Package tvi.webrtc

Interface EglBase

All Known Subinterfaces:
EglBase10, EglBase14

public interface EglBase
Holds EGL state and utility methods for handling an egl 1.0 EGLContext, an EGLDisplay, and an EGLSurface.
  • Field Details

    • lock

      static final Object lock

      static final int EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT
      See Also:

      static final int EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT
      See Also:

      static final int EGL_RECORDABLE_ANDROID
      See Also:

      static final int[] CONFIG_PLAIN

      static final int[] CONFIG_RGBA

      static final int[] CONFIG_PIXEL_BUFFER

      static final int[] CONFIG_PIXEL_RGBA_BUFFER

      static final int[] CONFIG_RECORDABLE
  • Method Details

    • configBuilder

      static EglBase.ConfigBuilder configBuilder()
    • getOpenGlesVersionFromConfig

      static int getOpenGlesVersionFromConfig(int[] configAttributes)
    • create

      static EglBase create(EglBase.EglConnection eglConnection)
      Creates a new EglBase with a shared EglConnection. EglBase instances sharing the same EglConnection should be used on the same thread to avoid the underlying EGLContext being made current on multiple threads. It is up to the client of EglBase to ensure that instances with a shared EglConnection are current on that thread before each use since other EglBase instances may have used the same EGLContext since the last interaction.
    • create

      static EglBase create(@Nullable EglBase.Context sharedContext, int[] configAttributes)
      Create a new context with the specified config attributes, sharing data with `sharedContext`. If `sharedContext` is null, a root EGL 1.4 context is created.
    • create

      static EglBase create()
      Helper function for creating a plain root context. This function will try to create an EGL 1.4 context if possible, and an EGL 1.0 context otherwise.
    • create

      static EglBase create(EglBase.Context sharedContext)
      Helper function for creating a plain context, sharing data with `sharedContext`. This function will try to create an EGL 1.4 context if possible, and an EGL 1.0 context otherwise.
    • createEgl10

      static EglBase10 createEgl10(int[] configAttributes)
      Explicitly create a root EGl 1.0 context with the specified config attributes.
    • createEgl10

      static EglBase10 createEgl10(EglBase10.Context sharedContext, int[] configAttributes)
      Explicitly create a root EGl 1.0 context with the specified config attributes and shared context.
    • createEgl10

      static EglBase10 createEgl10(javax.microedition.khronos.egl.EGLContext sharedContext, int[] configAttributes)
      Explicitly create a root EGl 1.0 context with the specified config attributes and shared context.
    • createEgl14

      static EglBase14 createEgl14(int[] configAttributes)
      Explicitly create a root EGl 1.4 context with the specified config attributes.
    • createEgl14

      static EglBase14 createEgl14(EglBase14.Context sharedContext, int[] configAttributes)
      Explicitly create a root EGl 1.4 context with the specified config attributes and shared context.
    • createEgl14

      static EglBase14 createEgl14(android.opengl.EGLContext sharedContext, int[] configAttributes)
      Explicitly create a root EGl 1.4 context with the specified config attributes and shared context.
    • createSurface

      void createSurface(android.view.Surface surface)
    • createSurface

      void createSurface( surfaceTexture)
    • createDummyPbufferSurface

      void createDummyPbufferSurface()
    • createPbufferSurface

      void createPbufferSurface(int width, int height)
    • getEglBaseContext

      EglBase.Context getEglBaseContext()
    • hasSurface

      boolean hasSurface()
    • surfaceWidth

      int surfaceWidth()
    • surfaceHeight

      int surfaceHeight()
    • releaseSurface

      void releaseSurface()
    • release

      void release()
    • makeCurrent

      void makeCurrent()
    • detachCurrent

      void detachCurrent()
    • swapBuffers

      void swapBuffers()
    • swapBuffers

      void swapBuffers(long presentationTimeStampNs)