Package tvi.webrtc

Interface EglBase.EglConnection

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
EglBase10.EglConnection, EglBase14.EglConnection
Enclosing interface:

public static interface EglBase.EglConnection extends RefCounted
Wraps the objects needed to interact with EGL that are independent of a particular EGLSurface. In practice this means EGLContext, EGLDisplay and EGLConfig objects. Separating them out in a standalone object allows for multiple EglBase instances to use the same underlying EGLContext, while still operating on their own EGLSurface.
  • Method Details

    • create

      static EglBase.EglConnection create(@Nullable EglBase.Context sharedContext, int[] configAttributes)
      Analogous to corresponding EglBase#create below.
    • createEgl10

      static EglBase.EglConnection createEgl10(int[] configAttributes)
      Analogous to corresponding EglBase#createEgl10 below.
    • createEgl14

      static EglBase.EglConnection createEgl14(int[] configAttributes)
      Analogous to corresponding EglBase#createEgl14 below.