the ARGB format with 8 bits of of precision.
Rgba8888Buffer(ByteBuffer, int, int) - Constructor for class
rid - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
ROLLBACK - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type
Room - Class in
A Room represents a media session with zero or more remote Participants.
ROOM_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ROOM_CONNECT_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ROOM_CREATE_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ROOM_INVALID_PARAMETERS_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ROOM_INVALID_RECORDING_RULE_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ROOM_MEDIA_REGION_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ROOM_NAME_CHARS_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ROOM_NAME_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ROOM_NAME_TOO_LONG_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ROOM_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ROOM_ROOM_COMPLETED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ROOM_ROOM_EXISTS_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ROOM_STATUS_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ROOM_TIMEOUT_OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
ROOM_TYPE_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
Room.Listener - Interface in
Listener definition of room related events.
Room.State - Enum Class in
Represents the current state of a Room.
roomName(String) - Method in class
The name of the room.
rotation - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage
roundTripTime - Variable in class
Estimated round trip time for this SSRC based on the RTCP timestamps.
RSA - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.KeyType
RtcCertificatePem - Class in tvi.webrtc
Easily storable/serializable version of a native C++ RTCCertificatePEM.
RtcCertificatePem(String, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtcCertificatePem
Instantiate an RtcCertificatePem object from stored strings.
RTCConfiguration(List<PeerConnection.IceServer>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
rtcpMuxPolicy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
RTCStats - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::RTCStats.
RTCStats(long, String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RTCStats
RtcStatsAdapter - Class in
RtcStatsAdapter represents the Java layer object that manages the delivery of RtcStatsReports to the RtcStatsListeners.
RtcStatsAdapter() - Constructor for class
RTCStatsCollectorCallback - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for receiving stats reports (see webrtc::RTCStatsCollectorCallback).
RTCStatsReport - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::RTCStatsReport.
RTCStatsReport(long, Map<String, RTCStats>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RTCStatsReport
RtpCapabilities - Class in tvi.webrtc
RtpCapabilities.CodecCapability - Class in tvi.webrtc
RtpCapabilities.HeaderExtensionCapability - Class in tvi.webrtc
RtpParameters - Class in tvi.webrtc
The parameters for an RtpSender, as defined in
RtpParameters.Codec - Class in tvi.webrtc
RtpParameters.DegradationPreference - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
RtpParameters.Encoding - Class in tvi.webrtc
RtpParameters.HeaderExtension - Class in tvi.webrtc
RtpParameters.Rtcp - Class in tvi.webrtc
RtpReceiver - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ RtpReceiverInterface.
RtpReceiver(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver
RtpReceiver.Observer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ RtpReceiverObserverInterface
RtpSender - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ RtpSenderInterface.
RtpSender(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
RtpTransceiver - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ RtpTransceiverInterface.
RtpTransceiver(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection - the ordering must be kept in sync.
RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit - Class in tvi.webrtc
Tracks webrtc::RtpTransceiverInit.
RtpTransceiverInit() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit
RtpTransceiverInit(RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit
RtpTransceiverInit(RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection, List<String>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit
RtpTransceiverInit(RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection, List<String>, List<RtpParameters.Encoding>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit
runningOnEmulator() - Static method in class
Returns true if we're running on emulator.


samples - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.Metrics.HistogramInfo
SCALE_ASPECT_BALANCED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.ScalingType
SCALE_ASPECT_FILL - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.ScalingType
SCALE_ASPECT_FIT - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.ScalingType
scaleHeight - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
scaleResolutionDownBy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
scaleWidth - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
ScalingSettings(boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
ScalingSettings(boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
ScalingSettings(int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
Creates settings to enable quality based scaling.
scheduleRenderUpdate(EglThread.RenderUpdate) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglThread
Schedules a render update (like swapBuffers) to be run in sync with other updates on the next open render window.
ScreenCapturer - Class in
The ScreenCapturer class is used to provide video frames for a LocalVideoTrack from a device's screen.
ScreenCapturer(Context, int, Intent, ScreenCapturer.Listener) - Constructor for class
ScreenCapturer(Context, int, Intent, ScreenCapturer.Listener, int) - Constructor for class
ScreenCapturer.Listener - Interface in
Interface that provides events and errors related to ScreenCapturer.
ScreenCapturerAndroid - Class in tvi.webrtc
An implementation of VideoCapturer to capture the screen content as a video stream.
ScreenCapturerAndroid(Intent, MediaProjection.Callback) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
Constructs a new Screen Capturer.
screencastMinBitrate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
sdp - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
sdpMid - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
sdpMLineIndex - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
SdpObserver - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for observing SDP-related events.
sdpSemantics - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
send(String) - Method in class
Send string message.
send(ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Send binary message.
send(DataChannel.Buffer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
Send `data` to the remote peer; return success.
SEND_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection
SEND_RECV - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection
serverUrl - Variable in class
serverUrl - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
SessionDescription - Class in tvi.webrtc
Description of an RFC 4566 Session.
SessionDescription(SessionDescription.Type, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription
SessionDescription.Type - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Java-land enum version of SessionDescriptionInterface's type() string.
setAudioAttributes(AudioAttributes) - Method in class
Set custom AudioAttributes to use.
setAudioDecoderFactoryFactory(AudioDecoderFactoryFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setAudioDevice(AudioDevice) - Static method in class
Sets the custom audio device.
setAudioDeviceModule(AudioDeviceModule) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setAudioEncoderFactoryFactory(AudioEncoderFactoryFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setAudioFormat(int) - Method in class
Call this to change the audio format.
setAudioPlayout(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Enables/disables playout of received audio streams.
setAudioProcessingFactory(AudioProcessingFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setAudioRecordErrorCallback(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordErrorCallback) - Method in class
Set a callback to retrieve errors from the AudioRecord.
setAudioRecording(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Enables/disables recording of transmitted audio streams.
setAudioRecordStateCallback(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioRecordStateCallback) - Method in class
Set a callback to retrieve information from the AudioRecord on when audio starts and stops.
setAudioSource(int) - Method in class
Call this to change the audio source.
setAudioTrackErrorCallback(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackErrorCallback) - Method in class
Set a callback to retrieve errors from the AudioTrack.
setAudioTrackStateCallback(JavaAudioDeviceModule.AudioTrackStateCallback) - Method in class
Set a callback to retrieve information from the AudioTrack on when audio starts and stop.
setBitrate(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Limits the bandwidth allocated for all RTP streams sent by this PeerConnection.
setBuffer(ByteBuffer, Runnable) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setCaptureTimeMs(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setCaptureTimeNs(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setCodecPreferences(List<RtpCapabilities.CodecCapability>) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
setConfiguration(PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
setContentPreferences(VideoContentPreferences) - Method in class
setDirection(RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
Sets the preferred direction of this transceiver.
setEnableAes128Sha1_32CryptoCipher(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Builder
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
setEnableEncryptedRtpHeaderExtensions(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Builder
setEnableGcmCryptoSuites(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Builder
setEnableHardwareScaler(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Enables fixed size for the surface.
setEnableInternalTracer(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions.Builder
setEnableVolumeLogger(boolean) - Method in class
Disables the volume logger on the audio output track.
setEncodedHeight(int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setEncodedWidth(int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setEncodingParameters(EncodingParameters) - Method in class
Updates the EncodingParameters used to share media in the Room.
setErrorCallback(EglRenderer.ErrorCallback) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Can be set in order to be notified about errors encountered during rendering.
setFecControllerFactoryFactoryInterface(FecControllerFactoryFactoryInterface) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setFieldTrials(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions.Builder
setFpsReduction(float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Limit render framerate.
setFpsReduction(float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
Limit render framerate.
setFpsReduction(float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Limit render framerate.
setFrameDecryptor(FrameDecryptor) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver
setFrameEncryptor(FrameEncryptor) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
setFrameRotation(int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Set the rotation of the delivered frames.
setFrameType(EncodedImage.FrameType) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setHasAlphaChannel(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglBase.ConfigBuilder
setHostname(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder
setInjectableLogger(Loggable, Logging.Severity) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions.Builder
setInputSampleRate(int) - Method in class
Call this method to specifically override input sample rate.
setIsRecordable(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglBase.ConfigBuilder
setIsScreencast(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
setLayoutAspectRatio(float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Set layout aspect ratio.
setListener(LocalParticipant.Listener) - Method in class
Set listener for local participant events.
setListener(RemoteDataTrack.Listener) - Method in class
Set the remote data track listener.
setListener(RemoteParticipant.Listener) - Method in class
Set listener for this participant events.
setListener(RendererCommon.RendererEvents) - Method in class
Sets listener of rendering events.
setListener(RendererCommon.RendererEvents) - Method in class
Sets listener of rendering events.
setLocalDescription(SdpObserver) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
setLocalDescription(SdpObserver, SessionDescription) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
setLogLevel(LogLevel) - Static method in class
Sets the logging level for messages logged by the Video SDK.
setMicrophoneMute(boolean) - Method in interface
Control muting/unmuting the microphone.
setMicrophoneMute(boolean) - Method in class
setMirror(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether or not the rendered video should be mirrored.
setMirror(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether or not the rendered video should be mirrored.
setMirror(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Set if the video stream should be mirrored horizontally or not.
setMirror(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Set if the video stream should be mirrored or not.
setMirrorVertically(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglRenderer
Set if the video stream should be mirrored vertically or not.
setModuleLogLevel(LogModule, LogLevel) - Static method in class
Sets the logging level for messages logged by a specific module.
setNativeLibraryLoader(NativeLibraryLoader) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions.Builder
setNativeLibraryName(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions.Builder
setNetEqFactoryFactory(NetEqFactoryFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
Sets a NetEqFactoryFactory for the PeerConnectionFactory.
setNetworkControllerFactoryFactory(NetworkControllerFactoryFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setNetworkStatePredictorFactoryFactory(NetworkStatePredictorFactoryFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setNoiseSuppressorEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface
Enable or disable built in noise suppressor.
setNoiseSuppressorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
SetObserver(RtpReceiver.Observer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver
setOpenGlesVersion(int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglBase.ConfigBuilder
setOptions(PeerConnectionFactory.Options) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setOutputSampleRate(int) - Method in class
Call this method to specifically override output sample rate.
setParameters(RtpParameters) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
setPassword(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder
setPreferredInputDevice(AudioDeviceInfo) - Method in class
Start to prefer a specific AudioDeviceInfo device for recording.
setPreferredMicrophoneFieldDimension(float) - Method in interface
Sets the preferred field dimension for the built-in microphone.
setPriority(TrackPriority) - Method in class
Update the publisher's TrackPriority for this LocalAudioTrack after it has been published.
setPriority(TrackPriority) - Method in class
Update the publisher's TrackPriority for this LocalDataTrack after it has been published.
setPriority(TrackPriority) - Method in class
Update the publisher's TrackPriority for this LocalVideoTrack after it has been published.
setPriority(TrackPriority) - Method in class
Set the subscriber's TrackPriority for this RemoteVideoTrack.
setQp(Integer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setRateAllocation(VideoEncoder.BitrateAllocation, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Sets the bitrate allocation and the target framerate for the encoder.
setRateAllocation(VideoEncoder.BitrateAllocation, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
setRates(VideoEncoder.RateControlParameters) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder
Sets the bitrate allocation and the target framerate for the encoder.
setRemoteDescription(SdpObserver, SessionDescription) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
setRequireFrameEncryption(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CryptoOptions.Builder
setRotation(int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.Builder
setSampleRate(int) - Method in class
Call this method if the default handling of querying the native sample rate shall be overridden.
setSamplesReadyCallback(JavaAudioDeviceModule.SamplesReadyCallback) - Method in class
Set a callback to listen to the raw audio input from the AudioRecord.
setScalingType(RendererCommon.ScalingType) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.VideoLayoutMeasure
setScalingType(RendererCommon.ScalingType) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Set how the video will fill the allowed layout area.
setScalingType(RendererCommon.ScalingType, RendererCommon.ScalingType) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.VideoLayoutMeasure
setScalingType(RendererCommon.ScalingType, RendererCommon.ScalingType) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
setScheduler(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class
setSessionRepeatingRequest(CaptureRequest.Builder) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Session
Set the current capture session repeating request.
setSink(VideoSink) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor
Set the sink that receives the output from this processor.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlTextureFrameBuffer
(Re)allocate texture.
setSpeakerMute(boolean) - Method in interface
Control muting/unmuting the speaker.
setSpeakerMute(boolean) - Method in class
setSSLCertificateVerifier(SSLCertificateVerifier) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionDependencies.Builder
setStreams(List<String>) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
setSupportsPixelBuffer(boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.EglBase.ConfigBuilder
setTextureSize(int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Use this function to set the texture size.
Settings(int, int, int) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.Settings
Settings(int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
Settings(int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean, VideoEncoder.Capabilities) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
setTlsAlpnProtocols(List<String>) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder
setTlsCertPolicy(PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder
setTlsEllipticCurves(List<String>) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder
setTrack(MediaStreamTrack, boolean) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
Starts sending a new track, without requiring additional SDP negotiation.
setUseHardwareAcousticEchoCanceler(boolean) - Method in class
Control if the built-in HW acoustic echo canceler should be used or not.
setUseHardwareNoiseSuppressor(boolean) - Method in class
Control if the built-in HW noise suppressor should be used or not.
setUseLowLatency(boolean) - Method in class
Control if the low-latency mode should be used.
setUsername(String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer.Builder
setUseStereoInput(boolean) - Method in class
Control if stereo input should be used or not.
setUseStereoOutput(boolean) - Method in class
Control if stereo output should be used or not.
setVertexAttribArray(String, int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlShader
Enable and upload a vertex array for attribute `label`.
setVertexAttribArray(String, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlShader
Enable and upload a vertex array for attribute `label`.
setVideoDecoderFactory(VideoDecoderFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setVideoEncoderFactory(VideoEncoderFactory) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.Builder
setVideoProcessor(VideoProcessor) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
Hook for injecting a custom video processor before frames are passed onto WebRTC.
setVideoScaleType(VideoScaleType) - Method in class
Sets the current scale type to specified value and updates the video.
setVideoScaleType(VideoScaleType) - Method in class
Sets the current scale type to specified value and updates the video.
setVisibleFraction(float, float) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.VideoLayoutMeasure
setVolume(double) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.AudioTrack
Sets the volume for the underlying MediaSource.
shutdownInternalTracer() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
SIGNALING - Enum constant in enum class
SIGNALING_SERVER_BUSY_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
signalingState() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
simulcast - Variable in class
Enabling simulcast causes the encoder to generate multiple spatial and temporal layers for the video that is published.
SIMULCAST_PARAMETERS_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
SoftwareVideoDecoderFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
SoftwareVideoDecoderFactory() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.SoftwareVideoDecoderFactory
SoftwareVideoEncoderFactory - Class in tvi.webrtc
SoftwareVideoEncoderFactory() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.SoftwareVideoEncoderFactory
SSLCertificateVerifier - Interface in tvi.webrtc
The SSLCertificateVerifier interface allows API users to provide custom logic to verify certificates.
ssrc - Variable in class
The SSRC identifier of the source
ssrc - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.Encoding
STABLE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
stableWritableConnectionPingIntervalMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
STANDARD - Enum constant in enum class
startAecDump(int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
startBitrate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
startCapture(int, int, int) - Method in class
startCapture(int, int, int) - Method in class
startCapture(int, int, int) - Method in class
startCapture(int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
startCapture(int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
startCapture(int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
startCapture(int, int, int) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoCapturer
Start capturing frames in a format that is as close as possible to width x height and framerate.
startInternalTracingCapture(String) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
startListening(VideoSink) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Start to stream textures to the given `listener`.
startRtcEventLog(int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Starts recording an RTC event log.
state - Variable in class
State of this candidate pair, see IceCandidatePairState.
state() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
state() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaSource
state() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
STATE_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class
Failed: A check for this pair was already done and failed, either never producing any response or producing an unrecoverable failure response.
STATE_FROZEN - Enum constant in enum class
Frozen: A check for this pair hasn't been performed, and it can't yet be performed until some other check succeeds, allowing this pair to unfreeze and move into the Waiting state.
STATE_IN_PROGRESS - Enum constant in enum class
In-Progress: A check has been sent for this pair, but the transaction is in progress.
STATE_SUCCEEDED - Enum constant in enum class
Succeeded: A check for this pair was already done and produced a successful result.
STATE_WAITING - Enum constant in enum class
Waiting: A check has not been performed for this pair, and can be performed as soon as it is the highest-priority Waiting pair on the check list.
StatsListener - Interface in
Interface that provides event related to Room.getStats(StatsListener)
StatsObserver - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for observing Stats reports (see webrtc::StatsObservers).
StatsReport - Class in
Stats report contains stats for all the media tracks that exist in peer connection.
StatsReport - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::StatsReport.
StatsReport(String, String, double, StatsReport.Value[]) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport
StatsReport.Value - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::StatsReport::Value.
stereoSwapping - Variable in class
stereoSwapping(boolean) - Method in class
Swap left and right audio channels.
stop() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Session
stop() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera2Session
stop() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraSession
Stops the capture.
stop() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The Stop method will for the time being call the StopInternal method.
stopAecDump() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
stopCapture() - Method in class
Stops all frames being captured.
stopCapture() - Method in class
Stops all frames being captured.
stopCapture() - Method in class
Stops all frames being captured.
stopCapture() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
stopCapture() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
stopCapture() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.ScreenCapturerAndroid
stopCapture() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoCapturer
Stop capturing.
stopInternal() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The StopInternal method stops the RtpTransceiver, like Stop, but goes immediately to Stopped state.
stopInternalTracingCapture() - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
stopListening() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Stop listening.
STOPPED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection
stopRtcEventLog() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection
Stops recording an RTC event log.
stopStandard() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver
The StopStandard method irreversibly stops the RtpTransceiver.
stunCandidateKeepaliveIntervalMs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
supportNetworkCallback() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector
surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder, int, int, int) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
SurfaceEglRenderer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Display the video stream on a Surface.
SurfaceEglRenderer(String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceEglRenderer
In order to render something, you must first call init().
surfaceHeight() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
surfaceIceCandidatesOnIceTransportTypeChanged - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
SurfaceTextureHelper - Class in tvi.webrtc
Helper class for using a SurfaceTexture to create WebRTC VideoFrames.
SurfaceTextureHelper.FrameRefMonitor - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for monitoring texture buffers created from this SurfaceTexture.
SurfaceViewRenderer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Display the video stream on a SurfaceView.
SurfaceViewRenderer(Context) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Standard View constructor.
SurfaceViewRenderer(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceViewRenderer
Standard View constructor.
surfaceWidth() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
suspendBelowMinBitrate - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
swapBuffers() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
swapBuffers(long) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglBase
switchCamera(String) - Method in class
Switches the current Camera2Capturer.cameraId.
switchCamera(String) - Method in class
Switches the current CameraCapturer.cameraId.
switchCamera(CameraVideoCapturer.CameraSwitchHandler) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
switchCamera(CameraVideoCapturer.CameraSwitchHandler) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer
Switch camera to the next valid camera id.
switchCamera(CameraVideoCapturer.CameraSwitchHandler, String) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.Camera1Capturer
switchCamera(CameraVideoCapturer.CameraSwitchHandler, String) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer
Switch camera to the specified camera id.
switchOff() - Method in class
Request to switch off a RemoteVideoTrack, if it is currently switched on.
switchOn() - Method in class
Request to switch on a RemoteVideoTrack, if it is currently switched off.


TAG - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
TARGET_BITRATE_OVERSHOOT - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
tcpCandidatePolicy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
test(T) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.Predicate
Evaluates this predicate on the given argument.
TextureBufferImpl - Class in tvi.webrtc
Android texture buffer that glues together the necessary information together with a generic release callback.
TextureBufferImpl(int, int, VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.Type, int, Matrix, Handler, YuvConverter, Runnable) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
textureToYuv(VideoFrame.TextureBuffer) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper
Use toI420() instead.
tick() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.FileVideoCapturer
TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
timestamp - Variable in class
Unix timestamp in milliseconds
timestamp - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport
TimestampAligner - Class in tvi.webrtc
The TimestampAligner class helps translating camera timestamps into the same timescale as is used by rtc::TimeNanos().
TimestampAligner() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.TimestampAligner
timestampNs - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters
TLS_CERT_POLICY_INSECURE_NO_CHECK - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy
TLS_CERT_POLICY_SECURE - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy
tlsAlpnProtocols - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
tlsCertPolicy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
tlsEllipticCurves - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
toI420() - Method in class
Converts the buffer to a VideoFrame.I420Buffer.
toI420() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
toI420() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV12Buffer
toI420() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.NV21Buffer
toI420() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl
toI420() - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.Buffer
Returns a memory-backed frame in I420 format.
tones() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DtmfSender
toString() - Method in class
Returns the name of the audio codec.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Returns the name of the video codec.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat.FramerateRange
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidate
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints.KeyValuePair
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaConstraints
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStats
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RTCStatsReport
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport.Value
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
toString() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings
totalRoundTripTime - Variable in class
Sum of all round trip time measurements in seconds since the beginning of the session.
TRACE - Enum constant in enum class
track() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpReceiver
track() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.RtpSender
Track - Interface in
A representation of a media track.
TRACK_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
TRACK_NAME_CHARS_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
TRACK_NAME_INVALID_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
TRACK_NAME_IS_DUPLICATED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
TRACK_NAME_TOO_LONG_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception
TrackPriority - Enum Class in
Defines the three possible track publication priorities for a local TrackPublication.
TrackPublication - Interface in
A published track represents a track that has been shared with a Room.
trackSid - Variable in class
Track server identifier
trackSwitchOffMode(TrackSwitchOffMode) - Method in class
Configure how RemoteVideoTracks are switched off.
TrackSwitchOffMode - Enum Class in
TrackSwitchOffMode represents the possible modes of behavior of the Track switch-off mechanism.
transactionId - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters
translateTimestamp(long) - Method in class tvi.webrtc.TimestampAligner
Translates camera timestamps to the same timescale as is used by rtc::TimeNanos().
transportId - Variable in class
Unique identifier of the underlying candidate pair.
transportId - Variable in class
Unique identifier of the underlying candidate.
TRIAL_ENABLED - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
turnCustomizer - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
TurnCustomizer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper for a C++ TurnCustomizer.
TurnCustomizer(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.TurnCustomizer
turnLoggingId - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
An optional string that if set will be attached to the TURN_ALLOCATE_REQUEST which can be used to correlate client logs with backend logs
turnPortPrunePolicy - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration
tvi.webrtc - package tvi.webrtc - package
TwilioException - Exception in
Twilio Video SDK Exception
TwilioException.Code - Annotation Interface in
type - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation
type - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription
type - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport
typingDetection - Variable in class
typingDetection(boolean) - Method in class
Enables typing detection.


UNDEFINED - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource.AspectRatio
underlyingTypeForVpn - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.NetworkInformation
UNIFIED_PLAN - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SdpSemantics
UNINITIALIZED - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
UNKNOWN - Static variable in exception
unpublishTrack(LocalAudioTrack) - Method in class
Stops the sharing of an audio track to all the participants in a Room.
unpublishTrack(LocalDataTrack) - Method in class
Stops the sharing of a data track to all the participants in a Room.
unpublishTrack(LocalVideoTrack) - Method in class
Stops the sharing of a video track to all the participants in a Room.
unregisterObserver() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel
Unregister the (only) observer.
update(boolean) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.EglThread.RenderUpdate
Called by EglThread when the rendering window is open.
updateCameraParameters(CameraParameterUpdater) - Method in class
Schedules a camera parameter update.
updateCaptureRequest(CaptureRequestUpdater) - Method in class
Schedules a capture request update.
uri - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
url - Variable in class
The URL of the TURN or STUN server.
url - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.IceCandidateErrorEvent
The STUN or TURN URL that identifies the STUN or TURN server for which the failure occurred.
urls - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer
useProgram() - Method in class tvi.webrtc.GlShader
username - Variable in class
username - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceServer


value - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport.Value
value() - Element in annotation interface tvi.webrtc.CalledByNative
value() - Element in annotation interface tvi.webrtc.CalledByNativeUnchecked
Value(String, String) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport.Value
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.FailureType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.FrameType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.MediaSource.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.MediaType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.BundlePolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.CandidateNetworkPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.ContinualGatheringPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceGatheringState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceTransportsType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.KeyType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PortPrunePolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RtcpMuxPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SdpSemantics
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TcpCandidatePolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.ScalingType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.DegradationPreference
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.StatsReport
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.CameraSession.FailureType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.DataChannel.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.FrameType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.MediaSource.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.MediaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.NetworkChangeDetector.ConnectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.BundlePolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.CandidateNetworkPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.ContinualGatheringPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceConnectionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceGatheringState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.IceTransportsType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.KeyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PeerConnectionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.PortPrunePolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.RtcpMuxPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SdpSemantics
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.SignalingState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TcpCandidatePolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.TlsCertPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.ScalingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.RtpParameters.DegradationPreference
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.SessionDescription.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
verify(byte[]) - Method in interface tvi.webrtc.SSLCertificateVerifier
Implementations of verify allow applications to provide custom logic for verifying certificates.
VGA_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class
VGA (640 x 480) resolution in 4:3 aspect ratio
VGA_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class
VGA_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class
Video - Class in
This class allows a user to connect to a Room.
Video() - Constructor for class
VIDEO_FRAME_EMIT_TRIAL - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory
VIDEO_TRACK_KIND - Static variable in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack
VideoBandwidthProfileOptions - Class in
VideoBandwidthProfileOptions enables you to configure how available bandwidth is shared among the RemoteVideoTrack(s) in a Group Room.
VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.Builder - Class in
Builder class for VideoBandwidthProfileOptions.
VideoCapturer - Interface in
Generic video capturing interface that extends VideoCapturer.
VideoCapturer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
VideoCapturerObserver - Interface in
Observe a Video Capturer for change in capture parameters such as change in width, height, and rotation.
VideoCodec - Class in
Abstract base class for video codecs.
VideoCodec(String) - Constructor for class
VideoCodecInfo - Class in tvi.webrtc
Represent a video codec as encoded in SDP.
VideoCodecInfo(int, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
VideoCodecInfo(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoCodecInfo
VideoCodecStatus - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
Status codes reported by video encoding/decoding components.
VideoContentPreferences - Class in
The preferences that are used to specify the render dimensions of a RemoteVideoTrack when using VideoContentPreferencesMode.MANUAL.
VideoContentPreferences(VideoDimensions) - Constructor for class
Constructs an instance of this class.
videoContentPreferencesMode(VideoContentPreferencesMode) - Method in class
Configure how the video content preferences are determined based on the VideoContentPreferencesMode.
VideoContentPreferencesMode - Enum Class in
Configures the mode for specifying content preferences for the RemoteVideoTrack.
VideoDecoder - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for a video decoder that can be used in WebRTC.
VideoDecoder.Callback - Interface in tvi.webrtc
VideoDecoder.DecodeInfo - Class in tvi.webrtc
Additional info for decoding.
VideoDecoder.Settings - Class in tvi.webrtc
Settings passed to the decoder by WebRTC.
VideoDecoderFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Factory for creating VideoDecoders.
VideoDecoderFallback - Class in tvi.webrtc
A combined video decoder that falls back on a secondary decoder if the primary decoder fails.
VideoDecoderFallback(VideoDecoder, VideoDecoder) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoderFallback
VideoDimensions - Class in
VideoDimensions(int, int) - Constructor for class
VideoEncoder - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for a video encoder that can be used with WebRTC.
VideoEncoder.BitrateAllocation - Class in tvi.webrtc
Represents bitrate allocated for an encoder to produce frames.
VideoEncoder.Callback - Interface in tvi.webrtc
VideoEncoder.Capabilities - Class in tvi.webrtc
Capabilities (loss notification, etc.) passed to the encoder by WebRTC.
VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfo - Class in tvi.webrtc
Codec specific information about the encoded frame.
VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfoAV1 - Class in tvi.webrtc
VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfoH264 - Class in tvi.webrtc
VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfoVP8 - Class in tvi.webrtc
VideoEncoder.CodecSpecificInfoVP9 - Class in tvi.webrtc
VideoEncoder.EncodeInfo - Class in tvi.webrtc
Additional info for encoding.
VideoEncoder.EncoderInfo - Class in tvi.webrtc
Metadata about the Encoder.
VideoEncoder.RateControlParameters - Class in tvi.webrtc
Rate control parameters.
VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits - Class in tvi.webrtc
Bitrate limits for resolution.
VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings - Class in tvi.webrtc
Settings for WebRTC quality based scaling.
VideoEncoder.Settings - Class in tvi.webrtc
Settings passed to the encoder by WebRTC.
VideoEncoderFactory - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Factory for creating VideoEncoders.
VideoEncoderFactory.VideoEncoderSelector - Interface in tvi.webrtc
VideoEncoderFallback - Class in tvi.webrtc
A combined video encoder that falls back on a secondary encoder if the primary encoder fails.
VideoEncoderFallback(VideoEncoder, VideoEncoder) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoderFallback
videoEncodingMode(VideoEncodingMode) - Method in class
VideoEncodingMode - Enum Class in
VideoEncodingMode describes how publishers manage video codecs and video encodings.
VideoFileRenderer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Can be used to save the video frames to file.
VideoFileRenderer(String, int, int, EglBase.Context) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoFileRenderer
VideoFormat - Class in
Represents the format of a video frame.
VideoFormat(VideoDimensions, int) - Constructor for class
VideoFrame - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of webrtc::VideoFrame and webrtc::VideoFrameBuffer.
VideoFrame(VideoFrame.Buffer, int, long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrame
Constructs a new VideoFrame backed by the given buffer.
VideoFrame.Buffer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Implements image storage medium.
VideoFrame.I420Buffer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for I420 buffers.
VideoFrame.TextureBuffer - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Interface for buffers that are stored as a single texture, either in OES or RGB format.
VideoFrame.TextureBuffer.Type - Enum Class in tvi.webrtc
VideoFrameDelta - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.FrameType
VideoFrameDrawer - Class in tvi.webrtc
Helper class to draw VideoFrames.
VideoFrameDrawer() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoFrameDrawer
VideoFrameKey - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.EncodedImage.FrameType
VideoLayoutMeasure() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.RendererCommon.VideoLayoutMeasure
VideoProcessor - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Lightweight abstraction for an object that can receive video frames, process them, and pass them on to another object.
VideoProcessor.FrameAdaptationParameters - Class in tvi.webrtc
VideoScaleType - Enum Class in
Specifies what type of video scaling that will be performed by a VideoSink.
VideoSink - Class in
VideoSink implements webrtc.VideoSink interface.
VideoSink - Interface in tvi.webrtc
Java version of rtc::VideoSinkInterface.
VideoSink(VideoCapturerObserver) - Constructor for class
VideoSource - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java wrapper of native AndroidVideoTrackSource.
VideoSource(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource
VideoSource.AspectRatio - Class in tvi.webrtc
Simple aspect ratio clas for use in constraining output format.
VideoTextureView - Class in
VideoTextureView(Context) - Constructor for class
VideoTextureView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class
VideoTrack - Class in
VideoTrack - Class in tvi.webrtc
Java version of VideoTrackInterface.
VideoTrack(long) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.VideoTrack
VideoTrackPublication - Interface in
A published video track represents a video track that has been shared with a Room.
videoTracks - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.MediaStream
videoTracks(List<LocalVideoTrack>) - Method in class
Video tracks that will be published upon connection.
VideoView - Class in
A VideoView renders frames from a VideoTrack.
VideoView(Context) - Constructor for class
VideoView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class
Vp8Codec - Class in
Traditional block-based transform coding format similar to H264.
Vp8Codec() - Constructor for class
Vp8Codec(boolean) - Constructor for class
Vp9Codec - Class in
Traditional block-based transform coding format similar to MPEG's High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC/H.265).
Vp9Codec() - Constructor for class
VPN - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType


WARNING - Enum constant in enum class
WEBRTC - Enum constant in enum class
WebRtcAudioUtils - Class in
Utilities for implementations of AudioDeviceModule, mostly for logging.
WebRtcAudioUtils() - Constructor for class
width - Variable in class
width - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.CameraEnumerationAndroid.CaptureFormat
width - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoDecoder.Settings
width - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoEncoder.Settings
width - Variable in class tvi.webrtc.VideoSource.AspectRatio
WIFI - Enum constant in enum class tvi.webrtc.PeerConnection.AdapterType
wrap(int, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer, int, Runnable) - Static method in class tvi.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer
Wraps existing ByteBuffers into JavaI420Buffer object without copying the contents.
WrappedNativeVideoDecoder - Class in tvi.webrtc
Wraps a native webrtc::VideoDecoder.
WrappedNativeVideoDecoder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoDecoder
WrappedNativeVideoEncoder - Class in tvi.webrtc
Wraps a native webrtc::VideoEncoder.
WrappedNativeVideoEncoder() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.WrappedNativeVideoEncoder
writeable - Variable in class
Has gotten ACK to an ICE request.
WVGA_VIDEO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class
WVGA (800 x 480) resolution
WVGA_VIDEO_HEIGHT - Static variable in class
WVGA_VIDEO_WIDTH - Static variable in class


YuvConverter - Class in tvi.webrtc
Class for converting OES textures to a YUV ByteBuffer.
YuvConverter() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.YuvConverter
This class should be constructed on a thread that has an active EGL context.
YuvConverter(VideoFrameDrawer) - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.YuvConverter
YuvHelper - Class in tvi.webrtc
Wraps libyuv methods to Java.
YuvHelper() - Constructor for class tvi.webrtc.YuvHelper
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y 
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