Class: IncomingTransfer


An IncomingTransfer represents the transfer of work for the Worker via another Worker or queue

Name Type Argument Description
dateCreated Date

The timestamp when this Transfer was created

dateUpdated Date

The timestamp when this Transfer was last updated

mode string

Transfer mode ['WARM', 'COLD']

queueSid string

The Sid of the TaskQueue the Task belongs to

reservationSid string

The Sid of the initiating Reservation.

to string

The sid of the Worker or TaskQueue this Transfer is intended for

transferFailedReason string <optional>

The reason, if applicable, for why a transfer failed

type string

The transfer type ['QUEUE', 'WORKER']

sid string

The sid of this Transfer

status string


workerSid string

The sid of the initiating Worker

workflowSid string

The Sid of the Workflow the Task was created against


  • Transfer