Package tvi.webrtc

Interface VideoEncoder

All Known Implementing Classes:
LibaomAv1Encoder, LibvpxVp8Encoder, LibvpxVp9Encoder, VideoEncoderFallback, WrappedNativeVideoEncoder

public interface VideoEncoder
Interface for a video encoder that can be used with WebRTC. All calls will be made on the encoding thread. The encoder may be constructed on a different thread and changing thread after calling release is allowed.
  • Method Details

    • createNativeVideoEncoder

      @Deprecated default long createNativeVideoEncoder()
      The encoder implementation backing this interface is either 1) a Java encoder (e.g., an Android platform encoder), or alternatively 2) a native encoder (e.g., a software encoder or a C++ encoder adapter). For case 1), createNative() should return zero. In this case, we expect the native library to call the encoder through JNI using the Java interface declared below. For case 2), createNative() should return a non-zero value. In this case, we expect the native library to treat the returned value as a raw pointer of type webrtc::VideoEncoder* (ownership is transferred to the caller). The native library should then directly call the webrtc::VideoEncoder interface without going through JNI. All calls to the Java interface methods declared below should thus throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
    • createNative

      default long createNative(long webrtcEnvRef)
    • isHardwareEncoder

      default boolean isHardwareEncoder()
      Returns true if the encoder is backed by hardware.
    • initEncode

      VideoCodecStatus initEncode(VideoEncoder.Settings settings, VideoEncoder.Callback encodeCallback)
      Initializes the encoding process. Call before any calls to encode.
    • release

      VideoCodecStatus release()
      Releases the encoder. No more calls to encode will be made after this call.
    • encode

      Requests the encoder to encode a frame.
    • setRateAllocation

      VideoCodecStatus setRateAllocation(VideoEncoder.BitrateAllocation allocation, int framerate)
      Sets the bitrate allocation and the target framerate for the encoder.
    • setRates

      default VideoCodecStatus setRates(VideoEncoder.RateControlParameters rcParameters)
      Sets the bitrate allocation and the target framerate for the encoder.
    • getScalingSettings

      VideoEncoder.ScalingSettings getScalingSettings()
      Any encoder that wants to use WebRTC provided quality scaler must implement this method.
    • getResolutionBitrateLimits

      default VideoEncoder.ResolutionBitrateLimits[] getResolutionBitrateLimits()
      Returns the list of bitrate limits.
    • getImplementationName

      String getImplementationName()
      Should return a descriptive name for the implementation. Gets called once and cached. May be called from arbitrary thread.
    • getEncoderInfo

      default VideoEncoder.EncoderInfo getEncoderInfo()