Package tvi.webrtc

Class PeerConnectionFactory


public class PeerConnectionFactory extends Object
Java wrapper for a C++ PeerConnectionFactoryInterface. Main entry point to the PeerConnection API for clients.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static PeerConnectionFactory.Builder builder()
    • initialize

      public static void initialize(PeerConnectionFactory.InitializationOptions options)
      Loads and initializes WebRTC. This must be called at least once before creating a PeerConnectionFactory. Replaces all the old initialization methods. Must not be called while a PeerConnectionFactory is alive.
    • shutdownInternalTracer

      public static void shutdownInternalTracer()
    • initializeFieldTrials

      @Deprecated public static void initializeFieldTrials(String fieldTrialsInitString)
    • fieldTrialsFindFullName

      public static String fieldTrialsFindFullName(String name)
    • startInternalTracingCapture

      public static boolean startInternalTracingCapture(String tracingFilename)
    • stopInternalTracingCapture

      public static void stopInternalTracingCapture()
    • createPeerConnection

      @Nullable @Deprecated public PeerConnection createPeerConnection(PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration rtcConfig, MediaConstraints constraints, PeerConnection.Observer observer)
      Deprecated. PeerConnection constraints are deprecated. Supply values in rtcConfig struct instead and use the method without constraints in the signature.
    • createPeerConnection

      @Nullable @Deprecated public PeerConnection createPeerConnection(List<PeerConnection.IceServer> iceServers, MediaConstraints constraints, PeerConnection.Observer observer)
      Deprecated. PeerConnection constraints are deprecated. Supply values in rtcConfig struct instead and use the method without constraints in the signature.
    • createPeerConnection

      @Nullable public PeerConnection createPeerConnection(List<PeerConnection.IceServer> iceServers, PeerConnection.Observer observer)
    • createPeerConnection

      @Nullable public PeerConnection createPeerConnection(PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration rtcConfig, PeerConnection.Observer observer)
    • createPeerConnection

      @Nullable public PeerConnection createPeerConnection(PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration rtcConfig, PeerConnectionDependencies dependencies)
    • createLocalMediaStream

      public MediaStream createLocalMediaStream(String label)
    • createVideoSource

      public VideoSource createVideoSource(boolean isScreencast, boolean alignTimestamps)
      Create video source with given parameters. If alignTimestamps is false, the caller is responsible for aligning the frame timestamps to rtc::TimeNanos(). This can be used to achieve higher accuracy if there is a big delay between frame creation and frames being delivered to the returned video source. If alignTimestamps is true, timestamps will be aligned to rtc::TimeNanos() when they arrive to the returned video source.
    • createVideoSource

      public VideoSource createVideoSource(boolean isScreencast)
      Same as above with alignTimestamps set to true.
      See Also:
    • createVideoTrack

      public VideoTrack createVideoTrack(String id, VideoSource source)
    • createAudioSource

      public AudioSource createAudioSource(MediaConstraints constraints)
    • createAudioTrack

      public AudioTrack createAudioTrack(String id, AudioSource source)
    • getRtpReceiverCapabilities

      public RtpCapabilities getRtpReceiverCapabilities(MediaStreamTrack.MediaType mediaType)
    • getRtpSenderCapabilities

      public RtpCapabilities getRtpSenderCapabilities(MediaStreamTrack.MediaType mediaType)
    • startAecDump

      public boolean startAecDump(int file_descriptor, int filesize_limit_bytes)
    • stopAecDump

      public void stopAecDump()
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
    • getNativePeerConnectionFactory

      public long getNativePeerConnectionFactory()
      Returns a pointer to the native webrtc::PeerConnectionFactoryInterface.
    • getNativeOwnedFactoryAndThreads

      public long getNativeOwnedFactoryAndThreads()
      Returns a pointer to the native OwnedFactoryAndThreads object
    • printStackTraces

      @Deprecated public static void printStackTraces()
      Deprecated, use non-static version instead.
    • printInternalStackTraces

      public void printInternalStackTraces(boolean printNativeStackTraces)
      Print the Java stack traces for the critical threads used by PeerConnectionFactory, namely; signaling thread, worker thread, and network thread. If printNativeStackTraces is true, also attempt to print the C++ stack traces for these threads.